3 research outputs found

    Work-Efficient Parallel and Incremental Graph Connectivity

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    On an evolving graph that is continuously updated by a high-velocity stream of edges, how can one efficiently maintain if two vertices are connected? This is the connectivity problem, a fundamental and widely studied problem on graphs. We present the first shared-memory parallel algorithm for incremental graph connectivity that is both provably work-efficient and has polylogarithmic parallel depth. We also present a simpler algorithm with slightly worse theoretical properties, but which is easier to implement and has good practical performance. Our experiments show a throughput of hundreds of millions of edges per second on a 20-core machine.This is a manuscript of the article Simsiri, Natcha, Kanat Tangwongsan, Srikanta Tirthapura, and Kun-Lung Wu. "Work-efficient parallel and incremental graph connectivity." arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.05232 (2016). Posted with permission.</p