738 research outputs found

    Null convention logic circuits for asynchronous computer architecture

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    For most of its history, computer architecture has been able to benefit from a rapid scaling in semiconductor technology, resulting in continuous improvements to CPU design. During that period, synchronous logic has dominated because of its inherent ease of design and abundant tools. However, with the scaling of semiconductor processes into deep sub-micron and then to nano-scale dimensions, computer architecture is hitting a number of roadblocks such as high power and increased process variability. Asynchronous techniques can potentially offer many advantages compared to conventional synchronous design, including average case vs. worse case performance, robustness in the face of process and operating point variability and the ready availability of high performance, fine grained pipeline architectures. Of the many alternative approaches to asynchronous design, Null Convention Logic (NCL) has the advantage that its quasi delay-insensitive behavior makes it relatively easy to set up complex circuits without the need for exhaustive timing analysis. This thesis examines the characteristics of an NCL based asynchronous RISC-V CPU and analyses the problems with applying NCL to CPU design. While a number of university and industry groups have previously developed small 8-bit microprocessor architectures using NCL techniques, it is still unclear whether these offer any real advantages over conventional synchronous design. A key objective of this work has been to analyse the impact of larger word widths and more complex architectures on NCL CPU implementations. The research commenced by re-evaluating existing techniques for implementing NCL on programmable devices such as FPGAs. The little work that has been undertaken previously on FPGA implementations of asynchronous logic has been inconclusive and seems to indicate that asynchronous systems cannot be easily implemented in these devices. However, most of this work related to an alternative technique called bundled data, which is not well suited to FPGA implementation because of the difficulty in controlling and matching delays in a 'bundle' of signals. On the other hand, this thesis clearly shows that such applications are not only possible with NCL, but there are some distinct advantages in being able to prototype complex asynchronous systems in a field-programmable technology such as the FPGA. A large part of the value of NCL derives from its architectural level behavior, inherent pipelining, and optimization opportunities such as the merging of register and combina- tional logic functions. In this work, a number of NCL multiplier architectures have been analyzed to reveal the performance trade-offs between various non-pipelined, 1D and 2D organizations. Two-dimensional pipelining can easily be applied to regular architectures such as array multipliers in a way that is both high performance and area-efficient. It was found that the performance of 2D pipelining for small networks such as multipliers is around 260% faster than the equivalent non-pipelined design. However, the design uses 265% more transistors so the methodology is mainly of benefit where performance is strongly favored over area. A pipelined 32bit x 32bit signed Baugh-Wooley multiplier with Wallace-Tree Carry Save Adders (CSA), which is representative of a real design used for CPUs and DSPs, was used to further explore this concept as it is faster and has fewer pipeline stages compared to the normal array multiplier using Ripple-Carry adders (RCA). It was found that 1D pipelining with ripple-carry chains is an efficient implementation option but becomes less so for larger multipliers, due to the completion logic for which the delay time depends largely on the number of bits involved in the completion network. The average-case performance of ripple-carry adders was explored using random input vectors and it was observed that it offers little advantage on the smaller multiplier blocks, but this particular timing characteristic of asynchronous design styles be- comes increasingly more important as word size grows. Finally, this research has resulted in the development of the first 32-Bit asynchronous RISC-V CPU core. Called the Redback RISC, the architecture is a structure of pipeline rings composed of computational oscillations linked with flow completeness relationships. It has been written using NELL, a commercial description/synthesis tool that outputs standard Verilog. The Redback has been analysed and compared to two approximately equivalent industry standard 32-Bit synchronous RISC-V cores (PicoRV32 and Rocket) that are already fabricated and used in industry. While the NCL implementation is larger than both commercial cores it has similar performance and lower power compared to the PicoRV32. The implementation results were also compared against an existing NCL design tool flow (UNCLE), which showed how much the results of these implementation strategies differ. The Redback RISC has achieved similar level of throughput and 43% better power and 34% better energy compared to one of the synchronous cores with the same benchmark test and test condition such as input sup- ply voltage. However, it was shown that area is the biggest drawback for NCL CPU design. The core is roughly 2.5× larger than synchronous designs. On the other hand its area is still 2.9× smaller than previous designs using UNCLE tools. The area penalty is largely due to the unavoidable translation into a dual-rail topology when using the standard NCL cell library

