8 research outputs found

    3D Cadastre visualization and dissemination: Most recent progresses and future directions

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    The 3D Cadastre has been investigated from many viewpoints (including legal, organizational and technical). However, to date little research has focused specifically on visualizationrelated aspects despite the value-added of the third dimension. The paper first proposes an overview of progress made in the last five years in 3D cadastral visualization. The authors then summarize discussions at the 2014 3D Cadastre workshop regarding future research and development on the topic. This synthesis is complemented by a broad review of the most recent advances in 3D visualization beyond the 3D cadastral domain, with the goal of providing a number of important directions for further work, allowing researchers, developers and users to consolidate their respective activities, and encouraging collaboration

    3D Cadastres Best Practices, Chapter 5: Visualization and New Opportunities

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    This paper proposes a discussion on opportunities offered by 3D visualization to improve the understanding and the analysis of cadastre data. It first introduce the rationale of having 3D visualization functionalities in the context of cadastre applications. Second the publication outline some basic concepts in 3D visualization. This section specially addresses the visualization pipeline as a driven classification schema to understand the steps leading to 3D visualization. In this section is also presented a brief review of current 3D standards and technologies. Next is proposed a summary of progress made in the last years in 3D cadastral visualization. For instance, user’s requirement, data and semiotics, and platforms are highlighted as main actions performed in the development of 3D cadastre visualization. This review could be perceived as an attempt to structure and emphasise the best practices in the domain of 3D cadastre visualization and as an inventory of issues that still need to be tackled. Finally, by providing a review on advances and trends in 3D visualization, the paper initiates a discussion and a critical analysis on the benefit of applying these new developments to cadastre domain. This final section discusses about enhancing 3D techniques as dynamic transparency and cutaway, 3D generalization, 3D visibility model, 3D annotation, 3D data and web platform, augmented reality, immersive virtual environment, 3D gaming, interaction techniques and time

    Vers une plateforme cartographique web 2D/3D - dynamique pour la participation citoyenne

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    Les globes virtuels Web peuvent faciliter la communication entre les urbanistes et les citoyens. Des Ă©tudes rĂ©centes ont montrĂ© que les reprĂ©sentations 3D plutĂŽt que 2D peuvent ĂȘtre plus efficaces dans la communication de l'information. Cependant, une telle visualisation prĂ©sente plusieurs dĂ©fis, y compris le niveau de dĂ©tail et de rĂ©alisme. La comprĂ©hension par les citoyens de l'impact de leurs choix lors d’une consultation pourrait ĂȘtre amĂ©liorĂ©e en exploitant des simulations spatiotemporelles. Pourtant, la 4D (3D + temps) a rarement Ă©tĂ© intĂ©grĂ©e aux plateformes de participation citoyenne. Ainsi, l'objectif principal de cette recherche Ă©tait de dĂ©velopper une plateforme de cartographie Web combinant des visualisations multidimensionnelles (2D, 3D, 4D) de maniĂšre intuitive, afin que les citoyens puissent mieux Ă©valuer et comprendre les enjeux de la consultation. Pour atteindre cet objectif, des lignes directrices de reprĂ©sentation adaptĂ©es Ă  la consultation citoyenne ainsi que des simulations spatiotemporelles ont Ă©tĂ© conçues. Ces concepts ont ensuite Ă©tĂ© intĂ©grĂ©s au sein d’une plateforme de cartographie Web 4D mettant en vedette le globe virtuel Cesium. Des tests utilisateurs ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s avec 21 participants expĂ©rimentĂ©s qui ont utilisĂ© un questionnaire intĂ©grĂ© Ă  la plateforme pour valider les concepts. Le questionnaire contenait 5 scĂ©narios rĂ©alistes simulĂ©s de participation citoyenne, dans lesquels les participants ont Ă©valuĂ© l'intuitivitĂ© des reprĂ©sentations choisies ainsi que les concepts liĂ©s Ă  cette recherche. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les informations spatiales partagĂ©es au sein des consultations citoyennes peuvent ĂȘtre intuitivement reprĂ©sentĂ©es par une combinaison de dimensions 2D, 3D et 4D. De plus, cette combinaison permet Ă©galement de mieux comprendre les impacts liĂ©s aux choix effectuĂ©s lors de la consultation. La plateforme proposĂ©e dans ce projet est un premier pas vers un outil plus complet dĂ©diĂ© Ă  la participation citoyenne. Les futurs travaux viseront Ă  utiliser la plateforme dans un contexte rĂ©el de consultation citoyenne.Web virtual globes can facilitate communication between urban planners and citizens. Recent studies have shown that 3D rather than 2D representations can be more effective in communicating information. However, such visualization presents several challenges, including the level of detail, realism and abstraction. Citizens' understanding of the impact of the choices they make during urban planning consultations could be improved by exploiting spatiotemporal simulations. Yet, 4D (3D + time) has rarely been integrated to citizen participation platforms. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to develop a web mapping platform combining multidimensional visualizations (2D, 3D, 4D) in an efficient and intuitive way, so that citizens can better assess and understand the issues of the consultation at stake. To achieve this objective, representation guidelines adapted to citizen consultation as well as spatiotemporal simulations were designed. These concepts were then integrated into a 4D web mapping platform featuring the virtual globe Cesium. User testing was done with 21 experienced participants who used a questionnaire integrated into the platform to validate the concepts. The questionnaire contained 5 simulated realistic case scenarios of citizen participation, in which the participants assessed the intuitiveness of the chosen representations as well as the concepts related to this research. Results showed that spatial information shared within citizen consultations can be intuitively represented through a combination of 2D, 3D and 4D dimensions. Moreover, this combination also offers a better understanding of the impacts related to choices made during the consultation. We consider that the platform proposed in this project is a first step toward a more complete tool dedicated to citizen participation. Future works will aim to use the platform in a real context of citizen consultation