87 research outputs found

    Visuo-Haptic Grasping of Unknown Objects through Exploration and Learning on Humanoid Robots

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Greifen unbekannter Objekte durch humanoide Roboter. Dazu werden visuelle Informationen mit haptischer Exploration kombiniert, um Greifhypothesen zu erzeugen. Basierend auf simulierten Trainingsdaten wird außerdem eine Greifmetrik gelernt, welche die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit der Greifhypothesen bewertet und die mit der größten geschätzten Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit auswählt. Diese wird verwendet, um Objekte mit Hilfe einer reaktiven Kontrollstrategie zu greifen. Die zwei Kernbeiträge der Arbeit sind zum einen die haptische Exploration von unbekannten Objekten und zum anderen das Greifen von unbekannten Objekten mit Hilfe einer neuartigen datengetriebenen Greifmetrik

    Simultaneous Tactile Exploration and Grasp Refinement for Unknown Objects

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    This paper addresses the problem of simultaneously exploring an unknown object to model its shape, using tactile sensors on robotic fingers, while also improving finger placement to optimise grasp stability. In many situations, a robot will have only a partial camera view of the near side of an observed object, for which the far side remains occluded. We show how an initial grasp attempt, based on an initial guess of the overall object shape, yields tactile glances of the far side of the object which enable the shape estimate and consequently the successive grasps to be improved. We propose a grasp exploration approach using a probabilistic representation of shape, based on Gaussian Process Implicit Surfaces. This representation enables initial partial vision data to be augmented with additional data from successive tactile glances. This is combined with a probabilistic estimate of grasp quality to refine grasp configurations. When choosing the next set of finger placements, a bi-objective optimisation method is used to mutually maximise grasp quality and improve shape representation during successive grasp attempts. Experimental results show that the proposed approach yields stable grasp configurations more efficiently than a baseline method, while also yielding improved shape estimate of the grasped object.Comment: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Preprint Version. Accepted February, 202

    3D Shape Perception from Monocular Vision, Touch, and Shape Priors

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    Perceiving accurate 3D object shape is important for robots to interact with the physical world. Current research along this direction has been primarily relying on visual observations. Vision, however useful, has inherent limitations due to occlusions and the 2D-3D ambiguities, especially for perception with a monocular camera. In contrast, touch gets precise local shape information, though its efficiency for reconstructing the entire shape could be low. In this paper, we propose a novel paradigm that efficiently perceives accurate 3D object shape by incorporating visual and tactile observations, as well as prior knowledge of common object shapes learned from large-scale shape repositories. We use vision first, applying neural networks with learned shape priors to predict an object's 3D shape from a single-view color image. We then use tactile sensing to refine the shape; the robot actively touches the object regions where the visual prediction has high uncertainty. Our method efficiently builds the 3D shape of common objects from a color image and a small number of tactile explorations (around 10). Our setup is easy to apply and has potentials to help robots better perform grasping or manipulation tasks on real-world objects.Comment: IROS 2018. The first two authors contributed equally to this wor

    In-Hand Manipulation of Unknown Objects with Tactile Sensing for Insertion

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    In this paper, we present a method to manipulate unknown objects in-hand using tactile sensing without relying on a known object model. In many cases, vision-only approaches may not be feasible; for example, due to occlusion in cluttered spaces. We address this limitation by introducing a method to reorient unknown objects using tactile sensing. It incrementally builds a probabilistic estimate of the object shape and pose during task-driven manipulation. Our approach uses Bayesian optimization to balance exploration of the global object shape with efficient task completion. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we apply it to a simulated Tactile-Enabled Roller Grasper, a gripper that rolls objects in hand while collecting tactile data. We evaluate our method on an insertion task with randomly generated objects and find that it reliably reorients objects while significantly reducing the exploration time

    Touch if it's Transparent! ACTOR: Active Tactile-Based Category-Level Transparent Object Reconstruction

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    Accurate shape reconstruction of transparent ob-jects is a challenging task due to their non-Lambertian surfaces and yet necessary for robots for accurate pose perception and safe manipulation. As vision-based sensing can produce erroneous measurements for transparent objects, the tactile modality is not sensitive to object transparency and can be used for reconstructing the object's shape. We propose AC-TOR, a novel framework for ACtive tactile-based category-level Transparent Object Reconstruction. ACTOR leverages large datasets of synthetic object with our proposed self-supervised learning approach for object shape reconstruction as the collection of real-world tactile data is prohibitively expensive. ACTOR can be used during inference with tactile data from category-level unknown transparent objects for reconstruction. Furthermore, we propose an active-tactile object exploration strategy as probing every part of the object surface can be sample inefficient. We also demonstrate tactile-based category-level object pose estimation task using ACTOR. We perform an extensive evaluation of our proposed methodology with real-world robotic experiments with comprehensive comparison studies with state-of-the-art approaches. Our proposed method outperforms these approaches in terms of tactile-based object reconstruction and object pose estimation

    Robotic Haptic Exploration of Shape and Symmetry

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    This thesis presents research on the use of symmetric models during haptic exploration procedures that have the objective of determining an object’s shape. These haptic exploration techniques, and their subsequent determination of a surface’s geometric properties, are crucial to allow robots to interact with a greater variety of objects, especially as the field of robotics transitions into unstructured environments. Symmetry is an extremely frequent shape property, especially in man-made objects, and it provides shape information that becomes useful in grasping and manipulation tasks, as well as enriching shape information for the aforementioned haptic exploration tasks. In this work, we present an improvement to Gaussian Process-driven exploration tasks. This method allows to describe symmetry to obtain a more precise shape estimation during active exploration, and can even be discovered in real time during the exploration procedure itself. This work involved the creation of a custom software resource to perform Gaussian Process regression with the addition of symmetries, and include a novel method of representing rotational symmetries. These novel models were then used in shape exploration procedures of 2D and 3D surfaces, both in a simulated environment and in an actual robotic task, using a series of custom-made contact sensors. These procedures are able to discover symmetry of each particular object in real time. This property can also be exploited, resulting in shape estimations that have a lower surface error and uncertainty. Additionally, exploration experiments that use these symmetry-finding procedures also require a lower total number of physical contacts and take less time to finish

