21 research outputs found

    Learning cross-lingual phonological and orthagraphic adaptations: a case study in improving neural machine translation between low-resource languages

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    Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words can pose serious challenges for machine translation (MT) tasks, and in particular, for low-resource language (LRL) pairs, i.e., language pairs for which few or no parallel corpora exist. Our work adapts variants of seq2seq models to perform transduction of such words from Hindi to Bhojpuri (an LRL instance), learning from a set of cognate pairs built from a bilingual dictionary of Hindi--Bhojpuri words. We demonstrate that our models can be effectively used for language pairs that have limited parallel corpora; our models work at the character level to grasp phonetic and orthographic similarities across multiple types of word adaptations, whether synchronic or diachronic, loan words or cognates. We describe the training aspects of several character level NMT systems that we adapted to this task and characterize their typical errors. Our method improves BLEU score by 6.3 on the Hindi-to-Bhojpuri translation task. Further, we show that such transductions can generalize well to other languages by applying it successfully to Hindi -- Bangla cognate pairs. Our work can be seen as an important step in the process of: (i) resolving the OOV words problem arising in MT tasks, (ii) creating effective parallel corpora for resource-constrained languages, and (iii) leveraging the enhanced semantic knowledge captured by word-level embeddings to perform character-level tasks.Comment: 47 pages, 4 figures, 21 tables (including Appendices

    Character-level and syntax-level models for low-resource and multilingual natural language processing

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    There are more than 7000 languages in the world, but only a small portion of them benefit from Natural Language Processing resources and models. Although languages generally present different characteristics, “cross-lingual bridges” can be exploited, such as transliteration signals and word alignment links. Such information, together with the availability of multiparallel corpora and the urge to overcome language barriers, motivates us to build models that represent more of the world’s languages. This thesis investigates cross-lingual links for improving the processing of low-resource languages with language-agnostic models at the character and syntax level. Specifically, we propose to (i) use orthographic similarities and transliteration between Named Entities and rare words in different languages to improve the construction of Bilingual Word Embeddings (BWEs) and named entity resources, and (ii) exploit multiparallel corpora for projecting labels from high- to low-resource languages, thereby gaining access to weakly supervised processing methods for the latter. In the first publication, we describe our approach for improving the translation of rare words and named entities for the Bilingual Dictionary Induction (BDI) task, using orthography and transliteration information. In our second work, we tackle BDI by enriching BWEs with orthography embeddings and a number of other features, using our classification-based system to overcome script differences among languages. The third publication describes cheap cross-lingual signals that should be considered when building mapping approaches for BWEs since they are simple to extract, effective for bootstrapping the mapping of BWEs, and overcome the failure of unsupervised methods. The fourth paper shows our approach for extracting a named entity resource for 1340 languages, including very low-resource languages from all major areas of linguistic diversity. We exploit parallel corpus statistics and transliteration models and obtain improved performance over prior work. Lastly, the fifth work models annotation projection as a graph-based label propagation problem for the part of speech tagging task. Part of speech models trained on our labeled sets outperform prior work for low-resource languages like Bambara (an African language spoken in Mali), Erzya (a Uralic language spoken in Russia’s Republic of Mordovia), Manx (the Celtic language of the Isle of Man), and Yoruba (a Niger-Congo language spoken in Nigeria and surrounding countries)

    Extreme multi-label deep neural classification of Spanish health records according to the International Classification of Diseases

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    111 p.Este trabajo trata sobre la minería de textos clínicos, un campo del Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural aplicado al dominio biomédico. El objetivo es automatizar la tarea de codificación médica. Los registros electrónicos de salud (EHR) son documentos que contienen información clínica sobre la salud de unpaciente. Los diagnósticos y procedimientos médicos plasmados en la Historia Clínica Electrónica están codificados con respecto a la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE). De hecho, la CIE es la base para identificar estadísticas de salud internacionales y el estándar para informar enfermedades y condiciones de salud. Desde la perspectiva del aprendizaje automático, el objetivo es resolver un problema extremo de clasificación de texto de múltiples etiquetas, ya que a cada registro de salud se le asignan múltiples códigos ICD de un conjunto de más de 70 000 términos de diagnóstico. Una cantidad importante de recursos se dedican a la codificación médica, una laboriosa tarea que actualmente se realiza de forma manual. Los EHR son narraciones extensas, y los codificadores médicos revisan los registros escritos por los médicos y asignan los códigos ICD correspondientes. Los textos son técnicos ya que los médicos emplean una jerga médica especializada, aunque rica en abreviaturas, acrónimos y errores ortográficos, ya que los médicos documentan los registros mientras realizan la práctica clínica real. Paraabordar la clasificación automática de registros de salud, investigamos y desarrollamos un conjunto de técnicas de clasificación de texto de aprendizaje profundo

    Getting Past the Language Gap: Innovations in Machine Translation

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    In this chapter, we will be reviewing state of the art machine translation systems, and will discuss innovative methods for machine translation, highlighting the most promising techniques and applications. Machine translation (MT) has benefited from a revitalization in the last 10 years or so, after a period of relatively slow activity. In 2005 the field received a jumpstart when a powerful complete experimental package for building MT systems from scratch became freely available as a result of the unified efforts of the MOSES international consortium. Around the same time, hierarchical methods had been introduced by Chinese researchers, which allowed the introduction and use of syntactic information in translation modeling. Furthermore, the advances in the related field of computational linguistics, making off-the-shelf taggers and parsers readily available, helped give MT an additional boost. Yet there is still more progress to be made. For example, MT will be enhanced greatly when both syntax and semantics are on board: this still presents a major challenge though many advanced research groups are currently pursuing ways to meet this challenge head-on. The next generation of MT will consist of a collection of hybrid systems. It also augurs well for the mobile environment, as we look forward to more advanced and improved technologies that enable the working of Speech-To-Speech machine translation on hand-held devices, i.e. speech recognition and speech synthesis. We review all of these developments and point out in the final section some of the most promising research avenues for the future of MT

