9 research outputs found

    One-shot Voice Conversion by Separating Speaker and Content Representations with Instance Normalization

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    Recently, voice conversion (VC) without parallel data has been successfully adapted to multi-target scenario in which a single model is trained to convert the input voice to many different speakers. However, such model suffers from the limitation that it can only convert the voice to the speakers in the training data, which narrows down the applicable scenario of VC. In this paper, we proposed a novel one-shot VC approach which is able to perform VC by only an example utterance from source and target speaker respectively, and the source and target speaker do not even need to be seen during training. This is achieved by disentangling speaker and content representations with instance normalization (IN). Objective and subjective evaluation shows that our model is able to generate the voice similar to target speaker. In addition to the performance measurement, we also demonstrate that this model is able to learn meaningful speaker representations without any supervision.Comment: Interspeech 201

    Multi-target Voice Conversion without Parallel Data by Adversarially Learning Disentangled Audio Representations

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    Recently, cycle-consistent adversarial network (Cycle-GAN) has been successfully applied to voice conversion to a different speaker without parallel data, although in those approaches an individual model is needed for each target speaker. In this paper, we propose an adversarial learning framework for voice conversion, with which a single model can be trained to convert the voice to many different speakers, all without parallel data, by separating the speaker characteristics from the linguistic content in speech signals. An autoencoder is first trained to extract speaker-independent latent representations and speaker embedding separately using another auxiliary speaker classifier to regularize the latent representation. The decoder then takes the speaker-independent latent representation and the target speaker embedding as the input to generate the voice of the target speaker with the linguistic content of the source utterance. The quality of decoder output is further improved by patching with the residual signal produced by another pair of generator and discriminator. A target speaker set size of 20 was tested in the preliminary experiments, and very good voice quality was obtained. Conventional voice conversion metrics are reported. We also show that the speaker information has been properly reduced from the latent representations.Comment: Accepted to Interspeech 201

    Parallel-Data-Free Voice Conversion Using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks

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    We propose a parallel-data-free voice-conversion (VC) method that can learn a mapping from source to target speech without relying on parallel data. The proposed method is general purpose, high quality, and parallel-data free and works without any extra data, modules, or alignment procedure. It also avoids over-smoothing, which occurs in many conventional statistical model-based VC methods. Our method, called CycleGAN-VC, uses a cycle-consistent adversarial network (CycleGAN) with gated convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and an identity-mapping loss. A CycleGAN learns forward and inverse mappings simultaneously using adversarial and cycle-consistency losses. This makes it possible to find an optimal pseudo pair from unpaired data. Furthermore, the adversarial loss contributes to reducing over-smoothing of the converted feature sequence. We configure a CycleGAN with gated CNNs and train it with an identity-mapping loss. This allows the mapping function to capture sequential and hierarchical structures while preserving linguistic information. We evaluated our method on a parallel-data-free VC task. An objective evaluation showed that the converted feature sequence was near natural in terms of global variance and modulation spectra. A subjective evaluation showed that the quality of the converted speech was comparable to that obtained with a Gaussian mixture model-based method under advantageous conditions with parallel and twice the amount of data

    CycleGAN-VC2: Improved CycleGAN-based Non-parallel Voice Conversion

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    Non-parallel voice conversion (VC) is a technique for learning the mapping from source to target speech without relying on parallel data. This is an important task, but it has been challenging due to the disadvantages of the training conditions. Recently, CycleGAN-VC has provided a breakthrough and performed comparably to a parallel VC method without relying on any extra data, modules, or time alignment procedures. However, there is still a large gap between the real target and converted speech, and bridging this gap remains a challenge. To reduce this gap, we propose CycleGAN-VC2, which is an improved version of CycleGAN-VC incorporating three new techniques: an improved objective (two-step adversarial losses), improved generator (2-1-2D CNN), and improved discriminator (PatchGAN). We evaluated our method on a non-parallel VC task and analyzed the effect of each technique in detail. An objective evaluation showed that these techniques help bring the converted feature sequence closer to the target in terms of both global and local structures, which we assess by using Mel-cepstral distortion and modulation spectra distance, respectively. A subjective evaluation showed that CycleGAN-VC2 outperforms CycleGAN-VC in terms of naturalness and similarity for every speaker pair, including intra-gender and inter-gender pairs.Comment: Accepted to ICASSP 2019. Project page: http://www.kecl.ntt.co.jp/people/kaneko.takuhiro/projects/cyclegan-vc2/index.htm

    StarGAN-VC: Non-parallel many-to-many voice conversion with star generative adversarial networks

