7 research outputs found

    Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness of Multipath Routing in Computer Networks

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    In this dissertation, we studied methods for improving efficiency and effectiveness of multipath routing in computer networks. We showed that multipath routing can improve network performance for failure recovery, load balancing, Quality of Service (QoS), and energy consumption. We presented a method for reducing the overhead of computing dynamic path metrics, one of the obstacles for implementing dynamic multipath routing in real world networks. In the first part, we proposed a method for building disjoint multipaths that could be used for local failure recovery as well as for multipath routing. Proactive failure recovery schemes have been recently proposed for continuous service of delay-sensitive applications during failure transients at the cost of extra infrastructural support in the form of routing table entries, extra addresses, etc. These extra infrastructure supports could be exploited to build alternative disjoint paths in those frameworks, while keeping the lengths of the alternative paths close to those of the primary paths. The evaluations showed that it was possible to extend the proactive failure recovery schemes to provide support for nearly-disjoint paths which could be employed in multipath routing for load balancing and QoS. In the second part, we proposed a method for reducing overhead of measuring dynamic link state information for multipath routing, specifically path delays used in Wardrop routing. Even when dynamic routing could be shown to offer convergence properties without oscillations, it has not been widely adopted. One of reasons was that the expected cost of keeping the link metrics updated at various nodes in the network. We proposed threshold-based updates to propagate the link state only when the currently measured link state differs from the last updated state consider- ably. Threshold-based updates were shown through analysis and simulations to offer bounded guarantees on path quality while significantly reducing the cost of propagating the dynamic link metric information. The simulation studies indicated that threshold based updates can reduce the number of link updates by up to 90-95% in some cases. In the third part, we proposed methods of using multipath routing for reducing energy consumption in computer networks. Two different approaches have been advocated earlier, from traffic engineering and topology control to hardware-based approaches. We proposed solutions at two different time scales. On a finer time granularity, we employed a method of forwarding through alternate paths to enable longer sleep schedules of links. The proposed schemes achieved more energy saving by increasing the usage of active links and the down time of sleeping links as well as avoiding too frequent link state changes. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first technique combining a routing scheme with hardware scheme to save energy consumption in networks. In our evaluation, alternative forwarding reduced energy consumption by 10% on top of a hardware-based sleeping scheme. On a longer time granularity, we proposed a technique that combined multipath routing with topology control. The proposed scheme achieved increased energy savings by maximizing the link utilization on a reduced topology where the number of active nodes and links are minimized. The proposed technique reduced energy consumption by an additional 17% over previous schemes with single/shortest path routing

    Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness of Multipath Routing in Computer Networks

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    In this dissertation, we studied methods for improving efficiency and effectiveness of multipath routing in computer networks. We showed that multipath routing can improve network performance for failure recovery, load balancing, Quality of Service (QoS), and energy consumption. We presented a method for reducing the overhead of computing dynamic path metrics, one of the obstacles for implementing dynamic multipath routing in real world networks. In the first part, we proposed a method for building disjoint multipaths that could be used for local failure recovery as well as for multipath routing. Proactive failure recovery schemes have been recently proposed for continuous service of delay-sensitive applications during failure transients at the cost of extra infrastructural support in the form of routing table entries, extra addresses, etc. These extra infrastructure supports could be exploited to build alternative disjoint paths in those frameworks, while keeping the lengths of the alternative paths close to those of the primary paths. The evaluations showed that it was possible to extend the proactive failure recovery schemes to provide support for nearly-disjoint paths which could be employed in multipath routing for load balancing and QoS. In the second part, we proposed a method for reducing overhead of measuring dynamic link state information for multipath routing, specifically path delays used in Wardrop routing. Even when dynamic routing could be shown to offer convergence properties without oscillations, it has not been widely adopted. One of reasons was that the expected cost of keeping the link metrics updated at various nodes in the network. We proposed threshold-based updates to propagate the link state only when the currently measured link state differs from the last updated state consider- ably. Threshold-based updates were shown through analysis and simulations to offer bounded guarantees on path quality while significantly reducing the cost of propagating the dynamic link metric information. The simulation studies indicated that threshold based updates can reduce the number of link updates by up to 90-95% in some cases. In the third part, we proposed methods of using multipath routing for reducing energy consumption in computer networks. Two different approaches have been advocated earlier, from traffic engineering and topology control to hardware-based approaches. We proposed solutions at two different time scales. On a finer time granularity, we employed a method of forwarding through alternate paths to enable longer sleep schedules of links. The proposed schemes achieved more energy saving by increasing the usage of active links and the down time of sleeping links as well as avoiding too frequent link state changes. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first technique combining a routing scheme with hardware scheme to save energy consumption in networks. In our evaluation, alternative forwarding reduced energy consumption by 10% on top of a hardware-based sleeping scheme. On a longer time granularity, we proposed a technique that combined multipath routing with topology control. The proposed scheme achieved increased energy savings by maximizing the link utilization on a reduced topology where the number of active nodes and links are minimized. The proposed technique reduced energy consumption by an additional 17% over previous schemes with single/shortest path routing

