10 research outputs found

    What do CNNs Learn in the First Layer and Why? A Linear Systems Perspective

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    It has previously been reported that the representation that is learned in the first layer of deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) is highly consistent across initializations and architectures. In this work, we quantify this consistency by considering the first layer as a filter bank and measuring its energy distribution. We find that the energy distribution is very different from that of the initial weights and is remarkably consistent across random initializations, datasets, architectures and even when the CNNs are trained with random labels. In order to explain this consistency, we derive an analytical formula for the energy profile of linear CNNs and show that this profile is mostly dictated by the second order statistics of image patches in the training set and it will approach a whitening transformation when the number of iterations goes to infinity. Finally, we show that this formula for linear CNNs also gives an excellent fit for the energy profiles learned by commonly used nonlinear CNNs such as ResNet and VGG, and that the first layer of these CNNs indeed perform approximate whitening of their inputs

    Neural networks trained with SGD learn distributions of increasing complexity

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    The ability of deep neural networks to generalise well even when they interpolate their training data has been explained using various "simplicity biases". These theories postulate that neural networks avoid overfitting by first learning simple functions, say a linear classifier, before learning more complex, non-linear functions. Meanwhile, data structure is also recognised as a key ingredient for good generalisation, yet its role in simplicity biases is not yet understood. Here, we show that neural networks trained using stochastic gradient descent initially classify their inputs using lower-order input statistics, like mean and covariance, and exploit higher-order statistics only later during training. We first demonstrate this distributional simplicity bias (DSB) in a solvable model of a neural network trained on synthetic data. We empirically demonstrate DSB in a range of deep convolutional networks and visual transformers trained on CIFAR10, and show that it even holds in networks pre-trained on ImageNet. We discuss the relation of DSB to other simplicity biases and consider its implications for the principle of Gaussian universality in learning.Comment: Source code available at https://github.com/sgoldt/dist_inc_com

    Gradient-trained Weights in Wide Neural Networks Align Layerwise to Error-scaled Input Correlations

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    Recent works have examined how deep neural networks, which can solve a variety of difficult problems, incorporate the statistics of training data to achieve their success. However, existing results have been established only in limited settings. In this work, we derive the layerwise weight dynamics of infinite-width neural networks with nonlinear activations trained by gradient descent. We show theoretically that weight updates are aligned with input correlations from intermediate layers weighted by error, and demonstrate empirically that the result also holds in finite-width wide networks. The alignment result allows us to formulate backpropagation-free learning rules, named Align-zero and Align-ada, that theoretically achieve the same alignment as backpropagation. Finally, we test these learning rules on benchmark problems in feedforward and recurrent neural networks and demonstrate, in wide networks, comparable performance to backpropagation.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Classification of Heavy-tailed Features in High Dimensions: a Superstatistical Approach

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    We characterise the learning of a mixture of two clouds of data points with generic centroids via empirical risk minimisation in the high dimensional regime, under the assumptions of generic convex loss and convex regularisation. Each cloud of data points is obtained via a double-stochastic process, where the sample is obtained from a Gaussian distribution whose variance is itself a random parameter sampled from a scalar distribution ϱ\varrho. As a result, our analysis covers a large family of data distributions, including the case of power-law-tailed distributions with no covariance, and allows us to test recent "Gaussian universality" claims. We study the generalisation performance of the obtained estimator, we analyse the role of regularisation, and we analytically characterise the separability transition.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    On information captured by neural networks: connections with memorization and generalization

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    Despite the popularity and success of deep learning, there is limited understanding of when, how, and why neural networks generalize to unseen examples. Since learning can be seen as extracting information from data, we formally study information captured by neural networks during training. Specifically, we start with viewing learning in presence of noisy labels from an information-theoretic perspective and derive a learning algorithm that limits label noise information in weights. We then define a notion of unique information that an individual sample provides to the training of a deep network, shedding some light on the behavior of neural networks on examples that are atypical, ambiguous, or belong to underrepresented subpopulations. We relate example informativeness to generalization by deriving nonvacuous generalization gap bounds. Finally, by studying knowledge distillation, we highlight the important role of data and label complexity in generalization. Overall, our findings contribute to a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying neural network generalization.Comment: PhD thesi