7 research outputs found

    A simulated investigation of ductile response of GaAs in single point diamond turning and experimental validation

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    In this paper, molecular dynamic (MD) simulation was adopted to study the ductile response of single-crystal GaAs during single-point diamond turning (SPDT). The variations of cutting temperature, coordination number, and cutting forces were revealed through MD simulations. SPDT experiment was also carried out to qualitatively validate MD simulation model from the aspects of normal cutting force. The simulation results show that the fundamental reason for ductile response of GaAs during SPDT is phase transition from a perfect zinc blende structure (GaAs-I) to a rock-salt structure (GaAs-II) under high pressure. Finally, a strong anisotropic machinability of GaAs was also found through MD simulations

    Live streaming of uncompressed HD and 4K videos using terahertz wireless links

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    RÉSUMÉ: Taming the Terahertz waves (100 GHz-10 THz) is considered the next frontier in wireless communications. While components for the ultra-high bandwidth Terahertz wireless communications were in rapid development over the past several years, however, their commercial availability is still lacking. Nevertheless, as we demonstrate in this paper, due to recent advances in the microwave and infrared photonics hardware, it is now possible to assemble a high-performance hybrid THz communication system for real-life applications. As an example, in this paper, we present the design and performance evaluation of the photonics-based Terahertz wireless communication system for the transmission of uncompressed 4K video feed that is built using all commercially available system components. In particular, two independent tunable lasers operating in the infrared C-band are used as a source for generating the Terahertz carrier wave using frequency difference generation in a photomixer. One of the IR laser beams carries the data which is intensity modulated using the LiNbO 3 electro-optic modulator. A zero bias Schottky diode is used as the detector and demodulator of the data stream followed by the high-gain and low-noise pre-amplifier. The Terahertz carrier frequency is fixed at 138 GHz and the system is characterized by measuring the bit error rate for the pseudo random bit sequences at 5.5 Gbps. By optimizing the link geometry and decision parameters, an error-free (BER <; 10 -10 ) transmission at a link distance of 1 m is achieved. Finally, we detail the integration of a professional 4K camera into the THz communication link and demonstrate live streaming of the uncompressed HD and 4K video followed by the analysis of link quality

    Wireless Communication at 310 GHz using GaAs High-Electron-Mobility Transistors for Detection

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    We report on the first error-free terahertz (THz) wireless communication at 0.310 THz for data rates up to 8.2 Gbps using a 18-GHz-bandwidth GaAs/AlGaAs field-effect transistor as a detector. This result demonstrates that low-cost commercially-available plasma-wave transistors whose cut-off frequency is far below THz frequencies can be employed in THz communication. Wireless communication over 50 cm is presented at 1.4 Gbps using a uni-travelling-carrier photodiode as a source. Transistor integration is detailed, as it is essential to avoid any deleterious signals that would prevent successful communication. We observed an improvement of the bit error rate with increasing input THz power, followed by a degradation at high input power. Such a degradation appears at lower powers if the photodiode bias is smaller. Higher-datarate communication is demonstrated using a frequency-multiplied source thanks to higher output power. Bit-error-rate-measurements at data rates up to 10 Gbps are performed for different input THz powers. As expected, bit error rates degrade as data rate increases. However, degraded communication is observed at some specific data rates. This effect is probably due to deleterious cavity effects and/or impedance mismatches. Using such a system, real-time uncompressed high-definition video signal is successfully and robustly transmitted

    Wireless communication at 310 GHz using GaAs high-electron-mobility transistors for detection

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    An investigation of mechanics in nanomachining of Gallium Arsenide