    Interference-aware adaptive spectrum management for wireless networks using unlicensed frequency bands

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    The growing demand for ubiquitous broadband network connectivity and continuously falling prices in hardware operating on the unlicensed bands have put Wi-Fi technology in a position to lead the way in rapid innovation towards high performance wireless for the future. The success story of Wi-Fi contributed to the development of widespread variety of options for unlicensed access (e.g., Bluetooth, Zigbee) and has even sparked regulatory bodies in several countries to permit access to unlicensed devices in portions of the spectrum initially licensed to TV services. In this thesis we present novel spectrum management algorithms for networks employing 802.11 and TV white spaces broadly aimed at efficient use of spectrum under consideration, lower contention (interference) and high performance. One of the target scenarios of this thesis is neighbourhood or citywide wireless access. For this, we propose the use of IEEE 802.11-based multi-radio wireless mesh network using omnidirectional antennae. We develop a novel scalable protocol termed LCAP for efficient and adaptive distributed multi-radio channel allocation. In LCAP, nodes autonomously learn their channel allocation based on neighbourhood and channel usage information. This information is obtained via a novel neighbour discovery protocol, which is effective even when nodes do not share a common channel. Extensive simulation-based evaluation of LCAP relative to the state-of-the-art Asynchronous Distributed Colouring (ADC) protocol demonstrates that LCAP is able to achieve its stated objectives. These objectives include efficient channel utilisation across diverse traffic patterns, protocol scalability and adaptivity to factors such as external interference. Motivated by the non-stationary nature of the network scenario and the resulting difficulty of establishing convergence of LCAP, we consider a deterministic alternative. This approach employs a novel distributed priority-based mechanism where nodes decide on their channel allocations based on only local information. Key enabler of this approach is our neighbour discovery mechanism. We show via simulations that this mechanism exhibits similar performance to LCAP. Another application scenario considered in this thesis is broadband access to rural areas. For such scenarios, we consider the use of long-distance 802.11 mesh networks and present a novel mechanism to address the channel allocation problem in a traffic-aware manner. The proposed approach employs a multi-radio architecture using directional antennae. Under this architecture, we exploit the capability of the 802.11 hardware to use different channel widths and assign widths to links based on their relative traffic volume such that side-lobe interference is mitigated. We show that this problem is NP-complete and propose a polynomial time, greedy channel allocation algorithm that guarantees valid channel allocations for each node. Evaluation of the proposed algorithm via simulations of real network topologies shows that it consistently outperforms fixed width allocation due to its ability to adapt to spatio-temporal variations in traffic demands. Finally, we consider the use of TV-white-spaces to increase throughput for in-home wireless networking and relieve the already congested unlicensed bands. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to develop a scalable micro auctioning mechanism for sharing of TV white space spectrum through a geolocation database. The goal of our approach is to minimise contention among secondary users, while not interfering with primary users of TV white space spectrum (TV receivers and microphone users). It enables interference-free and dynamic sharing of TVWS among home networks with heterogeneous spectrum demands, while resulting in revenue generation for database and broadband providers. Using white space availability maps from the UK, we validate our approach in real rural, urban and dense-urban residential scenarios. Our results show that our mechanism is able to achieve its stated objectives of attractiveness to both the database provider and spectrum requesters, scalability and efficiency for dynamic spectrum distribution in an interference-free manner