    Exploration and Design of High Performance Variation Tolerant On-Chip Interconnects

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    Siirretty Doriast

    Synthesis Of Self-resetting Stage Logic Pipelines

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    As designers began to pack multi-million transistors onto a single chip, their reliance on a global clocking signal to orchestrate the operations of the chip has started to face almost insurmountable difficulties. As a result, designers started to explore clockless circuits to avoid the global clocking problem. Recently, self-resetting circuits implemented in dynamic logic families have been proposed as viable clockless alternatives. While these circuits can produce excellent performances, they display serious limitations in terms of area cost and power consumption. A middle-of-the-road alternative, which can provide a good performance and avoid the limitations seen in dynamic self-resetting circuits, would be to implement self-resetting behavior in static circuits. This alternative has been introduced recently as Self-Resetting Stage Logic and used to propose three types of clockless pipelines. Experimental studies show that these pipelines have the potential to produce high throughputs with a minimum area overhead if a suitable synthesis methodology is available. This thesis proposes a novel synthesis methodology to design and verify clockless pipelines implemented in SRSL by taking advantage of the maturity of current CAD tools. This methodology formulates the synthesis problem as a combinatorial analytical problem for which a run-time efficient exact solution is difficult to derive. Consequently, a two-phase algorithm is proposed to synthesize these pipelines from gate netlists subject to user-specified constraints. The first phase is a heuristic based on the as-soon-as-possible scheduling strategy in which each gate of the netlist is assigned to a single pipeline stage without violating the period constraint of each pipeline stage. On the other hand, the second phase consists of a heuristic, based on the Kernighan-Lin partitioning strategy, to minimize the number of nets crossing each pair of adjacent pipeline stages. The objective of this optimization is to reduce the number of latches separating pipeline stages since these latches tend to occupy large areas. Experiments conducted on a prototype of the synthesis algorithm reveal that these self-resetting stage logic pipelines can easily reach throughputs higher than 1 GHz. Furthermore, these experiments reveal that the area overhead needed to implement the self-resetting circuitry of these pipelines can be easily amortized over the area of the logic embedded in the pipeline stages. In the overall, the synthesis methods developed for SRSL produce low area overhead pipelines for wide and deep gate netlists while it tends to produce high throughput pipelines for wide and shallow gate netlists. This shows that these pipelines are mostly suitable for coarse-grain datapaths

    Design and Characterization of Null Convention Self-Timed Multipliers

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    Self-timed multipliers, designed using the delay-insensitive null convention logic (NCL) paradigm, were analyzed. NCL require less power, generate less noise, produce less electromagnetic interference, and allow easier reuse of components. Simulation results show a large variance in circuit performance in terms of power, area, and speed. NCL paradigm also represent bit-serial, iterative, and fully parallel multiplication architectures. They reduce the effort required to ensure correct operation under all timing scenarios, compared to equivalent synchronous designs

    A Practical Application of Wave-Pipelining Theory on a Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation Coder-Decoder Design

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    Pipeline architectures are often considered in VLSI designs that require high throughput. The draw-backs for traditional pipelined architectures are the increased area, power, and latency required for implementation. However, with increased design effort, wave-pipelining can be applied as an alternative to a pipelined circuit to reduce the pipeline area, power, and latency while maintaining the original functionality and timing of the overall circuit. The objective of this paper is the successful application of the theories of wave-pipelining in a practical digital system. To accomplish this, the pipelined portion of an Multi-Channel Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) Coder-Decoder (CODEC) is replaced with a wave pipeline design

    Gate and Throughput Optimizations for NULL Convention Self-timed Digital Circuits

