2 research outputs found

    Visualized Cognitive Knowledge Map Integration for P2P Networks

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    In the knowledge management field, knowledge map created under the client-server architecture has been widely used to direct the knowledge sharing process. Peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture has been practicable for file sharing, distributed computing, instant messaging, etc. by virtue of the increases of Internet bandwidth and personal computer capability. P2P architecture attracts researchers and practitioners to study knowledge sharing issues in its autonomy and self-organization characters. It calls for academic efforts to design knowledge management supporting system as that for client-server architecture may not be applicable. This study proposes a visualized cognitive knowledge map integration system to facilitate knowledge management on P2P networks. By using the SOM (Self-Organized Map)-like model, called Egocentric SOM (ESOM), the prototyping system can merge the external knowledge under a focal peer’s knowledge structure and present the cognitive knowledge map visually. In evaluating the proposed integration method, this study allocates abstracts of industrial research reports from an industrial technology research institute according to their corresponding author peers and generates individual cognitive knowledge maps. The results from the evaluation experiments reveal that ESOM is capable to retain individual peer’s knowledge structure while articulating with that of other peers in the cognitive knowledge network

    Uma proposta de um sistema especialista para resolução de problemas operacionais no segmento metal mecânico

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    Com o grande crescimento da competição industrial as empresas têm que recorrer a vários artifícios para permanecer na disputa de mercado, a inovação e o conhecimento são grandes fortalecedores se bem gerenciados. Sendo assim, este trabalho apresenta uma forma de gerenciar o conhecimento tácito das pessoas através do uso de um sistema especialista, permitindo a retenção do capital intelectual, pois este pode ser facilmente perdido quando algum funcionário especialista se ausenta temporariamente ou definitivamente de sua função dentro da empresa. Também são apresentados alguns termos e conceitos que fundamentam a Gestão do Conhecimento e a elicitação do conhecimento tácito, com o uso de ferramentas específicas, de um especialista operacional do ramo de impressão metalgráfica (litografia) de uma grande empresa fabricante de embalagens metálicas. O objetivo é inserir esses conhecimentos elicitados em um Sistema Especialista (SE) em forma de regras de produção, que indicarão a solução do problema pesquisado, permitindo assim que o conhecimento particular se torne explícito para uso de toda equipe.Due to the large industrial competitions growth, companies have to resort to several artifices for remaining in the labor market dispute, innovation and knowledge are great strengthens if they are well managed. Thus, this paper shows a way of managing people's tacit knowledge through the use of a specialist system, allowing the intellectual capital’s retention as it can be easily lost when any specialist employee is temporarily or permanently absent from his or her role in the company. Some terms and concepts that basis the knowledge management and the tacit knowledge elicitation are also showed, through the use of specific tools of an operational specialist in the field of metalgraphic printing i.e. (lithography) of a large metal packaging company. The aim is to insert this elicited knowledge in a Specialist System (SE) in shape of production rules, which will indicate the solution of the researched problem, enabling the particular knowledge to become explicit for the use of the whole staff