36 research outputs found

    Simplifying Deep-Learning-Based Model for Code Search

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    To accelerate software development, developers frequently search and reuse existing code snippets from a large-scale codebase, e.g., GitHub. Over the years, researchers proposed many information retrieval (IR) based models for code search, which match keywords in query with code text. But they fail to connect the semantic gap between query and code. To conquer this challenge, Gu et al. proposed a deep-learning-based model named DeepCS. It jointly embeds method code and natural language description into a shared vector space, where methods related to a natural language query are retrieved according to their vector similarities. However, DeepCS' working process is complicated and time-consuming. To overcome this issue, we proposed a simplified model CodeMatcher that leverages the IR technique but maintains many features in DeepCS. Generally, CodeMatcher combines query keywords with the original order, performs a fuzzy search on name and body strings of methods, and returned the best-matched methods with the longer sequence of used keywords. We verified its effectiveness on a large-scale codebase with about 41k repositories. Experimental results showed the simplified model CodeMatcher outperforms DeepCS by 97% in terms of MRR (a widely used accuracy measure for code search), and it is over 66 times faster than DeepCS. Besides, comparing with the state-of-the-art IR-based model CodeHow, CodeMatcher also improves the MRR by 73%. We also observed that: fusing the advantages of IR-based and deep-learning-based models is promising because they compensate with each other by nature; improving the quality of method naming helps code search, since method name plays an important role in connecting query and code

    CoNCRA: A Convolutional Neural Network Code Retrieval Approach

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    Software developers routinely search for code using general-purpose search engines. However, these search engines cannot find code semantically unless it has an accompanying description. We propose a technique for semantic code search: A Convolutional Neural Network approach to code retrieval (CoNCRA). Our technique aims to find the code snippet that most closely matches the developer's intent, expressed in natural language. We evaluated our approach's efficacy on a dataset composed of questions and code snippets collected from Stack Overflow. Our preliminary results showed that our technique, which prioritizes local interactions (words nearby), improved the state-of-the-art (SOTA) by 5% on average, retrieving the most relevant code snippets in the top 3 (three) positions by almost 80% of the time. Therefore, our technique is promising and can improve the efficacy of semantic code retrieval

    Assessing Practitioner Beliefs about Software Defect Prediction

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    Just because software developers say they believe in "X", that does not necessarily mean that "X" is true. As shown here, there exist numerous beliefs listed in the recent Software Engineering literature which are only supported by small portions of the available data. Hence we ask what is the source of this disconnect between beliefs and evidence?. To answer this question we look for evidence for ten beliefs within 300,000+ changes seen in dozens of open-source projects. Some of those beliefs had strong support across all the projects; specifically, "A commit that involves more added and removed lines is more bug-prone" and "Files with fewer lines contributed by their owners (who contribute most changes) are bug-prone". Most of the widely-held beliefs studied are only sporadically supported in the data; i.e. large effects can appear in project data and then disappear in subsequent releases. Such sporadic support explains why developers believe things that were relevant to their prior work, but not necessarily their current work. Our conclusion will be that we need to change the nature of the debate with Software Engineering. Specifically, while it is important to report the effects that hold right now, it is also important to report on what effects change over time.Comment: 9 pages, 3 Figures, 4 Tables, ICSE SEIP 202

    Mapping the Information Journey: Unveiling the Documentation Experience of Software Developers in China

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    This research delves into understanding the behaviors and characteristics of Chinese developers in relation to their use of technical documentation, which is crucial for creating high-quality developer documentation. We conducted interviews with 25 software developers and surveyed 177 participants, using the preliminary interview findings to inform the survey design. Our approach encompassed traditional user research methods, including persona and user journey mapping, to develop typical personas and information journeys based on the qualitative data from the interviews and quantitative results from the survey. Our results revealed distinct characteristics and differences between junior and senior developers in terms of their use of technical documentation, broadly categorized into personality traits, learning habits, and working habits. We observed that the information journey of both groups typically encompasses four stages: Exploration, Understanding, Practice, and Application. Consequently, we created two distinct personas and information journey maps to represent these two developer groups. Our findings highlight that developers prioritize the content, organization, and maintenance aspects of documentation. In conclusion, we recommend organizing documentation content to align with developers' information journeys, tailoring documentation to meet the needs of developers at various levels, and focusing on the content, organization, and maintenance aspects of documentation.Comment: 27 page