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    This paper proposes a method that allows non-parallel many-to-many voice conversion (VC) by using a variant of a generative adversarial network (GAN) called StarGAN. Our method, which we call StarGAN-VC, is noteworthy in that it (1) requires no parallel utterances, transcriptions, or time alignment procedures for speech generator training, (2) simultaneously learns many-to-many mappings across different attribute domains using a single generator network, (3) is able to generate converted speech signals quickly enough to allow real-time implementations and (4) requires only several minutes of training examples to generate reasonably realistic-sounding speech. Subjective evaluation experiments on a non-parallel many-to-many speaker identity conversion task revealed that the proposed method obtained higher sound quality and speaker similarity than a state-of-the-art method based on variational autoencoding GANs

    A Multi-Discriminator CycleGAN for Unsupervised Non-Parallel Speech Domain Adaptation

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    Domain adaptation plays an important role for speech recognition models, in particular, for domains that have low resources. We propose a novel generative model based on cyclic-consistent generative adversarial network (CycleGAN) for unsupervised non-parallel speech domain adaptation. The proposed model employs multiple independent discriminators on the power spectrogram, each in charge of different frequency bands. As a result we have 1) better discriminators that focus on fine-grained details of the frequency features, and 2) a generator that is capable of generating more realistic domain-adapted spectrogram. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on speech recognition with gender adaptation, where the model only has access to supervised data from one gender during training, but is evaluated on the other at test time. Our model is able to achieve an average of 7.41%7.41\% on phoneme error rate, and 11.10%11.10\% word error rate relative performance improvement as compared to the baseline, on TIMIT and WSJ dataset, respectively. Qualitatively, our model also generates more natural sounding speech, when conditioned on data from the other domain.Comment: Accepted to Interspeech 201

    MelGAN-VC: Voice Conversion and Audio Style Transfer on arbitrarily long samples using Spectrograms

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    Traditional voice conversion methods rely on parallel recordings of multiple speakers pronouncing the same sentences. For real-world applications however, parallel data is rarely available. We propose MelGAN-VC, a voice conversion method that relies on non-parallel speech data and is able to convert audio signals of arbitrary length from a source voice to a target voice. We firstly compute spectrograms from waveform data and then perform a domain translation using a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) architecture. An additional siamese network helps preserving speech information in the translation process, without sacrificing the ability to flexibly model the style of the target speaker. We test our framework with a dataset of clean speech recordings, as well as with a collection of noisy real-world speech examples. Finally, we apply the same method to perform music style transfer, translating arbitrarily long music samples from one genre to another, and showing that our framework is flexible and can be used for audio manipulation applications different from voice conversion

    ACVAE-VC: Non-parallel many-to-many voice conversion with auxiliary classifier variational autoencoder

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    This paper proposes a non-parallel many-to-many voice conversion (VC) method using a variant of the conditional variational autoencoder (VAE) called an auxiliary classifier VAE (ACVAE). The proposed method has three key features. First, it adopts fully convolutional architectures to construct the encoder and decoder networks so that the networks can learn conversion rules that capture time dependencies in the acoustic feature sequences of source and target speech. Second, it uses an information-theoretic regularization for the model training to ensure that the information in the attribute class label will not be lost in the conversion process. With regular CVAEs, the encoder and decoder are free to ignore the attribute class label input. This can be problematic since in such a situation, the attribute class label will have little effect on controlling the voice characteristics of input speech at test time. Such situations can be avoided by introducing an auxiliary classifier and training the encoder and decoder so that the attribute classes of the decoder outputs are correctly predicted by the classifier. Third, it avoids producing buzzy-sounding speech at test time by simply transplanting the spectral details of the input speech into its converted version. Subjective evaluation experiments revealed that this simple method worked reasonably well in a non-parallel many-to-many speaker identity conversion task.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1806.0216

    Nonparallel Voice Conversion with Augmented Classifier Star Generative Adversarial Networks

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    We previously proposed a method that allows for nonparallel voice conversion (VC) by using a variant of generative adversarial networks (GANs) called StarGAN. The main features of our method, called StarGAN-VC, are as follows: First, it requires no parallel utterances, transcriptions, or time alignment procedures for speech generator training. Second, it can simultaneously learn mappings across multiple domains using a single generator network and thus fully exploit available training data collected from multiple domains to capture latent features that are common to all the domains. Third, it can generate converted speech signals quickly enough to allow real-time implementations and requires only several minutes of training examples to generate reasonably realistic-sounding speech. In this paper, we describe three formulations of StarGAN, including a newly introduced novel StarGAN variant called "Augmented classifier StarGAN (A-StarGAN)", and compare them in a nonparallel VC task. We also compare them with several baseline methods.Comment: Submitted to IEEE/ACM Trans. ASLP. This paper is an extended full-paper version of arXiv:1806.0216