3,520 research outputs found

    Global Variational Method for Fingerprint Segmentation by Three-part Decomposition

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    Verifying an identity claim by fingerprint recognition is a commonplace experience for millions of people in their daily life, e.g. for unlocking a tablet computer or smartphone. The first processing step after fingerprint image acquisition is segmentation, i.e. dividing a fingerprint image into a foreground region which contains the relevant features for the comparison algorithm, and a background region. We propose a novel segmentation method by global three-part decomposition (G3PD). Based on global variational analysis, the G3PD method decomposes a fingerprint image into cartoon, texture and noise parts. After decomposition, the foreground region is obtained from the non-zero coefficients in the texture image using morphological processing. The segmentation performance of the G3PD method is compared to five state-of-the-art methods on a benchmark which comprises manually marked ground truth segmentation for 10560 images. Performance evaluations show that the G3PD method consistently outperforms existing methods in terms of segmentation accuracy

    Fingerprint liveness detection using local quality features

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    Fingerprint-based recognition has been widely deployed in various applications. However, current recognition systems are vulnerable to spoofing attacks which make use of an artificial replica of a fingerprint to deceive the sensors. In such scenarios, fingerprint liveness detection ensures the actual presence of a real legitimate fingerprint in contrast to a fake self-manufactured synthetic sample. In this paper, we propose a static software-based approach using quality features to detect the liveness in a fingerprint. We have extracted features from a single fingerprint image to overcome the issues faced in dynamic software-based approaches which require longer computational time and user cooperation. The proposed system extracts 8 sensor independent quality features on a local level containing minute details of the ridge-valley structure of real and fake fingerprints. These local quality features constitutes a 13-dimensional feature vector. The system is tested on a publically available dataset of LivDet 2009 competition. The experimental results exhibit supremacy of the proposed method over current state-of-the-art approaches providing least average classification error of 5.3% for LivDet 2009. Additionally, effectiveness of the best performing features over LivDet 2009 is evaluated on the latest LivDet 2015 dataset which contain fingerprints fabricated using unknown spoof materials. An average classification error rate of 4.22% is achieved in comparison with 4.49% obtained by the LivDet 2015 winner. Further, the proposed system utilizes a single fingerprint image, which results in faster implications and makes it more user-friendly.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 7 Table

    Parallel Stroked Multi Line: a model-based method for compressing large fingerprint databases

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    With increasing usage of fingerprints as an important biometric data, the need to compress the large fingerprint databases has become essential. The most recommended compression algorithm, even by standards, is JPEG2K. But at high compression rates, this algorithm is ineffective. In this paper, a model is proposed which is based on parallel lines with same orientations, arbitrary widths and same gray level values located on rectangle with constant gray level value as background. We refer to this algorithm as Parallel Stroked Multi Line (PSML). By using Adaptive Geometrical Wavelet and employing PSML, a compression algorithm is developed. This compression algorithm can preserve fingerprint structure and minutiae. The exact algorithm of computing the PSML model take exponential time. However, we have proposed an alternative approximation algorithm, which reduces the time complexity to O(n3)O(n^3). The proposed PSML alg. has significant advantage over Wedgelets Transform in PSNR value and visual quality in compressed images. The proposed method, despite the lower PSNR values than JPEG2K algorithm in common range of compression rates, in all compression rates have nearly equal or greater advantage over JPEG2K when used by Automatic Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS). At high compression rates, according to PSNR values, mean EER rate and visual quality, the encoded images with JPEG2K can not be identified from each other after compression. But, images encoded by the PSML alg. retained the sufficient information to maintain fingerprint identification performances similar to the ones obtained by raw images without compression. One the U.are.U 400 database, the mean EER rate for uncompressed images is 4.54%, while at 267:1 compression ratio, this value becomes 49.41% and 6.22% for JPEG2K and PSML, respectively. This result shows a significant improvement over the standard JPEG2K algorithm.Comment: 26 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Computer Vision and Image Understandin

    An Innovative Scheme For Effectual Fingerprint Data Compression Using Bezier Curve Representations

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    Naturally, with the mounting application of biometric systems, there arises a difficulty in storing and handling those acquired biometric data. Fingerprint recognition has been recognized as one of the most mature and established technique among all the biometrics systems. In recent times, with fingerprint recognition receiving increasingly more attention the amount of fingerprints collected has been constantly creating enormous problems in storage and transmission. Henceforth, the compression of fingerprints has emerged as an indispensable step in automated fingerprint recognition systems. Several researchers have presented approaches for fingerprint image compression. In this paper, we propose a novel and efficient scheme for fingerprint image compression. The presented scheme utilizes the Bezier curve representations for effective compression of fingerprint images. Initially, the ridges present in the fingerprint image are extracted along with their coordinate values using the approach presented. Subsequently, the control points are determined for all the ridges by visualizing each ridge as a Bezier curve. The control points of all the ridges determined are stored and are used to represent the fingerprint image. When needed, the fingerprint image is reconstructed from the stored control points using Bezier curves. The quality of the reconstructed fingerprint is determined by a formal evaluation. The proposed scheme achieves considerable memory reduction in storing the fingerprint.Comment: 9 pages IEEE format, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, IJCSIS 2009, ISSN 1947 5500, Impact Factor 0.423, http://sites.google.com/site/ijcsis

