4 research outputs found

    Weakly-supervised Visual Instrument-playing Action Detection in Videos

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    Instrument playing is among the most common scenes in music-related videos, which represent nowadays one of the largest sources of online videos. In order to understand the instrument-playing scenes in the videos, it is important to know what instruments are played, when they are played, and where the playing actions occur in the scene. While audio-based recognition of instruments has been widely studied, the visual aspect of the music instrument playing remains largely unaddressed in the literature. One of the main obstacles is the difficulty in collecting annotated data of the action locations for training-based methods. To address this issue, we propose a weakly-supervised framework to find when and where the instruments are played in the videos. We propose to use two auxiliary models, a sound model and an object model, to provide supervisions for training the instrument-playing action model. The sound model provides temporal supervisions, while the object model provides spatial supervisions. They together can simultaneously provide temporal and spatial supervisions. The resulted model only needs to analyze the visual part of a music video to deduce which, when and where instruments are played. We found that the proposed method significantly improves the localization accuracy. We evaluate the result of the proposed method temporally and spatially on a small dataset (totally 5,400 frames) that we manually annotated

    Multitask learning for frame-level instrument recognition

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    For many music analysis problems, we need to know the presence of instruments for each time frame in a multi-instrument musical piece. However, such a frame-level instrument recognition task remains difficult, mainly due to the lack of labeled datasets. To address this issue, we present in this paper a large-scale dataset that contains synthetic polyphonic music with frame-level pitch and instrument labels. Moreover, we propose a simple yet novel network architecture to jointly predict the pitch and instrument for each frame. With this multitask learning method, the pitch information can be leveraged to predict the instruments, and also the other way around. And, by using the so-called pianoroll representation of music as the main target output of the model, our model also predicts the instruments that play each individual note event. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed method for framelevel instrument recognition by comparing it with its singletask ablated versions and three state-of-the-art methods. We also demonstrate the result of the proposed method for multipitch streaming with real-world music. For reproducibility, we will share the code to crawl the data and to implement the proposed model at: https://github.com/biboamy/ instrument-streaming.Comment: This is a pre-print version of an ICASSP 2019 pape

    Musical Composition Style Transfer via Disentangled Timbre Representations

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    Music creation involves not only composing the different parts (e.g., melody, chords) of a musical work but also arranging/selecting the instruments to play the different parts. While the former has received increasing attention, the latter has not been much investigated. This paper presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first deep learning models for rearranging music of arbitrary genres. Specifically, we build encoders and decoders that take a piece of polyphonic musical audio as input and predict as output its musical score. We investigate disentanglement techniques such as adversarial training to separate latent factors that are related to the musical content (pitch) of different parts of the piece, and that are related to the instrumentation (timbre) of the parts per short-time segment. By disentangling pitch and timbre, our models have an idea of how each piece was composed and arranged. Moreover, the models can realize "composition style transfer" by rearranging a musical piece without much affecting its pitch content. We validate the effectiveness of the models by experiments on instrument activity detection and composition style transfer. To facilitate follow-up research, we open source our code at https://github.com/biboamy/instrument-disentangle.Comment: Accepted by the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1811.0327

    Temporal Action Localization using Long Short-Term Dependency

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    Temporal action localization in untrimmed videos is an important but difficult task. Difficulties are encountered in the application of existing methods when modeling temporal structures of videos. In the present study, we developed a novel method, referred to as Gemini Network, for effective modeling of temporal structures and achieving high-performance temporal action localization. The significant improvements afforded by the proposed method are attributable to three major factors. First, the developed network utilizes two subnets for effective modeling of temporal structures. Second, three parallel feature extraction pipelines are used to prevent interference between the extractions of different stage features. Third, the proposed method utilizes auxiliary supervision, with the auxiliary classifier losses affording additional constraints for improving the modeling capability of the network. As a demonstration of its effectiveness, the Gemini Network was used to achieve state-of-the-art temporal action localization performance on two challenging datasets, namely, THUMOS14 and ActivityNet.Comment: 12pages, Tran