24 research outputs found

    WLCG Authorisation from X.509 to Tokens

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    The WLCG Authorisation Working Group was formed in July 2017 with the objective to understand and meet the needs of a future-looking Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure (AAI) for WLCG experiments. Much has changed since the early 2000s when X.509 certificates presented the most suitable choice for authorisation within the grid; progress in token based authorisation and identity federation has provided an interesting alternative with notable advantages in usability and compatibility with external (commercial) partners. The need for interoperability in this new model is paramount as infrastructures and research communities become increasingly interdependent. Over the past two years, the working group has made significant steps towards identifying a system to meet the technical needs highlighted by the community during staged requirements gathering activities. Enhancement work has been possible thanks to externally funded projects, allowing existing AAI solutions to be adapted to our needs. A cornerstone of the infrastructure is the reliance on a common token schema in line with evolving standards and best practices, allowing for maximum compatibility and easy cooperation with peer infrastructures and services. We present the work of the group and an analysis of the anticipated changes in authorisation model by moving from X.509 to token based authorisation. A concrete example of token integration in Rucio is presented.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of CHEP 201

    WLCG Transition from X.509 to Tokens. Status, Plans, and Timeline

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    Since 2017, the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) has been working towards enabling token-based authentication and authorization throughout its entire middleware stack. Following the initial publication of the WLCG Token Schema v1.0 in 2019, OAuth2.0 token workflows have been integrated across grid middleware. There are many complex challenges to be addressed before the WLCG can be end-to-end token-based, including not just technical hurdles but also interoperability with the wider authentication and authorization landscape. This paper presents the status of the WLCG coordination and deployment work, and how it relates to software providers and partner communities. The authors also detail how the WLCG token transition timeline has progressed, and how it has changed since its publication

    Third-party transfers in WLCG using HTTP

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    Since its earliest days, the Worldwide LHC Computational Grid (WLCG) has relied on GridFTP to transfer data between sites. The announcement that Globus is dropping support of its open source Globus Toolkit (GT), which forms the basis for several FTP client and servers, has created an opportunity to reevaluate the use of FTP. HTTP-TPC, an extension to HTTP compatible with WebDAV, has arisen as a strong contender for an alternative approach. In this paper, we describe the HTTP-TPC protocol itself, along with the current status of its support in different implementations, and the interoperability testing done within the WLCG DOMA working group's TPC activity. This protocol also provides the first real use-case for token-based authorisation for this community. We will demonstrate the benefits of such authorisation by showing how it allows HTTP-TPC to support new technologies (such as OAuth, OpenID Connect, Macaroons and SciTokens) without changing the protocol. We will also discuss the next steps for HTTP-TPC and the plans to use the protocol for WLCG transfers.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of CHEP 202

    Investigating and evaluating the authentication and authorisation of the JAliEn grid middleware framework

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    Grid computing involverer en distribuert samling av ressurser over hele verden, som inkluderer mange komponenter. Dette gjør at det er en rekke angrepsflater for potensielle sikkerhetstrusler. Denne oppgaven utforsker sikkerhetsaspektene ved grid middleware ved å undersøke JAliEn middleware, et grid framework som brukes i ALICE-samarbeidet ved CERN for datadistribusjon gjennom gridet. Hovedfokuset ligger på å identifisere potensielle sårbarheter som kan svekke dataintegriteten og muliggjøre uautorisert tilgang til systemet. Studien involverer diskusjon med utviklere, testing av systemets oppførsel og analyse av tokensertifikater som brukes for autentisering og autorisasjon i JAliEn. Forskningen identifiserer to sårbarheter. For det første kan brukere utføre flere jobber enn tillatt, noe som potensielt kan føre til overbelastning av systemet. For det andre kan job tokens utnyttes på grunn av hvor enkelt det er å hente dem fra en jobb. En mer strukturert tilnærming og ytterligere testing er imidlertid nødvendig for å vurdere disse sårbarhetenes fulle omfang.Masteroppgave i Programvareutvikling samarbeid med HVLPROG399MAMN-PRO

