88 research outputs found

    Hinge-Wasserstein: Mitigating Overconfidence in Regression by Classification

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    Modern deep neural networks are prone to being overconfident despite their drastically improved performance. In ambiguous or even unpredictable real-world scenarios, this overconfidence can pose a major risk to the safety of applications. For regression tasks, the regression-by-classification approach has the potential to alleviate these ambiguities by instead predicting a discrete probability density over the desired output. However, a density estimator still tends to be overconfident when trained with the common NLL loss. To mitigate the overconfidence problem, we propose a loss function, hinge-Wasserstein, based on the Wasserstein Distance. This loss significantly improves the quality of both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, compared to previous work. We demonstrate the capabilities of the new loss on a synthetic dataset, where both types of uncertainty are controlled separately. Moreover, as a demonstration for real-world scenarios, we evaluate our approach on the benchmark dataset Horizon Lines in the Wild. On this benchmark, using the hinge-Wasserstein loss reduces the Area Under Sparsification Error (AUSE) for horizon parameters slope and offset, by 30.47% and 65.00%, respectively

    Towards Safer Robot-Assisted Surgery: A Markerless Augmented Reality Framework

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    Robot-assisted surgery is rapidly developing in the medical field, and the integration of augmented reality shows the potential of improving the surgeons' operation performance by providing more visual information. In this paper, we proposed a markerless augmented reality framework to enhance safety by avoiding intra-operative bleeding which is a high risk caused by the collision between the surgical instruments and the blood vessel. Advanced stereo reconstruction and segmentation networks are compared to find out the best combination to reconstruct the intra-operative blood vessel in the 3D space for the registration of the pre-operative model, and the minimum distance detection between the instruments and the blood vessel is implemented. A robot-assisted lymphadenectomy is simulated on the da Vinci Research Kit in a dry lab, and ten human subjects performed this operation to explore the usability of the proposed framework. The result shows that the augmented reality framework can help the users to avoid the dangerous collision between the instruments and the blood vessel while not introducing an extra load. It provides a flexible framework that integrates augmented reality into the medical robot platform to enhance safety during the operation

    DSGN++: Exploiting Visual-Spatial Relation for Stereo-based 3D Detectors

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    Camera-based 3D object detectors are welcome due to their wider deployment and lower price than LiDAR sensors. We revisit the prior stereo modeling DSGN about the stereo volume constructions for representing both 3D geometry and semantics. We polish the stereo modeling and propose our approach, DSGN++, aiming for improving information flow throughout the 2D-to-3D pipeline in the following three main aspects. First, to effectively lift the 2D information to stereo volume, we propose depth-wise plane sweeping (DPS) that allows denser connections and extracts depth-guided features. Second, for better grasping differently spaced features, we present a novel stereo volume -- Dual-view Stereo Volume (DSV) that integrates front-view and top-view features and reconstructs sub-voxel depth in the camera frustum. Third, as the foreground region becomes less dominant in 3D space, we firstly propose a multi-modal data editing strategy -- Stereo-LiDAR Copy-Paste, which ensures cross-modal alignment and improves data efficiency. Without bells and whistles, extensive experiments in various modality setups on the popular KITTI benchmark show that our method consistently outperforms other camera-based 3D detectors for all categories. Code will be released at https://github.com/chenyilun95/DSGN2

    DDL-MVS: Depth Discontinuity Learning for MVS Networks

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    Traditional MVS methods have good accuracy but struggle with completeness, while recently developed learning-based multi-view stereo (MVS) techniques have improved completeness except accuracy being compromised. We propose depth discontinuity learning for MVS methods, which further improves accuracy while retaining the completeness of the reconstruction. Our idea is to jointly estimate the depth and boundary maps where the boundary maps are explicitly used for further refinement of the depth maps. We validate our idea and demonstrate that our strategies can be easily integrated into the existing learning-based MVS pipeline where the reconstruction depends on high-quality depth map estimation. Extensive experiments on various datasets show that our method improves reconstruction quality compared to baseline. Experiments also demonstrate that the presented model and strategies have good generalization capabilities. The source code will be available soon
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