5 research outputs found

    Visualizing test diversity to support test optimisation

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    Diversity has been used as an effective criteria to optimise test suites for cost-effective testing. Particularly, diversity-based (alternatively referred to as similarity-based) techniques have the benefit of being generic and applicable across different Systems Under Test (SUT), and have been used to automatically select or prioritise large sets of test cases. However, it is a challenge to feedback diversity information to developers and testers since results are typically many-dimensional. Furthermore, the generality of diversity-based approaches makes it harder to choose when and where to apply them. In this paper we address these challenges by investigating: i) what are the trade-off in using different sources of diversity (e.g., diversity of test requirements or test scripts) to optimise large test suites, and ii) how visualisation of test diversity data can assist testers for test optimisation and improvement. We perform a case study on three industrial projects and present quantitative results on the fault detection capabilities and redundancy levels of different sets of test cases. Our key result is that test similarity maps, based on pair-wise diversity calculations, helped industrial practitioners identify issues with their test repositories and decide on actions to improve. We conclude that the visualisation of diversity information can assist testers in their maintenance and optimisation activities

    Generating Diverse Test Suites for Gson Through Adaptive Fitness Function Selection

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    Many fitness functions - such as those targeting test suite diversity—do not yield sufficient feedback to drive test generation. We propose that diversity can instead be improved through\ua0adaptive fitness function selection\ua0(AFFS), an approach that varies the fitness functions used throughout the generation process in order to strategically increase diversity. We have evaluated our AFFS framework, EvoSuiteFIT, on a set of 18 real faults from Gson, a JSON (de)serialization library. Ultimately, we find that AFFS creates test suites that are more diverse than those created using static fitness functions. We also observe that increased diversity may lead to small improvements in the likelihood of fault detection

    Boundary Value Exploration for Software Analysis

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    For software to be reliable and resilient, it is widely accepted that tests must be created and maintained alongside the software itself. One safeguard from vulnerabilities and failures in code is to ensure correct behavior on the boundaries between sub-domains of the input space. So-called boundary value analysis (BVA) and boundary value testing (BVT) techniques aim to exercise those boundaries and increase test effectiveness. However, the concepts of BVA and BVT themselves are not clearly defined and it is not clear how to identify relevant sub-domains, and thus the boundaries delineating them, given a specification. This has limited adoption and hindered automation. We clarify BVA and BVT and introduce Boundary Value Exploration (BVE) to describe techniques that support them by helping to detect and identify boundary inputs. Additionally, we propose two concrete BVE techniques based on information-theoretic distance functions: (i) an algorithm for boundary detection and (ii) the usage of software visualization to explore the behavior of the software under test and identify its boundary behavior. As an initial evaluation, we apply these techniques on a much used and well-tested date handling library. Our results reveal questionable behavior at boundaries highlighted by our techniques. In conclusion, we argue that the boundary value exploration that our techniques enable is a step towards automated boundary value analysis and testing which can foster their wider use and improve test effectiveness and efficiency

    Mapping a Landscape of Developer Assisting Software Bots

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    Bots in software development have gained traction in research and in practice. However, there is no consensus on what properties and characteristics that define a bot. The term is used to describe a plethora of different tools with different usages, benefits and challenges. In this thesis we focus on bots for software developments (DevBots) with the goal to aid researchers in future studies involving DevBots. We aim to assist with the scoping and planning of such studies regarding what tools and related work to include or exclude from them. We do so by synthesising the different definitions of DevBots, combining views from literature and practitioners.To achieve this goal, quantitative and qualitative research methods are used including literature review and semi-structured interviews. We have created a faceted taxonomy for DevBots which categorises DevBots by their most prominent properties. In addition we investigated what delineated DevBots from plain old development tools. Our analysis shows that achieving one single definition is not possible. Instead we identify and name three personas, i.e., practitioner archetypes with different expectations and motivations. The chat bot persona (Charlie) mostly sees DevBots as information integration tools with a natural language interface, while for the autonomous bot persona (Alex) a DevBot is a tool that autonomously handles repetitive tasks. Lastly, for the smart bot persona (Sam), the defining feature of bots is its degree of ``smartness\u27\u27.We have identified a process in the form of a flowchart, which researchers can use to test whether their tool is considered a DevBot by any of our personas. We have concluded that this definition is not congruent with contemporary definitions as only 10 of 54 investigated tools from a large dataset were considered DevBots by our process. Finally we have shown how the definitions and process can be used in practice by using them in the scoping and planning phase of two recently conducted studies

    Visualizing test diversity to support test optimisation

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    Diversity has been used as an effective criteria to optimise test suites for cost-effective testing. Particularly, diversity-based (alternatively referred to as similarity-based) techniques have the benefit of being generic and applicable across different Systems Under Test (SUT), and have been used to automatically select or prioritise large sets of test cases. However, it is a challenge to feedback diversity information to developers and testers since results are typically many-dimensional. Furthermore, the generality of diversity-based approaches makes it harder to choose when and where to apply them. In this paper we address these challenges by investigating: i) what are the trade-off in using different sources of diversity (e.g., diversity of test requirements or test scripts) to optimise large test suites, and ii) how visualisation of test diversity data can assist testers for test optimisation and improvement. We perform a case study on three industrial projects and present quantitative results on the fault detection capabilities and redundancy levels of different sets of test cases. Our key result is that test similarity maps, based on pair-wise diversity calculations, helped industrial practitioners identify issues with their test repositories and decide on actions to improve. We conclude that the visualisation of diversity information can assist testers\ua0 in their maintenance and optimisation activities