2,778 research outputs found

    Universal Scalable Robust Solvers from Computational Information Games and fast eigenspace adapted Multiresolution Analysis

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    We show how the discovery of robust scalable numerical solvers for arbitrary bounded linear operators can be automated as a Game Theory problem by reformulating the process of computing with partial information and limited resources as that of playing underlying hierarchies of adversarial information games. When the solution space is a Banach space BB endowed with a quadratic norm \|\cdot\|, the optimal measure (mixed strategy) for such games (e.g. the adversarial recovery of uBu\in B, given partial measurements [ϕi,u][\phi_i, u] with ϕiB\phi_i\in B^*, using relative error in \|\cdot\|-norm as a loss) is a centered Gaussian field ξ\xi solely determined by the norm \|\cdot\|, whose conditioning (on measurements) produces optimal bets. When measurements are hierarchical, the process of conditioning this Gaussian field produces a hierarchy of elementary bets (gamblets). These gamblets generalize the notion of Wavelets and Wannier functions in the sense that they are adapted to the norm \|\cdot\| and induce a multi-resolution decomposition of BB that is adapted to the eigensubspaces of the operator defining the norm \|\cdot\|. When the operator is localized, we show that the resulting gamblets are localized both in space and frequency and introduce the Fast Gamblet Transform (FGT) with rigorous accuracy and (near-linear) complexity estimates. As the FFT can be used to solve and diagonalize arbitrary PDEs with constant coefficients, the FGT can be used to decompose a wide range of continuous linear operators (including arbitrary continuous linear bijections from H0sH^s_0 to HsH^{-s} or to L2L^2) into a sequence of independent linear systems with uniformly bounded condition numbers and leads to O(NpolylogN)\mathcal{O}(N \operatorname{polylog} N) solvers and eigenspace adapted Multiresolution Analysis (resulting in near linear complexity approximation of all eigensubspaces).Comment: 142 pages. 14 Figures. Presented at AFOSR (Aug 2016), DARPA (Sep 2016), IPAM (Apr 3, 2017), Hausdorff (April 13, 2017) and ICERM (June 5, 2017

    Exponential Splines of Complex Order

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    We extend the concept of exponential B-spline to complex orders. This extension contains as special cases the class of exponential splines and also the class of polynomial B-splines of complex order. We derive a time domain representation of a complex exponential B-spline depending on a single parameter and establish a connection to fractional differential operators defined on Lizorkin spaces. Moreover, we prove that complex exponential splines give rise to multiresolution analyses of L2(R)L^2(\mathbb{R}) and define wavelet bases for L2(R)L^2(\mathbb{R})

    Variational Data Assimilation via Sparse Regularization

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    This paper studies the role of sparse regularization in a properly chosen basis for variational data assimilation (VDA) problems. Specifically, it focuses on data assimilation of noisy and down-sampled observations while the state variable of interest exhibits sparsity in the real or transformed domain. We show that in the presence of sparsity, the 1\ell_{1}-norm regularization produces more accurate and stable solutions than the classic data assimilation methods. To motivate further developments of the proposed methodology, assimilation experiments are conducted in the wavelet and spectral domain using the linear advection-diffusion equation

    Approximation of high-dimensional parametric PDEs

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    Parametrized families of PDEs arise in various contexts such as inverse problems, control and optimization, risk assessment, and uncertainty quantification. In most of these applications, the number of parameters is large or perhaps even infinite. Thus, the development of numerical methods for these parametric problems is faced with the possible curse of dimensionality. This article is directed at (i) identifying and understanding which properties of parametric equations allow one to avoid this curse and (ii) developing and analyzing effective numerical methodd which fully exploit these properties and, in turn, are immune to the growth in dimensionality. The first part of this article studies the smoothness and approximability of the solution map, that is, the map au(a)a\mapsto u(a) where aa is the parameter value and u(a)u(a) is the corresponding solution to the PDE. It is shown that for many relevant parametric PDEs, the parametric smoothness of this map is typically holomorphic and also highly anisotropic in that the relevant parameters are of widely varying importance in describing the solution. These two properties are then exploited to establish convergence rates of nn-term approximations to the solution map for which each term is separable in the parametric and physical variables. These results reveal that, at least on a theoretical level, the solution map can be well approximated by discretizations of moderate complexity, thereby showing how the curse of dimensionality is broken. This theoretical analysis is carried out through concepts of approximation theory such as best nn-term approximation, sparsity, and nn-widths. These notions determine a priori the best possible performance of numerical methods and thus serve as a benchmark for concrete algorithms. The second part of this article turns to the development of numerical algorithms based on the theoretically established sparse separable approximations. The numerical methods studied fall into two general categories. The first uses polynomial expansions in terms of the parameters to approximate the solution map. The second one searches for suitable low dimensional spaces for simultaneously approximating all members of the parametric family. The numerical implementation of these approaches is carried out through adaptive and greedy algorithms. An a priori analysis of the performance of these algorithms establishes how well they meet the theoretical benchmarks