2 research outputs found

    An ICT-Based E-Collaborative Application for Law Enforcement Agencies in Nigeria

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    ICTs are effectively showing new dimensions to old institutional setups. There is a reinforced thrust for an informed andparticipatory citizenry for efficient e-governance. It goes without saying that impact of ICT on institutional changes is fastspreading across the boundaries of social and political arrangements of societies. This is because ICT is the biggest enabler ofchange and process reforms with minimum resistance. Decades of attempts for government and process reforms fade in the faceof what ICT has achieved in few years. In this paper, the idea to make enterprise applications interoperable via central relationaldatabases to support road safety and crime control system is proposed. The following sections discusses how the notion of onlinedecentralised database can be adopted to structure specific solutions to interoperability problems. Section 5 gives thearchitecture, design and technique for the web-based database implementation; how the database can be processed and accuratestatistics about law enforcement generated and analysed to support planning, decision making and control of operations by theauthorities involved in enforcement of law is shown. The concludes with a summary of the salient points.Keywords: ICT, Government, Collaboration, Law Enforcement Agencies and Interoperabilit

    Web-Based Intelligence Reports System

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