8 research outputs found

    An efficient algorithm for the parallel solution of high-dimensional differential equations

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    The study of high-dimensional differential equations is challenging and difficult due to the analytical and computational intractability. Here, we improve the speed of waveform relaxation (WR), a method to simulate high-dimensional differential-algebraic equations. This new method termed adaptive waveform relaxation (AWR) is tested on a communication network example. Further we propose different heuristics for computing graph partitions tailored to adaptive waveform relaxation. We find that AWR coupled with appropriate graph partitioning methods provides a speedup by a factor between 3 and 16

    Optimized waveform relaxation solution of RLCG transmission line type circuits

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    Waveform relaxation as a dynamical system

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    In this paper the properties of waveform relaxation are studied when applied to the dynamical system generated by an autonomous ordinary differential equation. In particular, the effect of the waveform relaxation on the invariant sets of the flow is analysed. Windowed waveform relaxation is studied, whereby the iterative technique is applied on successive time intervals of length T and a fixed, finite, number of iterations taken on each window. This process does not generate a dynamical system on R+ since two different applications of the waveform algorithm over different time intervals do not, in general, commute. In order to generate a dynamical system it is necessary to consider the time T map generated by the relaxation process. This is done, and C^1-closeness of the resulting map to the time T map of the underlying ordinary differential equation is established. Using this, various results from the theory of dynamical systems are applied, and the results discussed

    Waveform relaxation as a dynamical system

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    Abstract. In this paper the properties of waveform relaxation are studied when applied to the dynamical system generated by an autonomous ordinary differential equation. In particular, the effect of the waveform relaxation on the invariant sets of the flow is analysed. Windowed waveform relaxation is studied, whereby the iterative technique is applied on successive time intervals of length T and a fixed, finite, number of iterations taken on each window. This process does not generate a dynamical system on R + since two different applications of the waveform algorithm over different time intervals do not, in general, commute. In order to generate a dynamical system it is necessary to consider the time T map generated by the relaxation process. This is done, and C 1-closeness of the resulting map to the time T map of the underlying ordinary differential equation is established. Using this, various results from the theory of dynamical systems are applied, and the results discussed. 1

    Waveform relaxation as a dynamical system

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    Waveform relaxation as a dynamical system

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    Waveform Relaxation as a Dynamical System

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    In this paper the properties of waveform relaxation are studied when applied to the dynamical system generated by an autonomous ordinary differential equation. In particular, the effect of the waveform relaxation on the invariant sets of the flow is analysed. Windowed waveform relaxation is studied, whereby the iterative technique is applied on succesive time intervals of length T and a fixed, finite, number of iterations taken on each window. This process does not generate a dynamical system on R + since two different applications of the waveform algorithm over different time intervals do not, in general, commute. In order to generate a dynamical system it is necessary to consider the time T map generated by the relaxation process. This is done, and C 1 -closeness of the resulting map to the time T map of the underlying ordinary differential equation is established. Using this, various results from the theory of dynamical systems are applied, and the results discussed. 1 Introduct..