1,124 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic instabilities in gaseous detonations: comparison of Euler, Navier–Stokes, and large-eddy simulation

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    A large-eddy simulation is conducted to investigate the transient structure of an unstable detonation wave in two dimensions and the evolution of intrinsic hydrodynamic instabilities. The dependency of the detonation structure on the grid resolution is investigated, and the structures obtained by large-eddy simulation are compared with the predictions from solving the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations directly. The results indicate that to predict irregular detonation structures in agreement with experimental observations the vorticity generation and dissipation in small scale structures should be taken into account. Thus, large-eddy simulation with high grid resolution is required. In a low grid resolution scenario, in which numerical diffusion dominates, the structures obtained by solving the Euler or Navier–Stokes equations and large-eddy simulation are qualitatively similar. When high grid resolution is employed, the detonation structures obtained by solving the Euler or Navier–Stokes equations directly are roughly similar yet equally in disagreement with the experimental results. For high grid resolution, only the large-eddy simulation predicts detonation substructures correctly, a fact that is attributed to the increased dissipation provided by the subgrid scale model. Specific to the investigated configuration, major differences are observed in the occurrence of unreacted gas pockets in the high-resolution Euler and Navier–Stokes computations, which appear to be fully combusted when large-eddy simulation is employed

    Methodology for the numerical prediction of pollutant formation in gas turbine combustors and associated validation experiments

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    International audienceFor aircraft engine manufacturers the formation of pollutants such as NOx or soot particles is an important issue because the regulations on pollutant emissions are becoming increasingly stringent. In order to comply with these regulations, new concepts of gas turbine combustors must be developed with the help of simulation tools. In this paper we present two different strategies, proposed by ONERA and DLR respectively, to simulate soot or NOx formation in combustors. The first one is based on simple chemistry models allowing significant effort to be spent on the LES description of the flow, while the second one is based on more accurate, but also more expensive, models for soot chemistry and physics. Combustion experiments dedicated to the validation of these strategies are described next: The first one, performed at DLR, was operated at a semi-technical scale and aimed at very accurate and comprehensive information on soot formation and oxidation under well-defined experimental conditions; the second one, characterized at ONERA, was aimed at reproducing the severe conditions encountered in realistic gas turbine combustors. In the third part of the paper the results of combustion simulations are compared to those of the validation experiments. It is shown that a fine description of the physics and chemistry involved in the pollutant formation is necessary but not sufficient to obtain quantitative predictions of pollutant formation. An accurate calculation of the turbulent reactive flow interacting with pollutant formation and influencing dilution, oxidation and transport is also required: when the temperature field is correctly reproduced, as is the case of the ONERA simulation of the DLR combustor, the prediction of soot formation is quite satisfactory while difficulty in reproducing the temperature field in the TLC combustor leads to overestimations of NOx and soot concentrations.Pour les constructeurs de moteurs d’avion, la formation de polluants comme les NOx ou les particules de suies est une question importante car la réglementation sur les émissions polluantes est de plus en plus sévère. Pour respecter cette réglementation, de nouveaux concepts de foyers de turbine à gaz doivent être développés avec l’aide d’outils de simulation. Dans cet article, nous présentons deux stratégies différentes proposées par l’ONERA et le DLR pour simuler la formation des suies et des NOx dans les chambres de combustion. La première est basée sur des modèles chimiques simples permettant de faire porter l’effort de calcul sur la description LES de l’écoulement, tandis que la seconde est basée sur des modèles physico-chimiques de formation des suies plus précis mais aussi plus coûteux en temps de calcul. Des expériences de combustion conçues pour la validation de ces stratégies sont ensuite décrites : La première, réalisée au DLR, reproduit la combustion à une échelle semi-industrielle et a pour but de donner une information très précise et complète sur les mécanismes de formation des suies et leur oxydation dans des conditions expérimentales parfaitement maîtrisées ; la seconde, réalisée à l’ONERA, a pour but de reproduire de façon réaliste les conditions sévères rencontrées dans les foyers de turbine à gaz industrielles. Dans la troisième partie du papier, les résultats des simulations de combustion sont comparés à ceux des expériences de validation. Il est démontré que la description précise de la physique et de la chimie intervenant dans la formation des polluants est nécessaire mais non suffisante pour simuler correctement les quantités de polluants formés. Un calcul précis de l’écoulement turbulent réactif interagissant avec les mécanismes de formation, de dilution, d’oxydation et de transport des polluants est également nécessaire : Lorsque le champ de température est correctement reproduit comme c’est le cas pour la simulation ONERA du foyer DLR, la simulation de la formation des suies est assez satisfaisante, alors qu’une difficulté pour reproduire le champ de température dans le foyer TLC conduit à une surestimation des concentrations de NOx et de suies

    Stabilization of a supercritical hydrogen / oxygen flame behind a splitter plate

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    The numerical simulation of fluid dynamics and combustion in cryogenic rocket engines is addressed in this paper, with the intent to elucidate flame stabilization mechanisms. A model configuration is devised to allow a fully resolved simulation, both for the dynamics and the flame structure: a two-dimensional splitter plate represents the lip of an injector and the operating point is typical of a real engine. The non-reacting flow field is first scrutinized to evaluate the impact of the large density gradients between the fuel (hydrogen) and oxidizer (oxygen) streams. It is found that the turbulence generated by the splitter is very intense and strongly distorts the high-density-gradient front at both small and large scales. Under reacting conditions, the flame stabilizes right at the lip of the injector, which is a common feature of hydrogen / oxygen flames under these conditions. A particularly complex flame structure is evidenced at the anchoring point, with turbulent transport playing an important role

