33,584 research outputs found

    Visualizing Deep Similarity Networks

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    For convolutional neural network models that optimize an image embedding, we propose a method to highlight the regions of images that contribute most to pairwise similarity. This work is a corollary to the visualization tools developed for classification networks, but applicable to the problem domains better suited to similarity learning. The visualization shows how similarity networks that are fine-tuned learn to focus on different features. We also generalize our approach to embedding networks that use different pooling strategies and provide a simple mechanism to support image similarity searches on objects or sub-regions in the query image

    Visual Attention driven by Convolutional Features

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    The understanding of where humans look in a scene is a problem of great interest in visual perception and computer vision. When eye-tracking devices are not a viable option, models of human attention can be used to predict fixations. In this paper we give two contribution. First, we show a model of visual attention that is simply based on deep convolutional neural networks trained for object classification tasks. A method for visualizing saliency maps is defined which is evaluated in a saliency prediction task. Second, we integrate the information of these maps with a bottom-up differential model of eye-movements to simulate visual attention scanpaths. Results on saliency prediction and scores of similarity with human scanpaths demonstrate the effectiveness of this model

    Summit: Scaling Deep Learning Interpretability by Visualizing Activation and Attribution Summarizations

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    Deep learning is increasingly used in decision-making tasks. However, understanding how neural networks produce final predictions remains a fundamental challenge. Existing work on interpreting neural network predictions for images often focuses on explaining predictions for single images or neurons. As predictions are often computed from millions of weights that are optimized over millions of images, such explanations can easily miss a bigger picture. We present Summit, an interactive system that scalably and systematically summarizes and visualizes what features a deep learning model has learned and how those features interact to make predictions. Summit introduces two new scalable summarization techniques: (1) activation aggregation discovers important neurons, and (2) neuron-influence aggregation identifies relationships among such neurons. Summit combines these techniques to create the novel attribution graph that reveals and summarizes crucial neuron associations and substructures that contribute to a model's outcomes. Summit scales to large data, such as the ImageNet dataset with 1.2M images, and leverages neural network feature visualization and dataset examples to help users distill large, complex neural network models into compact, interactive visualizations. We present neural network exploration scenarios where Summit helps us discover multiple surprising insights into a prevalent, large-scale image classifier's learned representations and informs future neural network architecture design. The Summit visualization runs in modern web browsers and is open-sourced.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2020, and presented at IEEE VAST 201

    Do Convolutional Neural Networks Learn Class Hierarchy?

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) currently achieve state-of-the-art accuracy in image classification. With a growing number of classes, the accuracy usually drops as the possibilities of confusion increase. Interestingly, the class confusion patterns follow a hierarchical structure over the classes. We present visual-analytics methods to reveal and analyze this hierarchy of similar classes in relation with CNN-internal data. We found that this hierarchy not only dictates the confusion patterns between the classes, it furthermore dictates the learning behavior of CNNs. In particular, the early layers in these networks develop feature detectors that can separate high-level groups of classes quite well, even after a few training epochs. In contrast, the latter layers require substantially more epochs to develop specialized feature detectors that can separate individual classes. We demonstrate how these insights are key to significant improvement in accuracy by designing hierarchy-aware CNNs that accelerate model convergence and alleviate overfitting. We further demonstrate how our methods help in identifying various quality issues in the training data.Comment: Video demo at https://vimeo.com/22826379

    Analyzing the Noise Robustness of Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to maliciously generated adversarial examples. These examples are intentionally designed by making imperceptible perturbations and often mislead a DNN into making an incorrect prediction. This phenomenon means that there is significant risk in applying DNNs to safety-critical applications, such as driverless cars. To address this issue, we present a visual analytics approach to explain the primary cause of the wrong predictions introduced by adversarial examples. The key is to analyze the datapaths of the adversarial examples and compare them with those of the normal examples. A datapath is a group of critical neurons and their connections. To this end, we formulate the datapath extraction as a subset selection problem and approximately solve it based on back-propagation. A multi-level visualization consisting of a segmented DAG (layer level), an Euler diagram (feature map level), and a heat map (neuron level), has been designed to help experts investigate datapaths from the high-level layers to the detailed neuron activations. Two case studies are conducted that demonstrate the promise of our approach in support of explaining the working mechanism of adversarial examples.Comment: IEEE VAST 201

