18,296 research outputs found

    Can new laws make public services better? Reflections on diversity legislation for libraries

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    This paper argues that government-led social legislation inspired by Victorian ideals of paternalistic law-making is still an appropriate way of intervening to promote citizenship and equity in the information society of the twenty first century. However, to do so effectively is more complex than traditional models suggest and needs ongoing and energetic participation from the LIS profession to ensure good laws are put on to the statute book

    Electronic Library Collections and Users with Visual Impairments: Challenges, Developments, and the State of Collections Policies in Academic and Public Libraries

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    Academic and public library collections are developed based on the needs of the communities that surround them. Technology has increased the way users access information, and the way libraries offer information to their users. However, the accessibility of electronic resources for users with print disabilities remains an issue that has yet to have an equitable remedy. This paper identifies the challenges of visually impaired users, the developments in law, the current state of accessibility in academic and public library collections policies, and the current formats and products that are leading the way

    Access to books for the visually impaired: minimising charity and maximising choice

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    This research aims to find ways of making access to copyrighted books for the visually impaired as much a matter of choice as possible by moving the provision of access away from models based on charity and of building the provision of access into the mainstream. The work of third sector organisations providing access and attempts by the visually impaired community itself to enhance access are described. Realities effecting support workers in universities who have to help visually impaired students investigated. Legal disputes relating to copyright and anti-discrimination law are discussed. Developments in the ebooks market are monitored with a particular reference to attempts to build accessibility into devices like the Kindle and Apple products. The research also looks at how best to secure access to online bookshops, web pages offering ebooks for download in public libraries and ebook libraries in academia. The current level of access being achieved in this area is assessed. Next ongoing attempts to improve access and differing views on the advisability of an approach based on enforcement of the Worldwide Web Consortium’s accessibility guidelines or a more flexible approach emphasising user testing are discussed. Conclusions and recommendations: changes to copyright law and further development and clarification of anti-discrimination law as it applies to publishers are necessary. Libraries should adopt a more innovative approach and field some of the specialist provision currently undertaken by charitable organisations. Accessibility to relevant websites is probably best provided by a combination of ongoing relationship building and with web developers and a more flexible approach than rigid enforcement of accessibility guidelines. Further research is needed on exactly how libraries could undertake specialist transcription most efficiently and on how to bring multi-national companies like Adobe, Amazon and other manufacturers of ebooks reading devices unambiguously into the ambit of anti-discrimination

    Designing and Evaluating Accessible E-Learning for Students with Visual Impairments in K-12 Computing Education

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    This dissertation explores the pathways for making K-12 computing education more accessible for blind or visually impaired (BVI) learners. As computer science (CS) expands into K-12 education, more concerted efforts are required to ensure all students have equitable access to opportunities to pursue a career in computing. To determine their viability with BVI learners, I conducted three studies to assess current accessibility in CS curricula, materials, and learning environments. Study one was interviews with visually impaired developers; study two was interviews with K-12 teachers of visually impaired students; study three was a remote observation within a computer science course. My exploration revealed that most of CS education lacks the necessary accommodations for BVI students to learn at an equitable pace with sighted students. However, electronic learning (e-learning) was a theme that showed to provide the most accessible learning experience for BVI students, although even there, usability and accessibility challenges were present in online learning platforms. My dissertation engaged in a human-centered approach across three studies towards designing, developing, and evaluating an online learning management system (LMS) with the critical design elements to improve navigation and interaction with BVI users. Study one was a survey exploring the perception of readiness for taking online courses between sighted and visually impaired students. The findings from the survey fueled study two, which employed participatory design with storytelling with K-12 teachers and BVI students to learn more about their experiences using LMSs and how they imagine such systems to be more accessible. The findings led to developing the accessible learning content management system (ALCMS), a web-based platform for managing courses, course content, and course roster, evaluated in study three with high school students, both sighted and visually impaired, to determine its usability and accessibility. This research contributes with recommendations for including features and design elements to improve accessibility in existing LMSs and building new ones

    Perceptions of U.S. teachers of the visually imparied on commercially-produced, described video within educational multimedia.

