83 research outputs found

    Wasserstein robust combinatorial optimization problems

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    This paper discusses a class of combinatorial optimization problems with uncertain costs in the objective function. It is assumed that a sample of the cost realizations is available, which defines an empirical probability distribution for the random cost vector. A Wasserstein ball, centered at the empirical distribution, is used to define an ambiguity set of probability distributions. A solution minimizing the Conditional Value at Risk for a worst probability distribution in the Wasserstein ball is computed. The complexity of the problem is investigated. Exact and approximate solution methods for various support sets are proposed. Some known results for the Wasserstein robust shortest path problem are generalized and refined

    A study of distributionally robust mixed-integer programming with Wasserstein metric: on the value of incomplete data

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    This study addresses a class of linear mixed-integer programming (MILP) problems that involve uncertainty in the objective function parameters. The parameters are assumed to form a random vector, whose probability distribution can only be observed through a finite training data set. Unlike most of the related studies in the literature, we also consider uncertainty in the underlying data set. The data uncertainty is described by a set of linear constraints for each random sample, and the uncertainty in the distribution (for a fixed realization of data) is defined using a type-1 Wasserstein ball centered at the empirical distribution of the data. The overall problem is formulated as a three-level distributionally robust optimization (DRO) problem. First, we prove that the three-level problem admits a single-level MILP reformulation, if the class of loss functions is restricted to biaffine functions. Secondly, it turns out that for several particular forms of data uncertainty, the outlined problem can be solved reasonably fast by leveraging the nominal MILP problem. Finally, we conduct a computational study, where the out-of-sample performance of our model and computational complexity of the proposed MILP reformulation are explored numerically for several application domains

    Data-driven Distributionally Robust Optimization over Time

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    Stochastic Optimization (SO) is a classical approach for optimization under uncertainty that typically requires knowledge about the probability distribution of uncertain parameters. As the latter is often unknown, Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) provides a strong alternative that determines the best guaranteed solution over a set of distributions (ambiguity set). In this work, we present an approach for DRO over time that uses online learning and scenario observations arriving as a data stream to learn more about the uncertainty. Our robust solutions adapt over time and reduce the cost of protection with shrinking ambiguity. For various kinds of ambiguity sets, the robust solutions converge to the SO solution. Our algorithm achieves the optimization and learning goals without solving the DRO problem exactly at any step. We also provide a regret bound for the quality of the online strategy which converges at a rate of O(logT/T)\mathcal{O}(\log T / \sqrt{T}), where TT is the number of iterations. Furthermore, we illustrate the effectiveness of our procedure by numerical experiments on mixed-integer optimization instances from popular benchmark libraries and give practical examples stemming from telecommunications and routing. Our algorithm is able to solve the DRO over time problem significantly faster than standard reformulations