16 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Dependency Parsing: Let's Use Supervised Parsers

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    We present a self-training approach to unsupervised dependency parsing that reuses existing supervised and unsupervised parsing algorithms. Our approach, called `iterated reranking' (IR), starts with dependency trees generated by an unsupervised parser, and iteratively improves these trees using the richer probability models used in supervised parsing that are in turn trained on these trees. Our system achieves 1.8% accuracy higher than the state-of-the-part parser of Spitkovsky et al. (2013) on the WSJ corpus.Comment: 11 page

    Latent Tree Language Model

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    In this paper we introduce Latent Tree Language Model (LTLM), a novel approach to language modeling that encodes syntax and semantics of a given sentence as a tree of word roles. The learning phase iteratively updates the trees by moving nodes according to Gibbs sampling. We introduce two algorithms to infer a tree for a given sentence. The first one is based on Gibbs sampling. It is fast, but does not guarantee to find the most probable tree. The second one is based on dynamic programming. It is slower, but guarantees to find the most probable tree. We provide comparison of both algorithms. We combine LTLM with 4-gram Modified Kneser-Ney language model via linear interpolation. Our experiments with English and Czech corpora show significant perplexity reductions (up to 46% for English and 49% for Czech) compared with standalone 4-gram Modified Kneser-Ney language model.Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 201

    Visually Grounded Compound PCFGs

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    Exploiting visual groundings for language understanding has recently been drawing much attention. In this work, we study visually grounded grammar induction and learn a constituency parser from both unlabeled text and its visual groundings. Existing work on this task (Shi et al., 2019) optimizes a parser via Reinforce and derives the learning signal only from the alignment of images and sentences. While their model is relatively accurate overall, its error distribution is very uneven, with low performance on certain constituents types (e.g., 26.2% recall on verb phrases, VPs) and high on others (e.g., 79.6% recall on noun phrases, NPs). This is not surprising as the learning signal is likely insufficient for deriving all aspects of phrase-structure syntax and gradient estimates are noisy. We show that using an extension of probabilistic context-free grammar model we can do fully-differentiable end-to-end visually grounded learning. Additionally, this enables us to complement the image-text alignment loss with a language modeling objective. On the MSCOCO test captions, our model establishes a new state of the art, outperforming its non-grounded version and, thus, confirming the effectiveness of visual groundings in constituency grammar induction. It also substantially outperforms the previous grounded model, with largest improvements on more `abstract' categories (e.g., +55.1% recall on VPs).Comment: Accepted to EMNLP 2020. Our code is available at https://github.com/zhaoyanpeng/vpcf

    Unsupervised learning of probabilistic grammars

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    Probabilistic grammars define joint probability distributions over sentences and their grammatical structures. They have been used in many areas, such as natural language processing, bioinformatics and pattern recognition, mainly for the purpose of deriving grammatical structures from data (sentences). Unsupervised approaches to learning probabilistic grammars induce a grammar from unannotated sentences, which eliminates the need for manual annotation of grammatical structures that can be laborious and error-prone. In this thesis we study unsupervised learning of probabilistic context-free grammars and probabilistic dependency grammars, both of which are expressive enough for many real-world languages but remain tractable in inference. We investigate three different approaches. The first approach is a structure search approach for learning probabilistic context-free grammars. It acquires rules of an unknown probabilistic context-free grammar through iterative coherent biclustering of the bigrams in the training corpus. A greedy procedure is used in our approach to add rules from biclusters such that each set of rules being added into the grammar results in the largest increase in the posterior of the grammar given the training corpus. Our experiments on several benchmark datasets show that this approach is competitive with existing methods for unsupervised learning of context-free grammars. The second approach is a parameter learning approach for learning natural language grammars based on the idea of unambiguity regularization. We make the observation that natural language is remarkably unambiguous in the sense that each natural language sentence has a large number of possible parses but only a few of the parses are syntactically valid. We incorporate this prior information into parameter learning by means of posterior regularization. The resulting algorithm family contains classic EM and Viterbi EM, as well as a novel softmax-EM algorithm that can be implemented with a simple and efficient extension to classic EM. Our experiments show that unambiguity regularization improves natural language grammar learning, and when combined with other techniques our approach achieves the state-of-the-art grammar learning results. The third approach is grammar learning with a curriculum. A curriculum is a means of presenting training samples in a meaningful order. We introduce the incremental construction hypothesis that explains the benefits of a curriculum in learning grammars and offers some useful insights into the design of curricula as well as learning algorithms. We present results of experiments with (a) carefully crafted synthetic data that provide support for our hypothesis and (b) natural language corpus that demonstrate the utility of curricula in unsupervised learning of real-world probabilistic grammars