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    A nationwide survey was conducted to gain insight into how Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs) perceive commercially-produced, described video within educational multimedia for students with visual impairments and blindness. Of the 490 TVIs who responded, 374 were included in the study based upon its inclusion requirements of being a certified TVIs employed in a K-12, school work setting in the U.S. Data were collected pertaining to the TVIs\u27 levels of knowledge, use, support and recommendation of commercially-produced, described video for educational purposes. Relationships between these variables were explored. Descriptive information was highlighted to add to this exploratory study. Data were gathered to identify whether or not there were significant differences between the TVIs\u27 academic work settings (i.e., schools for the blind, public schools and “other” schools) and the extent of their recommendation levels of commercially-produced, described video for students with visual impairments. The results indicated that there were relationships between each of the TVIs\u27 levels of knowledge, use and support of commercially-produced, described video and their recommendation of described video for their students with visual impairments. Furthermore, a significant difference within the TVIs’ level of recommendation of commercially-produced, described video was found between the TVIs who worked in the schools for the blind and TVIs who worked in public schools. Additionally, a significant difference in the TVIs\u27 recommendation levels was discovered between TVIs who were employed in schools for the blind and TVIs who worked in “other” schools. Implications and limitations of the study were identified and suggestions were given for future research. Specific implications from the study\u27s findings were outlined for educators, administrators, educational media companies and policy makers who may affect the supply and demand of described video within education. Recommendations for increasing TVIs\u27 educational opportunities on learning how to request and use described video for students in educational settings were made based upon the study\u27s findings. In addition, the findings stressed the crucial need for educational media companies and vendors to increase the supply of commercially-produced, described video. This study\u27s findings added to the sparse previous research on the topic of video description in educational settings

    The information-seeking process of blind and visually impaired Grade 12 learners in selected South African schools for the blind

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    All people seek information for various reasons sometime during their lifetime. How this process has been researched and documented by various researchers is covered in this thesis, showing how the insights and lessons from various Information Seeking Models in the literature have informed and enriched this study. These models provide a good understanding of the study field and frameworks to explain the different elements of the information seeking process. All available Information Seeking Models, however, are developed based on the assumption that information seeking is performed by people with sight. How applicable these Information Seeking Models are for people who are blind and/or visually impaired is not addressed in the research. There are a number of different realities for a blind and visually impaired person seeking information, e.g. the accessibility of the technology to access the information, the accessibility of the information once it is located, the availability of technologies to assist the blind and visually impaired person to enable him/her to seek information, the availability of other people to assist the blind and visually impaired person during the information seeking process are just some of the challenges not addressed by existing Information Seeking Models. The purpose of this study is therefore to give an overview of existing Information Seeking Models and then to focus on the two leading researchers in the field, i.e. C. Kuhlthau and T.D. Wilson. These models of the information seeking process were contextualised and assessed in relation with the information needs model of N. Moore who researched the information needs of blind and visually impaired people. Based on the work of the three researchers a survey instrument was developed to determine the information seeking process of Grade 12 learners at five South African Schools for the Blind. Since Grade 12 learners must decide about their future, after completing school, it was decided to research how Grade 12 learners seek information to assist them to decide about tertiary studies or work options. The study included learners who had not yet started the information seeking process in this regard. A research instrument was designed to collect data to investigate the information seeking processes of the Grade 12 learners in order to assess the extent to which they correlated with the Information Seeking Models of Kuhlthau (1991) and Wilson (1999). The qualitative research method was followed in this study which was located in a constructivist paradigm. Interviews were conducted with 43 learners at the five schools for the blind representing the total population of Grade 12 learners registered at the selected schools. The literature confirms that low population sizes are customary when researching blind and visually impaired people. Face-to-face interviews were conducted at the five schools. The findings of the interviews were analysed through a framework analysis. Thereafter, a gap analysis was conducted to determine to what extent the findings correlated to or differed from the Information Seeking Models. From this analysis seven components were identified as part of the design of the Inclusive Information Seeking Model applicable to blind and visually impaired Grade 12 learners, a major outcome of the study. A broader application of the model is suggested. This Inclusive Information Seeking Model will raise awareness and assist people working in an information environment to make the necessary provisions, to ensure that the information seeking process for blind and visually impaired people is as successful as possible with available resources

    Visually-impaired people studying via ebook: investigating current use and potential for improvement

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    Everyday activities and tasks should be easy to perform for everyone, especially in an educational context, in order to foster inclusivity and assure equal opportunities for all. In this paper, we investigate strategies and issues experienced by visually impaired people when studying via eBook. An online survey was designed to investigate preferences regarding the different formats and understand what types of actions are possible and desirable when using eBooks in an educational context. We collected the views and experiences of 75 visually-impaired people, which revealed the need to develop tools that can provide both full accessibility and high usability when reading for study. Visually impaired people would like to rely on the same widely used strategies that sighted people use when studying a text. In addition, 92% of the visually-impaired people participating in the online survey declared they were interested in a (new) reading app. The results could orient the design of new digital reading tools and functionalities that can improve interaction
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