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    NULL Convention Logic (NCL) provides an asynchronous design methodology employing dual-rail signals, quad-rail signals, or other Mutually Exclusive Assertion Groups (MEAGs) to incorporate data and control information into one mixed path. In NCL, the control is inherently present with each datum, so there is no need for worse-case delay analysis and control path delay matching. This dissertation focuses on optimization methods for NCL circuits, specifically addressing three related architectural areas of NCL design. First, a design method for optimizing NCL circuits is developed. The method utilizes conventional Boolean minimization followed by table-driven gate substitutions. It is applied to design time and space optimal fundamental logic functions, a time and space optimal full adder, and time, transistor count, and power optimal up-counter circuits. The method is applicable when composing logic functions where each gate is a state-holding element; and can produce delay-insensitive circuits requiring less area and fewer gate delays than alternative gate-level approaches requiring full minterm generation. Second, a pipelining method for producing throughput optimal NCL systems is developed. A relationship between the number of gate delays per stage and the worse-case throughput for a pipeline as a whole is derived. The method then uses this relationship to minimize a pipeline\u27s worse-case throughput by partitioning the NCL combinational circuitry through the addition of asynchronous registers. The method is applied to design a maximum throughput unsigned multiplier, which yields a speedup of 2.25 over the non-pipelined version, while maintaining delay-insensitivity. Third, a technique to mitigate the impact of the NULL cycle is developed. The technique further increases the maximum attainable throughput of a NCL system by reducing inherent overheads associated with an integrated data and control path. This technique is applied to a non-pipelined 4-bit by 4-bit unsigned multiplier to yield a speedup of 1.61 over the standalone version. Finally, these techniques are applied to design a 72+32x32 multiply and accumulate (MAC) unit, which outperforms other delay-insensitive/self-timed MACs in the literature. It also performs conditional rounding, scaling, and saturation of the output, whereas the others do not; thus further distinguishing it from the previous work. The methods developed facilitate speed, transistor count, and power tradeoffs using approaches that are readily automatable

    Generalised and Versatile Connected Health Solution on the Zynq SoC

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    This chapter presents a generalized and versatile connected health solution for patient monitoring. It consists of a mobile system that can be used at home, an ambulance and a hospital. The system uses the Shimmer sensor device to collect three axes (x, y and z) accelerometer data as well as electrocardiogram signals. The accelerometer data is used to implement a fall detection system using the k-Nearest Neighbors classifier. The classification algorithm is implemented on various platform including a PC and the Zynq system on chip platform where both programmable logic and processing system of the Zynq are explored. In addition, the electrocardiogram signals are used to extract vital information, the signals are also encrypted using the Advanced Encryption Standard and sent wirelessly using Wi-Fi for further processing. Implementation results have shown that the best overall accuracy reaches 90% for the fall detection while meeting real-time performances when implemented on the Zynq and while using only 48% of Look-up Tables and 22% of Flip-Flops available on chip

    Low-Power and Reconfigurable Asynchronous ASIC Design Implementing Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has experienced a tremendous surge in recent years, resulting in high demand for a wide array of implementations of algorithms in the field. With the rise of Internet-of-Things devices, the need for artificial intelligence algorithms implemented in hardware with tight design restrictions has become even more prevalent. In terms of low power and area, ASIC implementations have the best case. However, these implementations suffer from high non-recurring engineering costs, long time-to-market, and a complete lack of flexibility, which significantly hurts their appeal in an environment where time-to-market is so critical. The time-to-market gap can be shortened through the use of reconfigurable solutions, such as FPGAs, but these come with high cost per unit and significant power and area deficiencies over their ASIC counterparts. To bridge these gaps, this dissertation work develops two methodologies to improve the usability of ASIC implementations of neural networks in these applications. The first method demonstrates a method for substantial reductions in design time for asynchronous implementations of a set of AI algorithms known as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) by analyzing the possible architectures and implementing a library of generic or easily altered components that can be used to quickly implement a chosen RNN architecture. A tapeout of this method was completed using as few as 112 hours of labor by the designer from RNN selection to a DRC/LVS clean chip layout ready for fabrication. The second method develops a flow to implement a set of RNNs in a single reconfigurable ASIC, offering a middle ground between fully reconfigurable solutions and completely application-specific implementations. This reconfigurable design is capable of representing thousands of possible RNN configurations in a single IC. A tapeout of this design was also completed, with both tapeouts using the TSMC 65nm bulk CMOS process
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