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    The first two decades of the 21st Century have seen a wide exploitation of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) in photoemitter device, microwave devices, hall element, solar cell, wireless communication as well as quantum computation device due to its superior material properties, such as higher temperature resistance, higher electronic mobility and energy gap that outperforms silicon. Ultra-precision multiplex two dimensional (2D) or three dimensional (3D) free-form nanostructures are often required on GaAs-based devices, such as radio frequency power amplifiers and switches used in the 5G smart mobile wireless communication. However, GaAs is extremely difficult to machine as its elastic modulus, Knoop hardness and fracture toughness are lower than other semiconductor materials such as silicon and germanium. This PhD thesis investigated the mechanics of nanomachining of GaAs through molecular dynamics (MD) simulation combined with single point diamond turning (SPDT) and atomic force microscope (AFM) based experimental characterization in order to realise ductile-regime nanomachining of GaAs, which is the most important motivation behind this thesis. The investigation of mechanics of nanomachining of GaAs included studies on cutting temperature, cutting forces, origin ductile plasticity, atomic scale friction, formation mechanism of sub-surface damage, wear mechanism of diamond cutting tool. Machinability of GaAs at elevated temperature was also studied in order to develop thermally-assisted nanomachining process in the future to facilitate plastic material deformation and removal. This thesis contributed to address the knowledge gaps such as what is the incipient plasticity, how does the sub-surface damage form and how does the diamond cutting tool wear during nanomachining of GaAs. Firstly, this thesis investigated the cutting zone temperature, cutting forces and origin of plasticity of GaAs material, including single crystal GaAs and polycrystalline GaAs during SPDT process. The experimental and MD simulation study showed GaAs has a strong anisotropic machinability. The simulation results indicated that the deformation of polycrystalline GaAs is accompanied by dislocation nucleation in the grain boundaries (GBs) leading to the initiation of plastic deformation. Furthermore, the 1/2 is the main type of dislocation responsible for ductile plasticity in polycrystalline GaAs. A phenomenon of fluctuation from wave crests to wave troughs in the cutting forces was only observed during cutting of polycrystalline GaAs, not for single-crystal GaAs. Secondly, this thesis studied the atomic scale friction during AFM-based nanomachining process. a strong size effect was observed when the scratch depths are below 2 nm in MD simulations and 15 nm from the AFM experiments respectively. A strong quantitative corroboration was obtained between the MD simulations and the AFM experiments in the specific scratch energy and more qualitative corroboration with the pile up and the kinetic coefficient of friction. This conclusion suggested that the specific scratch energy is insensitive to the tool geometry and the speed of scratch used in this investigation but the pile up and kinetic coefficient of friction are dependent on the geometry of the tool tip. Thirdly, this thesis investigated formation mechanism of sub-surface damage and wear mechanism of diamond cutting tool during nanomachining of GaAs. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) measurement of sub-surface of machined nanogrooves on GaAs and MD simulation of dislocation movement indicated the dual slip mechanisms i.e. shuffle-set slip mechanism and glide-set slip mechanism, and the creation of dislocation loops, multi dislocation nodes, and dislocation junctions governed the formation mechanism of sub-surface damage of GaAs during nanomachining process. Elastic-plastic deformation at the apex of the diamond tip was observed in MD simulations. Meanwhile, a transition of the diamond tip from its initial cubic diamond lattice structure sp3 hybridization to graphite lattice structure sp2 hybridization was revealed. Graphitization was, therefore, found to be the dominant wear mechanism of the diamond tip during nanometric cutting of single crystal GaAs. Finally, in MD simulations study of cutting performance at elevated temperature, hotter conditions resulted in the reduction of cutting forces by 25% however, the kinetic coefficient of friction went up by about 8%. While material removal rate was found to increase with the increase of the substrate temperature, it was accompanied by an increase of the sub-surface damage in the substrate. Moreover, a phenomenon of chip densification was found to occur during hot cutting which referred to the fact that the amorphous cutting chips obtained from cutting at low temperature will have lower density than the chips obtained from