13 research outputs found

    RadarSLAM: Radar based Large-Scale SLAM in All Weathers

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    Numerous Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms have been presented in last decade using different sensor modalities. However, robust SLAM in extreme weather conditions is still an open research problem. In this paper, RadarSLAM, a full radar based graph SLAM system, is proposed for reliable localization and mapping in large-scale environments. It is composed of pose tracking, local mapping, loop closure detection and pose graph optimization, enhanced by novel feature matching and probabilistic point cloud generation on radar images. Extensive experiments are conducted on a public radar dataset and several self-collected radar sequences, demonstrating the state-of-the-art reliability and localization accuracy in various adverse weather conditions, such as dark night, dense fog and heavy snowfall

    Radar-on-Lidar: metric radar localization on prior lidar maps

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    Radar and lidar, provided by two different range sensors, each has pros and cons of various perception tasks on mobile robots or autonomous driving. In this paper, a Monte Carlo system is used to localize the robot with a rotating radar sensor on 2D lidar maps. We first train a conditional generative adversarial network to transfer raw radar data to lidar data, and achieve reliable radar points from generator. Then an efficient radar odometry is included in the Monte Carlo system. Combining the initial guess from odometry, a measurement model is proposed to match the radar data and prior lidar maps for final 2D positioning. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed localization framework on the public multi-session dataset. The experimental results show that our system can achieve high accuracy for long-term localization in outdoor scenes

    LiDAR Lateral Localisation Despite Challenging Occlusion from Traffic

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    This paper presents a system for improving the robustness of LiDAR lateral localisation systems. This is made possible by including detections of road boundaries which are invisible to the sensor (due to occlusion, e.g. traffic) but can be located by our Occluded Road Boundary Inference Deep Neural Network. We show an example application in which fusion of a camera stream is used to initialise the lateral localisation. We demonstrate over four driven forays through central Oxford - totalling 40 km of driving - a gain in performance that inferring of occluded road boundaries brings.Comment: accepted for publication at the IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS) 202

    Keep off the Grass: Permissible Driving Routes from Radar with Weak Audio Supervision

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    Reliable outdoor deployment of mobile robots requires the robust identification of permissible driving routes in a given environment. The performance of LiDAR and vision-based perception systems deteriorates significantly if certain environmental factors are present e.g. rain, fog, darkness. Perception systems based on FMCW scanning radar maintain full performance regardless of environmental conditions and with a longer range than alternative sensors. Learning to segment a radar scan based on driveability in a fully supervised manner is not feasible as labelling each radar scan on a bin-by-bin basis is both difficult and time-consuming to do by hand. We therefore weakly supervise the training of the radar-based classifier through an audio-based classifier that is able to predict the terrain type underneath the robot. By combining odometry, GPS and the terrain labels from the audio classifier, we are able to construct a terrain labelled trajectory of the robot in the environment which is then used to label the radar scans. Using a curriculum learning procedure, we then train a radar segmentation network to generalise beyond the initial labelling and to detect all permissible driving routes in the environment.Comment: accepted for publication at the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC) 202

    Sense-Assess-eXplain (SAX): Building Trust in Autonomous Vehicles in Challenging Real-World Driving Scenarios

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    This paper discusses ongoing work in demonstrating research in mobile autonomy in challenging driving scenarios. In our approach, we address fundamental technical issues to overcome critical barriers to assurance and regulation for large-scale deployments of autonomous systems. To this end, we present how we build robots that (1) can robustly sense and interpret their environment using traditional as well as unconventional sensors; (2) can assess their own capabilities; and (3), vitally in the purpose of assurance and trust, can provide causal explanations of their interpretations and assessments. As it is essential that robots are safe and trusted, we design, develop, and demonstrate fundamental technologies in real-world applications to overcome critical barriers which impede the current deployment of robots in economically and socially important areas. Finally, we describe ongoing work in the collection of an unusual, rare, and highly valuable dataset.Comment: accepted for publication at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Workshop on Ensuring and Validating Safety for Automated Vehicles (EVSAV), 2020, project URL: https://ori.ox.ac.uk/projects/sense-assess-explain-sa

    Keep off the Grass:Permissible Driving Routes from Radar with Weak Audio Supervision

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    RSS-Net: Weakly-Supervised Multi-Class Semantic Segmentation with FMCW Radar

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    This paper presents an efficient annotation procedure and an application thereof to end-to-end, rich semantic segmentation of the sensed environment using FMCW scanning radar. We advocate radar over the traditional sensors used for this task as it operates at longer ranges and is substantially more robust to adverse weather and illumination conditions. We avoid laborious manual labelling by exploiting the largest radar-focused urban autonomy dataset collected to date, correlating radar scans with RGB cameras and LiDAR sensors, for which semantic segmentation is an already consolidated procedure. The training procedure leverages a state-of-the-art natural image segmentation system which is publicly available and as such, in contrast to previous approaches, allows for the production of copious labels for the radar stream by incorporating four camera and two LiDAR streams. Additionally, the losses are computed taking into account labels to the radar sensor horizon by accumulating LiDAR returns along a pose-chain ahead and behind of the current vehicle position. Finally, we present the network with multi-channel radar scan inputs in order to deal with ephemeral and dynamic scene objects.Comment: submitted to IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) 202

    Kidnapped Radar: Topological Radar Localisation using Rotationally-Invariant Metric Learning

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    This paper presents a system for robust, large-scale topological localisation using Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW) scanning radar. We learn a metric space for embedding polar radar scans using CNN and NetVLAD architectures traditionally applied to the visual domain. However, we tailor the feature extraction for more suitability to the polar nature of radar scan formation using cylindrical convolutions, anti-aliasing blurring, and azimuth-wise max-pooling; all in order to bolster the rotational invariance. The enforced metric space is then used to encode a reference trajectory, serving as a map, which is queried for nearest neighbours (NNs) for recognition of places at run-time. We demonstrate the performance of our topological localisation system over the course of many repeat forays using the largest radar-focused mobile autonomy dataset released to date, totalling 280 km of urban driving, a small portion of which we also use to learn the weights of the modified architecture. As this work represents a novel application for FMCW radar, we analyse the utility of the proposed method via a comprehensive set of metrics which provide insight into the efficacy when used in a realistic system, showing improved performance over the root architecture even in the face of random rotational perturbation.Comment: submitted to the 2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Look Around You: Sequence-based Radar Place Recognition with Learned Rotational Invariance

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    This paper details an application which yields significant improvements to the adeptness of place recognition with Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave radar - a commercially promising sensor poised for exploitation in mobile autonomy. We show how a rotationally-invariant metric embedding for radar scans can be integrated into sequence-based trajectory matching systems typically applied to videos taken by visual sensors. Due to the complete horizontal field of view inherent to the radar scan formation process, we show how this off-the-shelf sequence-based trajectory matching system can be manipulated to detect place matches when the vehicle is travelling down a previously visited stretch of road in the opposite direction. We demonstrate the efficacy of the approach on 26 km of challenging urban driving taken from the largest radar-focused urban autonomy dataset released to date -- showing a boost of 30% in recall at high levels of precision over a nearest neighbour approach.Comment: accepted for publication at the IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS) 202