    Tactile Perception And Visuotactile Integration For Robotic Exploration

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    As the close perceptual sibling of vision, the sense of touch has historically received less than deserved attention in both human psychology and robotics. In robotics, this may be attributed to at least two reasons. First, it suffers from the vicious cycle of immature sensor technology, which causes industry demand to be low, and then there is even less incentive to make existing sensors in research labs easy to manufacture and marketable. Second, the situation stems from a fear of making contact with the environment, avoided in every way so that visually perceived states do not change before a carefully estimated and ballistically executed physical interaction. Fortunately, the latter viewpoint is starting to change. Work in interactive perception and contact-rich manipulation are on the rise. Good reasons are steering the manipulation and locomotion communities’ attention towards deliberate physical interaction with the environment prior to, during, and after a task. We approach the problem of perception prior to manipulation, using the sense of touch, for the purpose of understanding the surroundings of an autonomous robot. The overwhelming majority of work in perception for manipulation is based on vision. While vision is a fast and global modality, it is insufficient as the sole modality, especially in environments where the ambient light or the objects therein do not lend themselves to vision, such as in darkness, smoky or dusty rooms in search and rescue, underwater, transparent and reflective objects, and retrieving items inside a bag. Even in normal lighting conditions, during a manipulation task, the target object and fingers are usually occluded from view by the gripper. Moreover, vision-based grasp planners, typically trained in simulation, often make errors that cannot be foreseen until contact. As a step towards addressing these problems, we present first a global shape-based feature descriptor for object recognition using non-prehensile tactile probing alone. Then, we investigate in making the tactile modality, local and slow by nature, more efficient for the task by predicting the most cost-effective moves using active exploration. To combine the local and physical advantages of touch and the fast and global advantages of vision, we propose and evaluate a learning-based method for visuotactile integration for grasping

    Deep Learning Approaches to Grasp Synthesis: A Review

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    Grasping is the process of picking up an object by applying forces and torques at a set of contacts. Recent advances in deep learning methods have allowed rapid progress in robotic object grasping. In this systematic review, we surveyed the publications over the last decade, with a particular interest in grasping an object using all six degrees of freedom of the end-effector pose. Our review found four common methodologies for robotic grasping: sampling-based approaches, direct regression, reinforcement learning, and exemplar approaches In addition, we found two “supporting methods” around grasping that use deep learning to support the grasping process, shape approximation, and affordances. We have distilled the publications found in this systematic review (85 papers) into ten key takeaways we consider crucial for future robotic grasping and manipulation research

    Sense, Think, Grasp: A study on visual and tactile information processing for autonomous manipulation

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    Interacting with the environment using hands is one of the distinctive abilities of humans with respect to other species. This aptitude reflects on the crucial role played by objects\u2019 manipulation in the world that we have shaped for us. With a view of bringing robots outside industries for supporting people during everyday life, the ability of manipulating objects autonomously and in unstructured environments is therefore one of the basic skills they need. Autonomous manipulation is characterized by great complexity especially regarding the processing of sensors information to perceive the surrounding environment. Humans rely on vision for wideranging tridimensional information, prioprioception for the awareness of the relative position of their own body in the space and the sense of touch for local information when physical interaction with objects happens. The study of autonomous manipulation in robotics aims at transferring similar perceptive skills to robots so that, combined with state of the art control techniques, they could be able to achieve similar performance in manipulating objects. The great complexity of this task makes autonomous manipulation one of the open problems in robotics that has been drawing increasingly the research attention in the latest years. In this work of Thesis, we propose possible solutions to some key components of autonomous manipulation, focusing in particular on the perception problem and testing the developed approaches on the humanoid robotic platform iCub. When available, vision is the first source of information to be processed for inferring how to interact with objects. The object modeling and grasping pipeline based on superquadric functions we designed meets this need, since it reconstructs the object 3D model from partial point cloud and computes a suitable hand pose for grasping the object. Retrieving objects information with touch sensors only is a relevant skill that becomes crucial when vision is occluded, as happens for instance during physical interaction with the object. We addressed this problem with the design of a novel tactile localization algorithm, named Memory Unscented Particle Filter, capable of localizing and recognizing objects relying solely on 3D contact points collected on the object surface. Another key point of autonomous manipulation we report on in this Thesis work is bi-manual coordination. The execution of more advanced manipulation tasks in fact might require the use and coordination of two arms. Tool usage for instance often requires a proper in-hand object pose that can be obtained via dual-arm re-grasping. In pick-and-place tasks sometimes the initial and target position of the object do not belong to the same arm workspace, then requiring to use one hand for lifting the object and the other for locating it in the new position. At this regard, we implemented a pipeline for executing the handover task, i.e. the sequences of actions for autonomously passing an object from one robot hand on to the other. The contributions described thus far address specific subproblems of the more complex task of autonomous manipulation. This actually differs from what humans do, in that humans develop their manipulation skills by learning through experience and trial-and-error strategy. Aproper mathematical formulation for encoding this learning approach is given by Deep Reinforcement Learning, that has recently proved to be successful in many robotics applications. For this reason, in this Thesis we report also on the six month experience carried out at Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research laboratory with the goal of studying Deep Reinforcement Learning and its application to autonomous manipulation
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