9 research outputs found

    Predicting receptor-ligand pairs through kernel learning

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Regulation of cellular events is, often, initiated via extracellular signaling. Extracellular signaling occurs when a circulating ligand interacts with one or more membrane-bound receptors. Identification of receptor-ligand pairs is thus an important and specific form of PPI prediction.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Given a set of disparate data sources (expression data, domain content, and phylogenetic profile) we seek to predict new receptor-ligand pairs. We create a combined kernel classifier and assess its performance with respect to the Database of Ligand-Receptor Partners (DLRP) 'golden standard' as well as the method proposed by Gertz <it>et al. </it>Among our findings, we discover that our predictions for the tgfβ family accurately reconstruct over 76% of the supported edges (0.76 recall and 0.67 precision) of the receptor-ligand bipartite graph defined by the DLRP "golden standard". In addition, for the tgfβ family, the combined kernel classifier is able to relatively improve upon the Gertz <it>et al. </it>work by a factor of approximately 1.5 when considering that our method has an <it>F</it>-measure of 0.71 while that of Gertz <it>et al. </it>has a value of 0.48.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The prediction of receptor-ligand pairings is a difficult and complex task. We have demonstrated that using kernel learning on multiple data sources provides a stronger alternative to the existing method in solving this task.</p

    Cómo adaptar un modelo de aprendizaje profundo a un nuevo dominio: el caso de la extracción de relaciones biomédicas

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    In this article, we study the relation extraction problem from Natural Language Processing (NLP) implementing a domain adaptation setting without external resources. We trained a Deep Learning (DL) model for Relation Extraction (RE), which extracts semantic relations in the biomedical domain. However, can the model be applied to different domains? The model should be adaptable to automatically extract relationships across different domains using the DL network. Completely training DL models in a short time is impractical because the models should quickly adapt to different datasets in several domains without delay. Therefore, adaptation is crucial for intelligent systems, where changing factors and unanticipated perturbations are common. In this study, we present a detailed analysis of the problem, as well as preliminary experimentation, results, and their evaluation.En este trabajo estudiamos el problema de extracción de relaciones del Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural (PLN). Realizamos una configuración para la adaptación de dominio sin recursos externos. De esta forma, entrenamos un modelo con aprendizaje profundo (DL) para la extracción de relaciones (RE). El modelo permite extraer relaciones semánticas para el dominio biomédico. Sin embargo, ¿El modelo puede ser aplicado a diferentes dominios? El modelo debería adaptarse automáticamente para la extracción de relaciones entre diferentes dominios usando la red de DL. Entrenar completamente modelos DL en una escala de tiempo corta no es práctico, deseamos que los modelos se adapten rápidamente de diferentes conjuntos de datos con varios dominios y sin demora. Así, la adaptación es crucial para los sistemas inteligentes que operan en el mundo real, donde los factores cambiantes y las perturbaciones imprevistas son habituales. En este artículo, presentamos un análisis detallado del problema, una experimentación preliminar, resultados y la discusión acerca de los resultados

    Large-scale automated protein function prediction

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    Includes bibliographical references.2016 Summer.Proteins are the workhorses of life, and identifying their functions is a very important biological problem. The function of a protein can be loosely defined as everything it performs or happens to it. The Gene Ontology (GO) is a structured vocabulary which captures protein function in a hierarchical manner and contains thousands of terms. Through various wet-lab experiments over the years scientists have been able to annotate a large number of proteins with GO categories which reflect their functionality. However, experimentally determining protein functions is a highly resource-intensive task, and a large fraction of proteins remain un-annotated. Recently a plethora automated methods have emerged and their reasonable success in computationally determining the functions of proteins using a variety of data sources – by sequence/structure similarity or using various biological network data, has led to establishing automated function prediction (AFP) as an important problem in bioinformatics. In a typical machine learning problem, cross-validation is the protocol of choice for evaluating the accuracy of a classifier. But, due to the process of accumulation of annotations over time, we identify the AFP as a combination of two sub-tasks: making predictions on annotated proteins and making predictions on previously unannotated proteins. In our first project, we analyze the performance of several protein function prediction methods in these two scenarios. Our results show that GOstruct, an AFP method that our lab has previously developed, and two other popular methods: binary SVMs and guilt by association, find it hard to achieve the same level of accuracy on these two tasks compared to the performance evaluated through cross-validation, and that predicting novel annotations for previously annotated proteins is a harder problem than predicting annotations for uncharacterized proteins. We develop GOstruct 2.0 by proposing improvements which allows the model to make use of information of a protein's current annotations to better handle the task of predicting novel annotations for previously annotated proteins. Experimental results on yeast and human data show that GOstruct 2.0 outperforms the original GOstruct, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed improvements. Although the biomedical literature is a very informative resource for identifying protein function, most AFP methods do not take advantage of the large amount of information contained in it. In our second project, we conduct the first ever comprehensive evaluation on the effectiveness of literature data for AFP. Specifically, we extract co-mentions of protein-GO term pairs and bag-of-words features from the literature and explore their effectiveness in predicting protein function. Our results show that literature features are very informative of protein function but with further room for improvement. In order to improve the quality of automatically extracted co-mentions, we formulate the classification of co-mentions as a supervised learning problem and propose a novel method based on graph kernels. Experimental results indicate the feasibility of using this co-mention classifier as a complementary method that aids the bio-curators who are responsible for maintaining databases such as Gene Ontology. This is the first study of the problem of protein-function relation extraction from biomedical text. The recently developed human phenotype ontology (HPO), which is very similar to GO, is a standardized vocabulary for describing the phenotype abnormalities associated with human diseases. At present, only a small fraction of human protein coding genes have HPO annotations. But, researchers believe that a large portion of currently unannotated genes are related to disease phenotypes. Therefore, it is important to predict gene-HPO term associations using accurate computational methods. In our third project, we introduce PHENOstruct, a computational method that directly predicts the set of HPO terms for a given gene. We compare PHENOstruct with several baseline methods and show that it outperforms them in every respect. Furthermore, we highlight a collection of informative data sources suitable for the problem of predicting gene-HPO associations, including large scale literature mining data

    Text Mining for Systems Biology and MetNet

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    The rapidly expanding volume of biological and biomedical literature motivates demand for more friendly access. Better automated mining of this literature can help find useful and desired citations and can extract new knowledge from the massive biological literaturome. The research objectives presented here, when met, will provide comprehensive text mining utilities within the MetNet (Metabolic Network Exchange) (Wurtele et al., 2007), platform to help biologists visualize, explore, and analyze the biological literaturome. The overarching research question to be addressed is how to automatically extract biomolecular interactions from numerous biomedical texts. Here are the specific aims of this work. 1. Research on the text empirics of interaction-indicating terms to find more clues to improve the current algorithm applied in PathBinder to more precisely judge whether biomolecular interaction descriptions are present in sentences from the biological literature. 2. Based on these research results, extract interacting biomolecule pairs from literature and use those pairs to construct a biomolecule interaction database and network. 3. Integrate biomolecular interaction-indicating term extraction into MetNet\u27s existing metabolomic network database. 4. Apply all of the above results in PathBinder software. 5. Quantitatively evaluate the success of algorithms developed based on the text empirics results. This work is expected to advance systems biology by answering scientific questions about biological text empirics, by contributing to the engineering task of building MetNet and key constituent subsystems of MetNet, and by supporting the MetNet project through selected maintenance tasks