    Spoken command recognition for robotics

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    In this thesis, I investigate spoken command recognition technology for robotics. While high robustness is expected, the distant and noisy conditions in which the system has to operate make the task very challenging. Unlike commercial systems which all rely on a "wake-up" word to initiate the interaction, the pipeline proposed here directly detect and recognizes commands from the continuous audio stream. In order to keep the task manageable despite low-resource conditions, I propose to focus on a limited set of commands, thus trading off flexibility of the system against robustness. Domain and speaker adaptation strategies based on a multi-task regularization paradigm are first explored. More precisely, two different methods are proposed which rely on a tied loss function which penalizes the distance between the output of several networks. The first method considers each speaker or domain as a task. A canonical task-independent network is jointly trained with task-dependent models, allowing both types of networks to improve by learning from one another. While an improvement of 3.2% on the frame error rate (FER) of the task-independent network is obtained, this only partially carried over to the phone error rate (PER), with 1.5% of improvement. Similarly, a second method explored the parallel training of the canonical network with a privileged model having access to i-vectors. This method proved less effective with only 1.2% of improvement on the FER. In order to make the developed technology more accessible, I also investigated the use of a sequence-to-sequence (S2S) architecture for command classification. The use of an attention-based encoder-decoder model reduced the classification error by 40% relative to a strong convolutional neural network (CNN)-hidden Markov model (HMM) baseline, showing the relevance of S2S architectures in such context. In order to improve the flexibility of the trained system, I also explored strategies for few-shot learning, which allow to extend the set of commands with minimum requirements in terms of data. Retraining a model on the combination of original and new commands, I managed to achieve 40.5% of accuracy on the new commands with only 10 examples for each of them. This scores goes up to 81.5% of accuracy with a larger set of 100 examples per new command. An alternative strategy, based on model adaptation achieved even better scores, with 68.8% and 88.4% of accuracy with 10 and 100 examples respectively, while being faster to train. This high performance is obtained at the expense of the original categories though, on which the accuracy deteriorated. Those results are very promising as the methods allow to easily extend an existing S2S model with minimal resources. Finally, a full spoken command recognition system (named iCubrec) has been developed for the iCub platform. The pipeline relies on a voice activity detection (VAD) system to propose a fully hand-free experience. By segmenting only regions that are likely to contain commands, the VAD module also allows to reduce greatly the computational cost of the pipeline. Command candidates are then passed to the deep neural network (DNN)-HMM command recognition system for transcription. The VoCub dataset has been specifically gathered to train a DNN-based acoustic model for our task. Through multi-condition training with the CHiME4 dataset, an accuracy of 94.5% is reached on VoCub test set. A filler model, complemented by a rejection mechanism based on a confidence score, is finally added to the system to reject non-command speech in a live demonstration of the system

    Language Models for Text Understanding and Generation

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    Using linguistic knowledge in SMT

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    Thesis (Ph. D. in Information Technology)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-162).In this thesis, we present methods for using linguistically motivated information to enhance the performance of statistical machine translation (SMT). One of the advantages of the statistical approach to machine translation is that it is largely language-agnostic. Machine learning models are used to automatically learn translation patterns from data. SMT can, however, be improved by using linguistic knowledge to address specific areas of the translation process, where translations would be hard to learn fully automatically. We present methods that use linguistic knowledge at various levels to improve statistical machine translation, focusing on Arabic-English translation as a case study. In the first part, morphological information is used to preprocess the Arabic text for Arabic-to-English and English-to-Arabic translation, which reduces the gap in the complexity of the morphology between Arabic and English. The second method addresses the issue of long-distance reordering in translation to account for the difference in the syntax of the two languages. In the third part, we show how additional local context information on the source side is incorporated, which helps reduce lexical ambiguity. Two methods are proposed for using binary decision trees to control the amount of context information introduced. These methods are successfully applied to the use of diacritized Arabic source in Arabic-to-English translation. The final method combines the outputs of an SMT system and a Rule-based MT (RBMT) system, taking advantage of the flexibility of the statistical approach and the rich linguistic knowledge embedded in the rule-based MT system.by Rabih M. Zbib.Ph.D.in Information Technolog

    Applying dynamic Bayesian networks in transliteration detection and generation

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    Peter Nabende promoveert op methoden die programma’s voor automatisch vertalen kunnen verbeteren. Hij onderzocht twee systemen voor het genereren en vergelijken van transcripties: een DBN-model (Dynamische Bayesiaanse Netwerken) waarin Pair Hidden Markovmodellen zijn geïmplementeerd en een DBN-model dat op transductie is gebaseerd. Nabende onderzocht het effect van verschillende DBN-parameters op de kwaliteit van de geproduceerde transcripties. Voor de evaluatie van de DBN-modellen gebruikte hij standaard dataverzamelingen van elf taalparen: Engels-Arabisch, Engels-Bengaals, Engels-Chinees, Engels-Duits, Engels-Frans, Engels-Hindi, Engels-Kannada, Engels-Nederlands, Engels-Russisch, Engels-Tamil en Engels-Thai. Tijdens het onderzoek probeerde hij om verschillende modellen te combineren. Dat bleek een goed resultaat op te leveren