    Improving Iris Recognition Accuracy By Score Based Fusion Method

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    Iris recognition technology, used to identify individuals by photographing the iris of their eye, has become popular in security applications because of its ease of use, accuracy, and safety in controlling access to high-security areas. Fusion of multiple algorithms for biometric verification performance improvement has received considerable attention. The proposed method combines the zero-crossing 1 D wavelet Euler number, and genetic algorithm based for feature extraction. The output from these three algorithms is normalized and their score are fused to decide whether the user is genuine or imposter. This new strategies is discussed in this paper, in order to compute a multimodal combined score.Comment: http://ijict.org/index.php/ijoat/article/view/improving-iris-recognitio

    Filter Design and Performance Evaluation for Fingerprint Image Segmentation

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    Fingerprint recognition plays an important role in many commercial applications and is used by millions of people every day, e.g. for unlocking mobile phones. Fingerprint image segmentation is typically the first processing step of most fingerprint algorithms and it divides an image into foreground, the region of interest, and background. Two types of error can occur during this step which both have a negative impact on the recognition performance: 'true' foreground can be labeled as background and features like minutiae can be lost, or conversely 'true' background can be misclassified as foreground and spurious features can be introduced. The contribution of this paper is threefold: firstly, we propose a novel factorized directional bandpass (FDB) segmentation method for texture extraction based on the directional Hilbert transform of a Butterworth bandpass (DHBB) filter interwoven with soft-thresholding. Secondly, we provide a manually marked ground truth segmentation for 10560 images as an evaluation benchmark. Thirdly, we conduct a systematic performance comparison between the FDB method and four of the most often cited fingerprint segmentation algorithms showing that the FDB segmentation method clearly outperforms these four widely used methods. The benchmark and the implementation of the FDB method are made publicly available

    Simultaneous Inpainting and Denoising by Directional Global Three-part Decomposition: Connecting Variational and Fourier Domain Based Image Processing

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    We consider the very challenging task of restoring images (i) which have a large number of missing pixels, (ii) whose existing pixels are corrupted by noise and (iii) the ideal image to be restored contains both cartoon and texture elements. The combination of these three properties makes this inverse problem a very difficult one. The solution proposed in this manuscript is based on directional global three-part decomposition (DG3PD) [ThaiGottschlich2016] with directional total variation norm, directional G-norm and β„“βˆž\ell_\infty-norm in curvelet domain as key ingredients of the model. Image decomposition by DG3PD enables a decoupled inpainting and denoising of the cartoon and texture components. A comparison to existing approaches for inpainting and denoising shows the advantages of the proposed method. Moreover, we regard the image restoration problem from the viewpoint of a Bayesian framework and we discuss the connections between the proposed solution by function space and related image representation by harmonic analysis and pyramid decomposition

    Directional Global Three-part Image Decomposition

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    We consider the task of image decomposition and we introduce a new model coined directional global three-part decomposition (DG3PD) for solving it. As key ingredients of the DG3PD model, we introduce a discrete multi-directional total variation norm and a discrete multi-directional G-norm. Using these novel norms, the proposed discrete DG3PD model can decompose an image into two parts or into three parts. Existing models for image decomposition by Vese and Osher, by Aujol and Chambolle, by Starck et al., and by Thai and Gottschlich are included as special cases in the new model. Decomposition of an image by DG3PD results in a cartoon image, a texture image and a residual image. Advantages of the DG3PD model over existing ones lie in the properties enforced on the cartoon and texture images. The geometric objects in the cartoon image have a very smooth surface and sharp edges. The texture image yields oscillating patterns on a defined scale which is both smooth and sparse. Moreover, the DG3PD method achieves the goal of perfect reconstruction by summation of all components better than the other considered methods. Relevant applications of DG3PD are a novel way of image compression as well as feature extraction for applications such as latent fingerprint processing and optical character recognition

    Secure Iris Authentication Using Visual Cryptography

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    Biometrics deal with automated methods of identifying a person or verifying the identity of a person based on physiological or behavioral characteristics. Visual cryptography is a secret sharing scheme where a secret image is encrypted into the shares which independently disclose no information about the original secret image. As biometric template are stored in the centralized database, due to security threats biometric template may be modified by attacker. If biometric template is altered authorized user will not be allowed to access the resource. To deal this issue visual cryptography schemes can be applied to secure the iris template. Visual cryptography provides great means for helping such security needs as well as extra layer of authentication.Comment: IEEE Publication format, ISSN 1947 5500, http://sites.google.com/site/ijcsis

    ECG Identification under Exercise and Rest Situations via Various Learning Methods

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    As the advancement of information security, human recognition as its core technology, has absorbed an increasing amount of attention in the past few years. A myriad of biometric features including fingerprint, face, iris, have been applied to security systems, which are occasionally considered vulnerable to forgery and spoofing attacks. Due to the difficulty of being fabricated, electrocardiogram (ECG) has attracted much attention. Though many works have shown the excellent human identification provided by ECG, most current ECG human identification (ECGID) researches only focus on rest situation. In this manuscript, we overcome the oversimplification of previous researches and evaluate the performance under both exercise and rest situations, especially the influence of exercise on ECGID. By applying various existing learning methods to our ECG dataset, we find that current methods which can well support the identification of individuals under rests, do not suffice to present satisfying ECGID performance under exercise situations, therefore exposing the deficiency of existing ECG identification methods
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