1,037 research outputs found

    Deep Weakly-supervised Anomaly Detection

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    Anomaly detection is typically posited as an unsupervised learning task in the literature due to the prohibitive cost and difficulty to obtain large-scale labeled anomaly data, but this ignores the fact that a very small number (e.g.,, a few dozens) of labeled anomalies can often be made available with small/trivial cost in many real-world anomaly detection applications. To leverage such labeled anomaly data, we study an important anomaly detection problem termed weakly-supervised anomaly detection, in which, in addition to a large amount of unlabeled data, a limited number of labeled anomalies are available during modeling. Learning with the small labeled anomaly data enables anomaly-informed modeling, which helps identify anomalies of interest and address the notorious high false positives in unsupervised anomaly detection. However, the problem is especially challenging, since (i) the limited amount of labeled anomaly data often, if not always, cannot cover all types of anomalies and (ii) the unlabeled data is often dominated by normal instances but has anomaly contamination. We address the problem by formulating it as a pairwise relation prediction task. Particularly, our approach defines a two-stream ordinal regression neural network to learn the relation of randomly sampled instance pairs, i.e., whether the instance pair contains two labeled anomalies, one labeled anomaly, or just unlabeled data instances. The resulting model effectively leverages both the labeled and unlabeled data to substantially augment the training data and learn well-generalized representations of normality and abnormality. Comprehensive empirical results on 40 real-world datasets show that our approach (i) significantly outperforms four state-of-the-art methods in detecting both of the known and previously unseen anomalies and (ii) is substantially more data-efficient.Comment: Theoretical results are refined and extended. Significant more empirical results are added, including results on detecting previously unknown anomalie

    AnoOnly: Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection without Loss on Normal Data

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    Semi-supervised anomaly detection (SSAD) methods have demonstrated their effectiveness in enhancing unsupervised anomaly detection (UAD) by leveraging few-shot but instructive abnormal instances. However, the dominance of homogeneous normal data over anomalies biases the SSAD models against effectively perceiving anomalies. To address this issue and achieve balanced supervision between heavily imbalanced normal and abnormal data, we develop a novel framework called AnoOnly (Anomaly Only). Unlike existing SSAD methods that resort to strict loss supervision, AnoOnly suspends it and introduces a form of weak supervision for normal data. This weak supervision is instantiated through the utilization of batch normalization, which implicitly performs cluster learning on normal data. When integrated into existing SSAD methods, the proposed AnoOnly demonstrates remarkable performance enhancements across various models and datasets, achieving new state-of-the-art performance. Additionally, our AnoOnly is natively robust to label noise when suffering from data contamination. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/cool-xuan/AnoOnly.Comment: Under review for NeurIPS202

    Exploiting CLIP for Zero-shot HOI Detection Requires Knowledge Distillation at Multiple Levels

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    In this paper, we investigate the task of zero-shot human-object interaction (HOI) detection, a novel paradigm for identifying HOIs without the need for task-specific annotations. To address this challenging task, we employ CLIP, a large-scale pre-trained vision-language model (VLM), for knowledge distillation on multiple levels. Specifically, we design a multi-branch neural network that leverages CLIP for learning HOI representations at various levels, including global images, local union regions encompassing human-object pairs, and individual instances of humans or objects. To train our model, CLIP is utilized to generate HOI scores for both global images and local union regions that serve as supervision signals. The extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our novel multi-level CLIP knowledge integration strategy. Notably, the model achieves strong performance, which is even comparable with some fully-supervised and weakly-supervised methods on the public HICO-DET benchmark

    NNG-Mix: Improving Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection with Pseudo-anomaly Generation

