16 research outputs found

    Where do bloggers blog? Platform transitions within the historical Dutch blogosphere

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    The blogosphere has played an instrumental role in the transition and the evolution of linking technologies and practices. This research traces and maps historical changes in the Dutch blogosphere and the interconnections between blogs, which — traditionally considered — turn a set of blogs into a blogosphere. This paper will discuss the definition of the blogosphere by asking who the actors are which make up the blogosphere through its interconnections. This research aims to repurpose the Wayback Machine so as to trace and map transitions in linking technologies and practices in the blogosphere over time by means of digital methods and custom software. We are then able to create yearly network visualizations of the historical Dutch blogosphere (1999–2009). This approach allows us to study the emergence and decline of blog platforms and social media platforms within the blogosphere and it also allows us to investigate local blog cultures

    "Die Methode liegt im Code": Routinen und digitale Methoden im Datenjournalismus

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    Digitale Methoden haben in den letzten Jahren nicht nur in die Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften Einzug gehalten. Auch der Journalismus hat seine Verfahren digitalisiert und seine Recherchepraktiken sowie seine Darstellungsformen entsprechend angepasst. Immer öfter bedienen sich JournalistInnen fĂŒr ihre Berichterstattung des Werkzeugkastens der digitalen Methoden. Am deutlichsten zeigt sich das am Datenjournalismus, der seit einem Jahrzehnt einen enormen Aufschwung erfahren hat. Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet digitale Methoden im Datenjournalismus. Zu diesem Zweck werden hier zunĂ€chst aus den Science and Technology Studies und der Digital-Methods-Forschung heraus die GrundzĂŒge einer datenjournalistischen Methodologie entwickelt. Auf Grundlage von Redaktionsbesuchen und elf semistrukturierten Interviews mit PraktikerInnen werden im Anschluss konkrete ArbeitsablĂ€ufe und Akteure in datenjournalistischen Methoden beschrieben. Es wird erlĂ€utert, wie datenjournalistische Kollaborationen im Newsroom funktionieren, wie sich dort Routinen etablieren und welche Technologien dabei vermitteln. Abschließend werden Empfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung digitaler Methoden in der Kommunikationswissenschaft und im Datenjournalismus formuliert.While in recent years digital methods have become increasingly central to the social sciences and the humanities, they have also impacted journalism, effecting an evolution in its procedures, research practices, and formats. More and more journalists employ a toolbox of digital methods, a trend most evident in data journalism, which has undergone a tremendous popularization in the past decade. This article examines the digital methods of data journalism. It consists of two parts: the first is an outline for a data journalistic methodology, based on works from science and technology studies and digital methods research. The second part describes the specific workflows and actors central to data journalistic methods, insights grounded in visits to newsrooms and eleven semi-structured interviews. The article explains how collaborations in data journalism work, how routines are established, and how technologies mediate these processes. The findings then provide the basis for recommendations concerning the continued development of digital methods within communication research and data journalism

    Introduction: Global Coordinates of Internet Histories

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    This chapter introduces the particular angle and contribution of the Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories – the imperative to grasp the global character of Internet histories. The Routledge Companion to Global Internet Histories brings together research on local and international internet histories that have evolved in different regions, language cultures and social contexts across the globe. While the internet is now in its fifth decade, the understanding and formulation of its histories outside of an Anglophone framework is very much in its infancy. The emphasis of this volume is on understanding and formulating internet histories outside of the Anglophone case studies and theoretical paradigms that have so far dominated academic scholarship on internet history. Interdisciplinary in scope, the collection offers a variety of historical lenses on the development of the internet: as a new communications technology seen in the context of older technologies; as a new form of sociality read alongside previous technologically mediated means of relating; and as a new media ‘vehicle’ for the communication of content.Australian Research Counci

    Where do bloggers blog? Platform transitions within the historical Dutch blogosphere

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    The blogosphere has played an instrumental role in the transition and the evolution of linking technologies and practices. This research traces and maps historical changes in the Dutch blogosphere and the interconnections between blogs, which — traditionally considered — turn a set of blogs into a blogosphere. This paper will discuss the definition of the blogosphere by asking who the actors are which make up the blogosphere through its interconnections. This research aims to repurpose the Wayback Machine so as to trace and map transitions in linking technologies and practices in the blogosphere over time by means of digital methods and custom software. We are then able to create yearly network visualizations of the historical Dutch blogosphere (1999–2009). This approach allows us to study the emergence and decline of blog platforms and social media platforms within the blogosphere and it also allows us to investigate local blog cultures