1 research outputs found

    Visualizing Algorithms for the Design and Analysis of Survivable Networks

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    We present algorithms for the drawing of survivable telecommunication networks. The visualization of telecommunication networks is a very important problem. For some specific rings in a network, we may have a high traffic. The network designers may decide to add more equipment to the nodes (sites) of these rings in order to increase the performance of the network. Therefore, one of the most important properties of the survivable telecommunication network, is that rings should be easily recognizable. Given a ring cover of survivable telecommunication networks, we provide three techniques for drawing a ring cover. We should mention that all these drawings should respect many criteria in order to preserve the readability of the drawing. As in most of the graph drawing algorithms, the area used for the drawing is very important, our proposed algorithms produce drawings that require O(n^{2}) area, where n is the number of nodes in the ring cover. These drawings are clear and easy to understand by the network designers