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    Anomaly detection (AD) is essential in identifying rare and often critical events in complex systems, finding applications in fields such as network intrusion detection, financial fraud detection, and fault detection in infrastructure and industrial systems. While AD is typically treated as an unsupervised learning task due to the high cost of label annotation, it is more practical to assume access to a small set of labeled anomaly samples from domain experts, as is the case for semi-supervised anomaly detection. Semi-supervised and supervised approaches can leverage such labeled data, resulting in improved performance. In this paper, rather than proposing a new semi-supervised or supervised approach for AD, we introduce a novel algorithm for generating additional pseudo-anomalies on the basis of the limited labeled anomalies and a large volume of unlabeled data. This serves as an augmentation to facilitate the detection of new anomalies. Our proposed algorithm, named Nearest Neighbor Gaussian Mixup (NNG-Mix), efficiently integrates information from both labeled and unlabeled data to generate pseudo-anomalies. We compare the performance of this novel algorithm with commonly applied augmentation techniques, such as Mixup and Cutout. We evaluate NNG-Mix by training various existing semi-supervised and supervised anomaly detection algorithms on the original training data along with the generated pseudo-anomalies. Through extensive experiments on 57 benchmark datasets in ADBench, reflecting different data types, we demonstrate that NNG-Mix outperforms other data augmentation methods. It yields significant performance improvements compared to the baselines trained exclusively on the original training data. Notably, NNG-Mix yields up to 16.4%, 8.8%, and 8.0% improvements on Classical, CV, and NLP datasets in ADBench. Our source code will be available at https://github.com/donghao51/NNG-Mix

    Towards Video Anomaly Retrieval from Video Anomaly Detection: New Benchmarks and Model

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    Video anomaly detection (VAD) has been paid increasing attention due to its potential applications, its current dominant tasks focus on online detecting anomalies% at the frame level, which can be roughly interpreted as the binary or multiple event classification. However, such a setup that builds relationships between complicated anomalous events and single labels, e.g., ``vandalism'', is superficial, since single labels are deficient to characterize anomalous events. In reality, users tend to search a specific video rather than a series of approximate videos. Therefore, retrieving anomalous events using detailed descriptions is practical and positive but few researches focus on this. In this context, we propose a novel task called Video Anomaly Retrieval (VAR), which aims to pragmatically retrieve relevant anomalous videos by cross-modalities, e.g., language descriptions and synchronous audios. Unlike the current video retrieval where videos are assumed to be temporally well-trimmed with short duration, VAR is devised to retrieve long untrimmed videos which may be partially relevant to the given query. To achieve this, we present two large-scale VAR benchmarks, UCFCrime-AR and XDViolence-AR, constructed on top of prevalent anomaly datasets. Meanwhile, we design a model called Anomaly-Led Alignment Network (ALAN) for VAR. In ALAN, we propose an anomaly-led sampling to focus on key segments in long untrimmed videos. Then, we introduce an efficient pretext task to enhance semantic associations between video-text fine-grained representations. Besides, we leverage two complementary alignments to further match cross-modal contents. Experimental results on two benchmarks reveal the challenges of VAR task and also demonstrate the advantages of our tailored method.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Anomaly Crossing: New Horizons for Video Anomaly Detection as Cross-domain Few-shot Learning

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    Video anomaly detection aims to identify abnormal events that occurred in videos. Since anomalous events are relatively rare, it is not feasible to collect a balanced dataset and train a binary classifier to solve the task. Thus, most previous approaches learn only from normal videos using unsupervised or semi-supervised methods. Obviously, they are limited in capturing and utilizing discriminative abnormal characteristics, which leads to compromised anomaly detection performance. In this paper, to address this issue, we propose a new learning paradigm by making full use of both normal and abnormal videos for video anomaly detection. In particular, we formulate a new learning task: cross-domain few-shot anomaly detection, which can transfer knowledge learned from numerous videos in the source domain to help solve few-shot abnormality detection in the target domain. Concretely, we leverage self-supervised training on the target normal videos to reduce the domain gap and devise a meta context perception module to explore the video context of the event in the few-shot setting. Our experiments show that our method significantly outperforms baseline methods on DoTA and UCF-Crime datasets, and the new task contributes to a more practical training paradigm for anomaly detection
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