    AARC: First draft of the Blueprint Architecture for Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructures

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    AARC (Authentication and Authorisation for Research Communities) is a two-year EC-funded project to develop and pilot an integrated cross-discipline authentication and authorisation framework, building on existing authentication and authorisation infrastructures (AAIs) and production federated infrastructure. AARC also champions federated access and offers tailored training to complement the actions needed to test AARC results and to promote AARC outcomes. This article describes a high-level blueprint architectures for interoperable AAIs

    Evolution of the open-source data management system Rucio for LHC Run-3 and beyond ATLAS

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    Rucio, the distributed data management system of the ATLAS experiment already manages more than 400 Petabytes of physics data on the grid. Rucio was incrementally improved throughout LHC Run-2 and is currently being prepared for the HL-LHC era of the experiment. Next to these improvements the system is currently evolving into a full-scale generic data management system for application beyond ATLAS, or even beyond high-energy physics. This contribution focuses on the development roadmap of Rucio for LHC Run-3, such as event level data management, generic meta-data support and increased usage of networks and tapes. At the same time Rucio is evolving beyond the original ATLAS requirements. This includes additional authentication mechanisms, generic database compatibility, deployment and packaging of the software stack in containers, and a project paradigm shift to a full-scale open source project.Facultad de Informátic

    Federated Identity Management for Research Collaborations

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    This white-paper expresses common requirements of Research Communities seeking to leverage Identity Federation for Authentication and Authorisation. Recommendations are made to Stakeholders to guide the future evolution of Federated Identity Management in a direction that better satisfies research use cases. The authors represent research communities, Research Services, Infrastructures, Identity Federations and Interfederations, with a joint motivation to ease collaboration for distributed researchers. The content has been edited collaboratively by the Federated Identity Management for Research (FIM4R) Community, with input sought at conferences and meetings in Europe, Asia and North America

    DIRAC current, upcoming and planned capabilities and technologies

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    DIRAC is the interware for building and operating large scale distributed computing systems. It is adopted by multiple collaborations from various scientific domains for implementing their computing models. DIRAC provides a framework and a rich set of ready-to-use services for Workload, Data and Production Management tasks of small, medium and large scientific communities having different computing requirements. The base functionality can be easily extended by custom components supporting community specific workflows. DIRAC is at the same time an aging project, and a new DiracX project is taking shape for replacing DIRAC in the long term. This contribution will highlight DIRAC’s current, upcoming and planned capabilities and technologies, and how the transition to DiracX will take place. Examples include, but are not limited to, adoption of security tokens and interactions with Identity Provider services, integration of Clouds and High Performance Computers, interface with Rucio, improved monitoring and deployment procedures

    Support for experiments at INFN-T1

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    The Italian WLCG Tier-1 located in Bologna and managed by INFN-CNAF has a long tradition in supporting several research communities in the fields of High-Energy Physics, Astroparticle Physics, Gravitational Waves, Nuclear Physics and others, to which provides computing resources in the form of batch computing, both HPC, HTC and Cloud, and storage. Although the LHC experiments at CERN represent the main users of the Tier-1 resources, an increasing number of communities and experiments are also being supported in all of their computing activities. Due to this demanding user base, an efficient support system is needed in order to assure a smooth and appropriate exploitation of the computing infrastructure. In this framework, such a role is played by the Tier-1 User Support group, which acts as the entry point for services, support requests, and problem reports. The group makes use of multiple systems to meet the different needs and specificities of the supported experiments. Moreover, the group continuously maintains detailed knowledge base in the form of an on-line user guide and develops tools to advertise specific information about the services available to the communities in a form that is easy to access and use. The communication channels are represented by ticketing systems and also by mailing lists used for a more direct communication, allowing to promptly notify maintenance interventions, downtimes and more in general all the new features and services provided by the center. In this paper, the ticketing systems, tools, platforms and services that User Support offers, and the internal organization of the department will be described. Future workflow plans in view of the DATACLOUD project, which will require an increasing effort, will also be presented