2,588 research outputs found

    Graph Spectral Image Processing

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    Recent advent of graph signal processing (GSP) has spurred intensive studies of signals that live naturally on irregular data kernels described by graphs (e.g., social networks, wireless sensor networks). Though a digital image contains pixels that reside on a regularly sampled 2D grid, if one can design an appropriate underlying graph connecting pixels with weights that reflect the image structure, then one can interpret the image (or image patch) as a signal on a graph, and apply GSP tools for processing and analysis of the signal in graph spectral domain. In this article, we overview recent graph spectral techniques in GSP specifically for image / video processing. The topics covered include image compression, image restoration, image filtering and image segmentation

    Multiplicative Noise Removal Using L1 Fidelity on Frame Coefficients

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    We address the denoising of images contaminated with multiplicative noise, e.g. speckle noise. Classical ways to solve such problems are filtering, statistical (Bayesian) methods, variational methods, and methods that convert the multiplicative noise into additive noise (using a logarithmic function), shrinkage of the coefficients of the log-image data in a wavelet basis or in a frame, and transform back the result using an exponential function. We propose a method composed of several stages: we use the log-image data and apply a reasonable under-optimal hard-thresholding on its curvelet transform; then we apply a variational method where we minimize a specialized criterion composed of an â„“1\ell^1 data-fitting to the thresholded coefficients and a Total Variation regularization (TV) term in the image domain; the restored image is an exponential of the obtained minimizer, weighted in a way that the mean of the original image is preserved. Our restored images combine the advantages of shrinkage and variational methods and avoid their main drawbacks. For the minimization stage, we propose a properly adapted fast minimization scheme based on Douglas-Rachford splitting. The existence of a minimizer of our specialized criterion being proven, we demonstrate the convergence of the minimization scheme. The obtained numerical results outperform the main alternative methods

    Image blur estimation based on the average cone of ratio in the wavelet domain

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    In this paper, we propose a new algorithm for objective blur estimation using wavelet decomposition. The central idea of our method is to estimate blur as a function of the center of gravity of the average cone ratio (ACR) histogram. The key properties of ACR are twofold: it is powerful in estimating local edge regularity, and it is nearly insensitive to noise. We use these properties to estimate the blurriness of the image, irrespective of the level of noise. In particular, the center of gravity of the ACR histogram is a blur metric. The method is applicable both in case where the reference image is available and when there is no reference. The results demonstrate a consistent performance of the proposed metric for a wide class of natural images and in a wide range of out of focus blurriness. Moreover, the proposed method shows a remarkable insensitivity to noise compared to other wavelet domain methods

    Wavelet/shearlet hybridized neural networks for biomedical image restoration

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    Recently, new programming paradigms have emerged that combine parallelism and numerical computations with algorithmic differentiation. This approach allows for the hybridization of neural network techniques for inverse imaging problems with more traditional methods such as wavelet-based sparsity modelling techniques. The benefits are twofold: on the one hand traditional methods with well-known properties can be integrated in neural networks, either as separate layers or tightly integrated in the network, on the other hand, parameters in traditional methods can be trained end-to-end from datasets in a neural network "fashion" (e.g., using Adagrad or Adam optimizers). In this paper, we explore these hybrid neural networks in the context of shearlet-based regularization for the purpose of biomedical image restoration. Due to the reduced number of parameters, this approach seems a promising strategy especially when dealing with small training data sets

    CT Image Reconstruction by Spatial-Radon Domain Data-Driven Tight Frame Regularization

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    This paper proposes a spatial-Radon domain CT image reconstruction model based on data-driven tight frames (SRD-DDTF). The proposed SRD-DDTF model combines the idea of joint image and Radon domain inpainting model of \cite{Dong2013X} and that of the data-driven tight frames for image denoising \cite{cai2014data}. It is different from existing models in that both CT image and its corresponding high quality projection image are reconstructed simultaneously using sparsity priors by tight frames that are adaptively learned from the data to provide optimal sparse approximations. An alternative minimization algorithm is designed to solve the proposed model which is nonsmooth and nonconvex. Convergence analysis of the algorithm is provided. Numerical experiments showed that the SRD-DDTF model is superior to the model by \cite{Dong2013X} especially in recovering some subtle structures in the images
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