2 research outputs found

    Walks on SPR Neighborhoods

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    A nearest-neighbor-interchange (NNI) walk is a sequence of unrooted phylogenetic trees, T_0, T_1, T_2,... where each consecutive pair of trees differ by a single NNI move. We give tight bounds on the length of the shortest NNI-walks that visit all trees in an subtree-prune-and-regraft (SPR) neighborhood of a given tree. For any unrooted, binary tree, T, on n leaves, the shortest walk takes {\theta}(n^2) additional steps than the number of trees in the SPR neighborhood. This answers Bryant's Second Combinatorial Conjecture from the Phylogenetics Challenges List, the Isaac Newton Institute, 2011, and the Penny Ante Problem List, 2009

    Walks on SPR Neighborhoods

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