cutting at higher temperatures.The first two decades of the 21st Century have seen a wide exploitation of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) in photoemitter device, microwave devices, hall element, solar cell, wireless communication as well as quantum computation device due to its superior material properties, such as higher temperature resistance, higher electronic mobility and energy gap that outperforms silicon. Ultra-precision multiplex two dimensional (2D) or three dimensional (3D) free-form nanostructures are often required on GaAs-based devices, such as radio frequency power amplifiers and switches used in the 5G smart mobile wireless communication. However, GaAs is extremely difficult to machine as its elastic modulus, Knoop hardness and fracture toughness are lower than other semiconductor materials such as silicon and germanium. This PhD thesis investigated the mechanics of nanomachining of GaAs through molecular dynamics (MD) simulation combined with single point diamond turning (SPDT) and atomic force microscope (AFM) based experimental characterization in order to realise ductile-regime nanomachining of GaAs, which is the most important motivation behind this thesis. The investigation of mechanics of nanomachining of GaAs included studies on cutting temperature, cutting forces, origin ductile plasticity, atomic scale friction, formation mechanism of sub-surface damage, wear mechanism of diamond cutting tool. Machinability of GaAs at elevated temperature was also studied in order to develop thermally-assisted nanomachining process in the future to facilitate plastic material deformation and removal. This thesis contributed to address the knowledge gaps such as what is the incipient plasticity, how does the sub-surface damage form and how does the diamond cutting tool wear during nanomachining of GaAs. Firstly, this thesis investigated the cutting zone temperature, cutting forces and origin of plasticity of GaAs material, including single crystal GaAs and polycrystalline GaAs during SPDT process. The experimental and MD simulation study showed GaAs has a strong anisotropic machinability. The simulation results indicated that the deformation of polycrystalline GaAs is accompanied by dislocation nucleation in the grain boundaries (GBs) leading to the initiation of plastic deformation. Furthermore, the 1/2 is the main type of dislocation responsible for ductile plasticity in polycrystalline GaAs. A phenomenon of fluctuation from wave crests to wave troughs in the cutting forces was only observed during cutting of polycrystalline GaAs, not for single-crystal GaAs. Secondly, this thesis studied the atomic scale friction during AFM-based nanomachining process. a strong size effect was observed when the scratch depths are below 2 nm in MD simulations and 15 nm from the AFM experiments respectively. A strong quantitative corroboration was obtained between the MD simulations and the AFM experiments in the specific scratch energy and more qualitative corroboration with the pile up and the kinetic coefficient of friction. This conclusion suggested that the specific scratch energy is insensitive to the tool geometry and the speed of scratch used in this investigation but the pile up and kinetic coefficient of friction are dependent on the geometry of the tool tip. Thirdly, this thesis investigated formation mechanism of sub-surface damage and wear mechanism of diamond cutting tool during nanomachining of GaAs. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) measurement of sub-surface of machined nanogrooves on GaAs and MD simulation of dislocation movement indicated the dual slip mechanisms i.e. shuffle-set slip mechanism and glide-set slip mechanism, and the creation of dislocation loops, multi dislocation nodes, and dislocation junctions governed the formation mechanism of sub-surface damage of GaAs during nanomachining process. Elastic-plastic deformation at the apex of the diamond tip was observed in MD simulations. Meanwhile, a transition of the diamond tip from its initial cubic diamond lattice structure sp3 hybridization to graphite lattice structure sp2 hybridization was revealed. Graphitization was, therefore, found to be the dominant wear mechanism of the diamond tip during nanometric cutting of single crystal GaAs. Finally, in MD simulations study of cutting performance at elevated temperature, hotter conditions resulted in the reduction of cutting forces by 25% however, the kinetic coefficient of friction went up by about 8%. While material removal rate was found to increase with the increase of the substrate temperature, it was accompanied by an increase of the sub-surface damage in the substrate. Moreover, a phenomenon of chip densification was found to occur during hot cutting which referred to the fact that the amorphous cutting chips obtained from cutting at low temperature will have lower density than the chips obtained from cutting at higher temperatures

