8 research outputs found

    A Techniques for Scalable and Effective Routability Evaluation

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    Routing congestion has become a critical layout challenge in nanoscale circuits since it is a critical factor in determining the routability of a design. An unroutable design is not useful even though it closes on all other design metrics. Fast design closure can only be achieved by accurately evaluating whether a design is routable or not early in the design cycle. Lately, it has become common to use a “light mode ” version of a global router to quickly evaluate the routability of a given placement. This approach suffers from three weaknesses: (i) it does not adequately model local routing resources, which can cause incorrect routability predictions that are only detected late, during detailed routing, (ii) the congestion maps obtained by it tend to have isolated hot spots surrounded by noncongested spots, called “noisy hot spots”, which further affects the accuracy in routability evaluation, (iii) the metrics used to represent congestion may yield numbers that do not provide sufficient intuition to the designer; moreover, they may often fail to predict the routability accurately. This paper presents solutions to these issues. First, we propose three approaches to model local routing resources. Second, we propose a smoothing technique to reduce the number of noisy hot spots and obtain a more accurate routability evaluation result. Finally, we develop a new metric which represents congestion maps with higher fidelity. We apply the proposed techniques to several industrial circuits and demonstrate that one can better predict and evaluate design routability, and congestion mitigation tools can perform muc

    Modeling and Analysis of Noise and Interconnects for On-Chip Communication Link Design

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    This thesis considers modeling and analysis of noise and interconnects in onchip communication. Besides transistor count and speed, the capabilities of a modern design are often limited by on-chip communication links. These links typically consist of multiple interconnects that run parallel to each other for long distances between functional or memory blocks. Due to the scaling of technology, the interconnects have considerable electrical parasitics that affect their performance, power dissipation and signal integrity. Furthermore, because of electromagnetic coupling, the interconnects in the link need to be considered as an interacting group instead of as isolated signal paths. There is a need for accurate and computationally effective models in the early stages of the chip design process to assess or optimize issues affecting these interconnects. For this purpose, a set of analytical models is developed for on-chip data links in this thesis. First, a model is proposed for modeling crosstalk and intersymbol interference. The model takes into account the effects of inductance, initial states and bit sequences. Intersymbol interference is shown to affect crosstalk voltage and propagation delay depending on bus throughput and the amount of inductance. Next, a model is proposed for the switching current of a coupled bus. The model is combined with an existing model to evaluate power supply noise. The model is then applied to reduce both functional crosstalk and power supply noise caused by a bus as a trade-off with time. The proposed reduction method is shown to be effective in reducing long-range crosstalk noise. The effects of process variation on encoded signaling are then modeled. In encoded signaling, the input signals to a bus are encoded using additional signaling circuitry. The proposed model includes variation in both the signaling circuitry and in the wires to calculate the total delay variation of a bus. The model is applied to study level-encoded dual-rail and 1-of-4 signaling. In addition to regular voltage-mode and encoded voltage-mode signaling, current-mode signaling is a promising technique for global communication. A model for energy dissipation in RLC current-mode signaling is proposed in the thesis. The energy is derived separately for the driver, wire and receiver termination.Siirretty Doriast

    Wire Density Driven Global Routing for CMP Variation and Timing

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    In this paper, we propose the first wire density driven global routing that considers CMP variation and timing. To enable CMP awareness during global routing, we propose a compact predictive CMP model with dummy fill, and validate it with extensive industry data. While wire density has some correlation and similarity to the conventional congestion metric, they are indeed different in the global routing context. Therefore, wire density rather than congestion should be a unified metric to improve both CMP variation and timing. The proposed wire density driven global routing is implemented in a congestion-driven global router [5] for CMP and timing optimization. The new global router utilizes several novel techniques to reduce the wire density of CMP and timing hotspots. Our experimental results are very encouraging. The proposed algorithm improves CMP variation and timing by over 7 % with negligible overhead in wirelength and even slightly better routability, compared to the pure congestion-driven global router [5]

    DFM Techniques for the Detection and Mitigation of Hotspots in Nanometer Technology

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    With the continuous scaling down of dimensions in advanced technology nodes, process variations are getting worse for each new node. Process variations have a large influence on the quality and yield of the designed and manufactured circuits. There is a growing need for fast and efficient techniques to characterize and mitigate the effects of different sources of process variations on the design's performance and yield. In this thesis we have studied the various sources of systematic process variations and their effects on the circuit, and the various methodologies to combat systematic process variation in the design space. We developed abstract and accurate process variability models, that would model systematic intra-die variations. The models convert the variation in process into variation in electrical parameters of devices and hence variation in circuit performance (timing and leakage) without the need for circuit simulation. And as the analysis and mitigation techniques are studied in different levels of the design ow, we proposed a flow for combating the systematic process variation in nano-meter CMOS technology. By calculating the effects of variability on the electrical performance of circuits we can gauge the importance of the accurate analysis and model-driven corrections. We presented an automated framework that allows the integration of circuit analysis with process variability modeling to optimize the computer intense process simulation steps and optimize the usage of variation mitigation techniques. And we used the results obtained from using this framework to develop a relation between layout regularity and resilience of the devices to process variation. We used these findings to develop a novel technique for fast detection of critical failures (hotspots) resulting from process variation. We showed that our approach is superior to other published techniques in both accuracy and predictability. Finally, we presented an automated method for fixing the lithography hotspots. Our method showed success rate of 99% in fixing hotspots

