5 research outputs found

    Active Performance Measurement for IP over All-Optical Networks

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    A Stochastic Foundation of Available Bandwidth Estimation: Multi-Hop Analysis

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    What signals do packet-pair dispersions carry

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    Abstract β€” Although packet-pair probing has been used as one of the primary mechanisms to measure bottleneck capacity, crosstraffic intensity, and available bandwidth of end-to-end Internet paths, there is still no conclusive answer as to what information about the path is contained in the output packet-pair dispersions and how it is encoded. In this paper, we address this issue by deriving closed-form expression of packet-pair dispersion in the context of a single-hop path and general bursty crosstraffic arrival. Under the assumptions of cross-traffic stationarity and ASTA sampling, we examine the statistical properties of the information encoded in inter-packet spacings and derive the asymptotic average of the output packet-pair dispersions as a closed-form function of the input dispersion. We show that this result is different from what was obtained in prior work using fluid cross-traffic models and that this discrepancy has a significant impact on the accuracy of packet-pair bandwidth estimation