    High Bit Rate Wireless and Fiber-Based Terahertz Communication

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    RÉSUMÉ Dans le spectre électromagnétique, la bande des térahertz s’étend de 100 GHz à 10 THz (longueurs d’onde de 3 mm à 30 μm). Des décennies auparavant, le spectre des THz était connu sous le nom de « gap térahertz » en raison de l’indisponibilité de sources et détecteurs efficaces à ces fréquences. Depuis quelques années, la science a évolué pour faire migrer la technologie THz des laboratoires aux produits commerciaux. Il existe plusieurs applications des ondes THz en imagerie, spectroscopie et communications. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons aux communications THz à travers deux objectifs. Le premier objectif est de développer une source THz de haute performance dédiée aux communications et basée sur les technologies optiques avec des produits commerciaux uniquement. Le second objectif est de démontrer l’utilisation de fibres optiques afin de renforcer la robustesse des communications THz sans fil. Nous débutons cette thèse avec une revue de la littérature scientifique sur le sujet de la communications THz sans fil et filaire. D’abord, nous discutons des deux méthodes communément utilisées (électronique et optique) pour démontrer des liens de communications THz avec leurs avantages et inconvénients. Nous présentons par la suite la possibilité d’utiliser un système de spectroscopie THz pour des applications en communications avec des modifications mineures au montage. Nous présentons ensuite plusieurs applications gourmandes en bande passante qui pourraient bénéficier du spectre THz, incluant la diffusion en continu (streaming) de flux vidéo aux résolutions HD et 4K non compressés. Ensuite, nous discutons de la motivation d’utiliser de longues fibres THz et notamment du fait qu’elles ne sont pas destinées à remplacer les fibres optiques conventionnelles de l’infrarouge, mais plutôt à augmenter la robustesse des liens THz sans fil. En particulier, les fibres THz peuvent être utilisées pour garantir le lien de communication dans des environnements géométriques complexes ou difficile à atteindre, ainsi que pour immuniser le lien THz aux attaques de sécurité. Plusieurs designs de fibres et guides d’onde précédemment démontrées dans la littérature sont discutés avec, entre autres, leurs méthodes de fabrication respectives. Nous discutons ensuite de la possibilité d’utiliser un simple guide d’onde diélectrique et sous-longueur d’onde pour transmettre l’information à un débit de l’ordre de plusieurs Gbps sur une distance de quelques mètres.----------ABSTRACT The Terahertz (THz) spectral range spans from 100 GHz to 10 THz (wavelength: 3 mm to 30 μm) in the electromagnetic spectrum. Decades ago, the THz spectral range is often named as ‘THz gap’ due to the non-availability of efficient THz sources and detectors. In the recent years, the science has evolved in bringing the THz technology from lab scale to commercial products. There are several potential applications of THz frequency band such as imaging, spectroscopy and communication. In this thesis, we focus on THz communications by addressing two objectives. The first objective is to develop a high-performance photonics-based THz communication system using all commercially available components. The second objective is to demonstrate the THz-fiber based communications, which can be used to increase the reliability of THz wireless links. We begin this thesis with a scientific literature review on the subject of THz wireless and fiber-based communications. First, the two different methodologies (all electronics based and photonics-based THz system) that is commonly used in the demonstration of THz communications is discussed along with their advantages and challenges. We then present the flexibility of photonics-based THz system where it is possible to switch it with minor modifications for THz spectroscopic studies and THz communication applications. Several bandwidth hungry applications that demands the use of THz spectrum for next generation communications is detailed. This includes the streaming of uncompressed HD/4K and beyond high-resolution videos, where the THz spectrum can be beneficial. Next, the motivation of using long THz fibers is discussed and we convince the readers that the THz fibers are not meant to replace the fibers in the optical-infrared region but to increase the reliability of THz wireless links. Particularly, the THz fibers can be used to provide connectivity in complex geometrical environments, secure communications and signal delivery to hard-to-reach areas. Several novel fiber/waveguide designs along with their fabrication technologies from the literature are presented. We then show that a simple solid core dielectric subwavelength fiber can be used to transmit the information in the order of several Gbps to a distance of a few meters