    Electrical Design for Manufacturability Solutions: Fast Systematic Variation Analysis and Design Enhancement Techniques

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    The primary objectives in this research are to develop computer-aided design (CAD) tools for Design for Manufacturability (DFM) solutions that enable designers to conduct more rapid and more accurate systematic variation analysis, with different design enhancement techniques. Four main CAD tools are developed throughout my thesis. The first CAD tool facilitates a quantitative study of the impact of systematic variations for different circuits' electrical and geometrical behavior. This is accomplished by automatically performing an extensive analysis of different process variations (lithography and stress) and their dependency on the design context. Such a tool helps to explore and evaluate the systematic variation impact on any type of design. Secondly, solutions in the industry focus on the "design and then fix philosophy", or "fix during design philosophy", whereas the next CAD tool involves the "fix before design philosophy". Here, the standard cell library is characterized in different design contexts, different resolution enhancement techniques, and different process conditions, generating a fully DFM-aware standard cell library using a newly developed methodology that dramatically reduce the required number of silicon simulations. Several experiments are conducted on 65nm and 45nm designs, and demonstrate more robust and manufacturable designs that can be implemented by using the DFM-aware standard cell library. Thirdly, a novel electrical-aware hotspot detection solution is developed by using a device parameter-based matching technique since the state-of-the-art hotspot detection solutions are all geometrical based. This CAD tool proposes a new philosophy by detecting yield limiters, also known as hotspots, through the model parameters of the device, presented in the SPICE netlist. This novel hotspot detection methodology is tested and delivers extraordinary fast and accurate results. Finally, the existing DFM solutions, mainly address the digital designs. Process variations play an increasingly important role in the success of analog circuits. Knowledge of the parameter variances and their contribution patterns is crucial for a successful design process. This information is valuable to find solutions for many problems in design, design automation, testing, and fault tolerance. The fourth CAD solution, proposed in this thesis, introduces a variability-aware DFM solution that detects, analyze, and automatically correct hotspots for analog circuits

    High-performance Global Routing for Trillion-gate Systems-on-Chips.

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    Due to aggressive transistor scaling, modern-day CMOS circuits have continually increased in both complexity and productivity. Modern semiconductor designs have narrower and more resistive wires, thereby shifting the performance bottleneck to interconnect delay. These trends considerably impact timing closure and call for improvements in high-performance physical design tools to keep pace with the current state of IC innovation. As leading-edge designs may incorporate tens of millions of gates, algorithm and software scalability are crucial to achieving reasonable turnaround time. Moreover, with decreasing device sizes, optimizing traditional objectives is no longer sufficient. Our research focuses on (i) expanding the capabilities of standalone global routing, (ii) extending global routing for use in different design applications, and (iii) integrating routing within broader physical design optimizations and flows, e.g., congestion-driven placement. Our first global router relies on integer-linear programming (ILP), and can solve fairly large problem instances to optimality. Our second iterative global router relies on Lagrangian relaxation, where we relax the routing violation constraints to allowing routing overflow at a penalty. In both approaches, our desire is to give the router the maximum degree of freedom within a specified context. Empirically, both routers produce competitive results within a reasonable amount of runtime. To improve routability, we explore the incorporation of routing with placement, where the router estimates congestion and feeds this information to the placer. In turn, the emphasis on runtime is heightened, as the router will be invoked multiple times. Empirically, our placement-and-route framework significantly improves the final solution’s routability than performing the steps sequentially. To further enhance routability-driven placement, we (i) leverage incrementality to generate fast and accurate congestion maps, and (ii) develop several techniques to relieve cell-based and layout-based congestion. To broaden the scope of routing, we integrate a global router in a chip-design flow that addresses the buffer explosion problem.PHDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98025/1/jinhu_1.pd

    High-Performance Placement and Routing for the Nanometer Scale.

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    Modern semiconductor manufacturing facilitates single-chip electronic systems that only five years ago required ten to twenty chips. Naturally, design complexity has grown within this period. In contrast to this growth, it is becoming common in the industry to limit design team size which places a heavier burden on design automation tools. Our work identifies new objectives, constraints and concerns in the physical design of systems-on-chip, and develops new computational techniques to address them. In addition to faster and more relevant design optimizations, we demonstrate that traditional design flows based on ``separation of concerns'' produce unnecessarily suboptimal layouts. We develop new integrated optimizations that streamline traditional chains of loosely-linked design tools. In particular, we bridge the gap between mixed-size placement and routing by updating the objective of global and detail placement to a more accurate estimate of routed wirelength. To this we add sophisticated whitespace allocation, and the combination provides increased routability, faster routing, shorter routed wirelength, and the best via counts of published techniques. To further improve post-routing design metrics, we present new global routing techniques based on Discrete Lagrange Multipliers (DLM) which produce the best routed wirelength results on recent benchmarks. Our work culminates in the integration of our routing techniques within an incremental placement flow to improve detailed routing solutions, shrink die sizes and reduce total chip cost. Not only do our techniques improve the quality and cost of designs, but also simplify design automation software implementation in many cases. Ultimately, we reduce the time needed for design closure through improved tool fidelity and the use of our incremental techniques for placement and routing.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/64639/1/royj_1.pd