20 research outputs found

    Channelized voice over digital subscriber line

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    The objective of this article is to present a promising voice over digital subscriber line (VoDSL) solution: an alternative method that uses physical layer transportation to provide channelized VoDSL (CVoDSL). This article also presents the advantages that the CVoDSL provides to the customers in terms of high-quality services and lower cost, and service providers in terms of market growth and success. It also offers a set of requirements, architectural design, and implementation scenarios that provide end-to-end solutions for CVoDSL

    VoIP under the EU regulatory framework : preventing foreclosure?

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    In June 2004, the European Commission (EC) issued an "Information and Consultation Document" (European Commission 2004) that discussed how the Regulatory Framework of the European Union (EU) should be adapted to accommodate Voice over IP (VoIP) and invited relevant parties to comment on the Consultation Document. In our study, we use the responses of the different market parties to identify how incumbents seek to foreclose the market for VoIP telephony. From these responses we conclude that foreclosure is not only attempted by setting high prices for the use of infrastructure, but also by the strategic choice of infrastructure technology, which raises the cost of entry. We label the latter form of foreclosure "technological foreclosure" – as opposed to "market foreclosure". A simple modeling exercise shows that regulators seeking to avoid market foreclosure might trigger technological foreclosure. We argue that this has happened with the unbundling of the local loop in the EU, and that it might happen again with the transition to VoIP. We conclude that the current rights and obligations assigned to telecom companies effectively protect incumbents from competition by VoIP entrants. Moreover, the inaction of regulatory authorities when it comes to numbering and communication protocols is advantageous for incumbents and might obstruct the provision of new services in the future

    Voices Past: The Present and Future of VoIP Regulation

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    Do market failures hamper the perspectives of broadband?

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    This report analyses the broadband market and asks whether a specific role of government is necessary. As broadband telecommunication is seen as a source of productivity gains, the European Union and other regions are encouraging the deployment of a secure broadband infrastructure. In the Netherlands, there is some concern whether the supply of broadband capacity will meet the strongly increasing demand. The main conclusions are that presently, given current broadband policy, no considerable market failures exist. Firms have adequate incentives to invest in broadband, partly induced by specific regulation of access to the local copper loop. Hence, there is no need for changes in current broadband policy. Market failures in terms of knowledge spillovers are taken care of by other policies. As the broadband markets are very dynamic, unforeseen developments may emerge such as the appearance of new dominant techniques and market players. The best strategy for the government, in particular the competition authority, is to continuously monitor these markets, making timely intervention easier when needed.

    xDSL como solución de último kilómetro para redes corporativas y residenciales

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    La creciente demanda de aplicaciones de mayor ancho de banda por usuarios residenciales y corporativos, ha hecho que aparezcan cada vez mas tecnologías para eliminar los cuellos de botella en las redes de acceso (ultimo kilómetro), siendo algunas de estas soluciones a largo plazo, debido a la infraestructura necesaria para que puedan funcionar, como es el caso de la fibra óptica hasta el abonado. Es por esto que se han desarrollado técnicas que permitan utilizar la infraestructura existente y al mismo tiempo ofrecer una mayor velocidad en las redes de acceso, como es el caso de la tecnología DSL que utiliza la existente red telefónica conmutada. Como no todos los usuarios finales poseen las mismas necesidades, se han desarrollado diferentes tipos de DSL. Por lo tanto, la tecnología ADSL surgió para usuarios que demandan mas información de la que son capaces de brindar, lo cual la hace idónea para proveer servicios de televisión interactiva. Sus características hacen que esta sea la mas utilizada en la actualidad. Los equipos utilizados para esta tecnología, hace que esta pueda ser implementada junto con el modo de transporte ATM, permitiendo mayor velocidad en el ambiente WAN.Incluye bibliografí

    Keeping pace with globalisation innovation capability in Korea's telecommunications equipment industry

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    Korea is one of the four from the developing world to have built up substantial innovation capability in the design and manufacture of state-of-the-art telecommunications equipments. The paper undertakes a detailed review of this innovation capability and analyses its precise status during the time when the Korean economy was subject to a serious financial crisis. The paper maps out the sectoral system for innovation in the telecommunications equipment industry and measures the innovation capability in terms of a set of three separate indicators. The ensuing analysis shows that the country has built up substantial innovation capability in not just fixed telephony but also in mobile communication technologies. There has been some passage of this capability from the public research laboratory to private sector manufacturing firms. The Korean state has continued to support the public laboratory through a variety of financial grants and public technology procurement. However these traditional instruments of support are no longer valid in newer technologies such as mobile telephony. The innovation system has nevertheless achieved considerable sophistication that it is in a position to keep pace with changes in the technology frontier Key words: Innovation Capability, Korea, Telecommunications, Digital Switching systems, CDMA Mobile Telephony. JEL Classification: L630, O310, O320, O380