    Synthesizing the preferred inputs for neurons in neural networks via deep generator networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art results on many pattern recognition tasks, especially vision classification problems. Understanding the inner workings of such computational brains is both fascinating basic science that is interesting in its own right - similar to why we study the human brain - and will enable researchers to further improve DNNs. One path to understanding how a neural network functions internally is to study what each of its neurons has learned to detect. One such method is called activation maximization (AM), which synthesizes an input (e.g. an image) that highly activates a neuron. Here we dramatically improve the qualitative state of the art of activation maximization by harnessing a powerful, learned prior: a deep generator network (DGN). The algorithm (1) generates qualitatively state-of-the-art synthetic images that look almost real, (2) reveals the features learned by each neuron in an interpretable way, (3) generalizes well to new datasets and somewhat well to different network architectures without requiring the prior to be relearned, and (4) can be considered as a high-quality generative method (in this case, by generating novel, creative, interesting, recognizable images).Comment: 29 pages, 35 figures, NIPS camera-read

    Representational Distance Learning for Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) provide useful models of visual representational transformations. We present a method that enables a DNN (student) to learn from the internal representational spaces of a reference model (teacher), which could be another DNN or, in the future, a biological brain. Representational spaces of the student and the teacher are characterized by representational distance matrices (RDMs). We propose representational distance learning (RDL), a stochastic gradient descent method that drives the RDMs of the student to approximate the RDMs of the teacher. We demonstrate that RDL is competitive with other transfer learning techniques for two publicly available benchmark computer vision datasets (MNIST and CIFAR-100), while allowing for architectural differences between student and teacher. By pulling the student's RDMs towards those of the teacher, RDL significantly improved visual classification performance when compared to baseline networks that did not use transfer learning. In the future, RDL may enable combined supervised training of deep neural networks using task constraints (e.g. images and category labels) and constraints from brain-activity measurements, so as to build models that replicate the internal representational spaces of biological brains

    Visual Analytics and Human Involvement in Machine Learning

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    The rapidly developing AI systems and applications still require human involvement in practically all parts of the analytics process. Human decisions are largely based on visualizations, providing data scientists details of data properties and the results of analytical procedures. Different visualizations are used in the different steps of the Machine Learning (ML) process. The decision which visualization to use depends on factors, such as the data domain, the data model and the step in the ML process. In this chapter, we describe the seven steps in the ML process and review different visualization techniques that are relevant for the different steps for different types of data, models and purposes

    Can Deep Neural Networks Match the Related Objects?: A Survey on ImageNet-trained Classification Models

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown the state-of-the-art level of performances in wide range of complicated tasks. In recent years, the studies have been actively conducted to analyze the black box characteristics of DNNs and to grasp the learning behaviours, tendency, and limitations of DNNs. In this paper, we investigate the limitation of DNNs in image classification task and verify it with the method inspired by cognitive psychology. Through analyzing the failure cases of ImageNet classification task, we hypothesize that the DNNs do not sufficiently learn to associate related classes of objects. To verify how DNNs understand the relatedness between object classes, we conducted experiments on the image database provided in cognitive psychology. We applied the ImageNet-trained DNNs to the database consisting of pairs of related and unrelated object images to compare the feature similarities and determine whether the pairs match each other. In the experiments, we observed that the DNNs show limited performance in determining relatedness between object classes. In addition, the DNNs present somewhat improved performance in discovering relatedness based on similarity, but they perform weaker in discovering relatedness based on association. Through these experiments, a novel analysis of learning behaviour of DNNs is provided and the limitation which needs to be overcome is suggested

    Multilayer bootstrap networks

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    Multilayer bootstrap network builds a gradually narrowed multilayer nonlinear network from bottom up for unsupervised nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Each layer of the network is a nonparametric density estimator. It consists of a group of k-centroids clusterings. Each clustering randomly selects data points with randomly selected features as its centroids, and learns a one-hot encoder by one-nearest-neighbor optimization. Geometrically, the nonparametric density estimator at each layer projects the input data space to a uniformly-distributed discrete feature space, where the similarity of two data points in the discrete feature space is measured by the number of the nearest centroids they share in common. The multilayer network gradually reduces the nonlinear variations of data from bottom up by building a vast number of hierarchical trees implicitly on the original data space. Theoretically, the estimation error caused by the nonparametric density estimator is proportional to the correlation between the clusterings, both of which are reduced by the randomization steps.Comment: accepted for publication by Neural Network
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