6,842 research outputs found

    Dublin City University video track experiments for TREC 2002

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    Dublin City University participated in the Feature Extraction task and the Search task of the TREC-2002 Video Track. In the Feature Extraction task, we submitted 3 features: Face, Speech, and Music. In the Search task, we developed an interactive video retrieval system, which incorporated the 40 hours of the video search test collection and supported user searching using our own feature extraction data along with the donated feature data and ASR transcript from other Video Track groups. This video retrieval system allows a user to specify a query based on the 10 features and ASR transcript, and the query result is a ranked list of videos that can be further browsed at the shot level. To evaluate the usefulness of the feature-based query, we have developed a second system interface that provides only ASR transcript-based querying, and we conducted an experiment with 12 test users to compare these 2 systems. Results were submitted to NIST and we are currently conducting further analysis of user performance with these 2 systems

    Selecting universities: personal preference and rankings

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    Polyhedral geometry can be used to quantitatively assess the dependence of rankings on personal preference, and provides a tool for both students and universities to assess US News and World Report rankings

    Reverse k-Ranks Queries on Large Graphs

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    Multi-Task Learning for Email Search Ranking with Auxiliary Query Clustering

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    User information needs vary significantly across different tasks, and therefore their queries will also differ considerably in their expressiveness and semantics. Many studies have been proposed to model such query diversity by obtaining query types and building query-dependent ranking models. These studies typically require either a labeled query dataset or clicks from multiple users aggregated over the same document. These techniques, however, are not applicable when manual query labeling is not viable, and aggregated clicks are unavailable due to the private nature of the document collection, e.g., in email search scenarios. In this paper, we study how to obtain query type in an unsupervised fashion and how to incorporate this information into query-dependent ranking models. We first develop a hierarchical clustering algorithm based on truncated SVD and varimax rotation to obtain coarse-to-fine query types. Then, we study three query-dependent ranking models, including two neural models that leverage query type information as additional features, and one novel multi-task neural model that views query type as the label for the auxiliary query cluster prediction task. This multi-task model is trained to simultaneously rank documents and predict query types. Our experiments on tens of millions of real-world email search queries demonstrate that the proposed multi-task model can significantly outperform the baseline neural ranking models, which either do not incorporate query type information or just simply feed query type as an additional feature.Comment: CIKM 201

    Estimating Position Bias without Intrusive Interventions

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    Presentation bias is one of the key challenges when learning from implicit feedback in search engines, as it confounds the relevance signal. While it was recently shown how counterfactual learning-to-rank (LTR) approaches \cite{Joachims/etal/17a} can provably overcome presentation bias when observation propensities are known, it remains to show how to effectively estimate these propensities. In this paper, we propose the first method for producing consistent propensity estimates without manual relevance judgments, disruptive interventions, or restrictive relevance modeling assumptions. First, we show how to harvest a specific type of intervention data from historic feedback logs of multiple different ranking functions, and show that this data is sufficient for consistent propensity estimation in the position-based model. Second, we propose a new extremum estimator that makes effective use of this data. In an empirical evaluation, we find that the new estimator provides superior propensity estimates in two real-world systems -- Arxiv Full-text Search and Google Drive Search. Beyond these two points, we find that the method is robust to a wide range of settings in simulation studies