    Direct numerical simulation of a transitional temporal mixing layer laden with multicomponent-fuel evaporating drops using continuous thermodynamics

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    A model of a temporal three-dimensional mixing layer laden with fuel drops of a liquid containing a large number of species is derived. The fuel model is based on continuous thermodynamics, whereby the composition is statistically described through a distribution function parametrized on the species molar weight. The drop temperature is initially lower than that of the carrier gas, leading to drop heat up and evaporation. The model describing the changes in the multicomponent (MC) fuel drop composition and in the gas phase composition due to evaporation encompasses only two more conservation equations when compared with the equivalent single-component (SC) fuel formulation. Single drop results of a MC fuel having a sharply peaked distribution are shown to compare favorably with a validated SC-fuel drop simulation. Then, single drop comparisons are performed between results from MC fuel and a representative SC fuel used as a surrogate of the MC fuel. Further, two mixing layer simulations are conducted with a MC fuel and they are compared to representative SC-fuel simulations conducted elsewhere. Examination of the results shows that although the global layer characteristics are generally similar in the SC and MC situations, the MC layers display a higher momentum-thickness-based Reynolds number at transition. Vorticity analysis shows that the SC layers exhibit larger vortical activity than their MC counterpart. An examination of the drop organization at transition shows more structure and an increased drop-number density for MC simulations in regions of moderate and high strain. These results are primarily attributed to the slower evaporation of MC-fuel drops than of their SC counterpart. This slower evaporation is due to the lower volatility of the higher molar weight species, and also to condensation of already-evaporated species on drops that are transported in regions of different gas composition. The more volatile species released in the gas phase earlier during the drop lifetime reside in the lower stream while intermediary molar weight species, which egress after the drops are entrained in the mixing layer, reside in the mixing layer and form there a very heterogeneous mixture; the heavier species that evaporate later during the drop lifetime tend to reside in regions of high drop number density. This leads to a segregation of species in the gas phase based on the relative evaporation time from the drops. The ensemble-average drop temperature becomes eventually larger/smaller than the initial drop temperature in MC/SC simulations. Neither this species segregation nor the drop temperature variation with respect to the initial temperature or as a function of the mass loading can be captured by the SC-fuel simulations

    A local anisotropic adaptive algorithm for the solution of low-Mach transient combustion problems

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    A novel numerical algorithm for the simulation of transient combustion problems at low Mach and moderately high Reynolds numbers is presented. These problems are often characterized by the existence of a large disparity of length and time scales, resulting in the development of directional flow features, such as slender jets, boundary layers, mixing layers, or flame fronts. This makes local anisotropic adaptive techniques quite advantageous computationally. In this work we propose a local anisotropic refinement algorithm using, for the spatial discretization, unstructured triangular elements in a finite element framework. For the time integration, the problem is formulated in the context of semi-Lagrangian schemes, introducing the semi-Lagrange-Galerkin (SLG) technique as a better alternative to the classical semi-Lagrangian (SL) interpolation. The good performance of the numerical algorithm is illustrated by solving a canonical laminar combustion problem: the flame/vortex interaction. First, a premixed methane-air flame/vortex interaction with simplified transport and chemistry description (Test I) is considered. Results are found to be in excellent agreement with those in the literature, proving the superior performance of the SLG scheme when compared with the classical SL technique, and the advantage of using anisotropic adaptation instead of uniform meshes or isotropic mesh refinement. As a more realistic example, we then conduct simulations of non-premixed hydrogenair flame/ vortex interactions (Test II) using a more complex combustion model which involves state-of-the-art transport and chemical kinetics. In addition to the analysis of the numerical features, this second example allows us to perform a satisfactory comparison with experimental visualizations taken from the literature.This research has been partially funded by projects MTM2010-18079 and CSD2010-00011 (CONSOLIDER-INGENIO) of the Spanish "Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad". The authors would like to thank Professors A. Liñán and R. Bermejo their priceless dedication and fruitful discussions, which have tremendously helped in our understanding of the physical phenomena involved in combustion problems, and in the development of the numerical methods suitable for integrating the equations of fluid mechanics

    Statistical analysis of the velocity and scalar fields in reacting turbulent wall-jets

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    The concept of local isotropy in a chemically reacting turbulent wall-jet flow is addressed using direct numerical simulation (DNS) data. Different DNS databases with isothermal and exothermic reactions are examined. The chemical reaction and heat release effects on the turbulent velocity, passive scalar and reactive species fields are studied using their probability density functions (PDF) and higher order moments for velocities and scalar fields, as well as their gradients. With the aid of the anisotropy invariant maps for the Reynolds stress tensor the heat release effects on the anisotropy level at different wall-normal locations are evaluated and found to be most accentuated in the near-wall region. It is observed that the small-scale anisotropies are persistent both in the near-wall region and inside the jet flame. Two exothermic cases with different Damkohler number are examined and the comparison revealed that the Damkohler number effects are most dominant in the near-wall region, where the wall cooling effects are influential. In addition, with the aid of PDFs conditioned on the mixture fraction, the significance of the reactive scalar characteristics in the reaction zone is illustrated. We argue that the combined effects of strong intermittency and strong persistency of anisotropy at the small scales in the entire domain can affect mixing and ultimately the combustion characteristics of the reacting flow

    Characteristics of transitional multicomponent gaseous and drop-laden mixing layers from direct numerical simulation: Composition effects

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    Transitional states are obtained by exercising a model of multicomponent-liquid (MC-liquid) drop evaporation in a three-dimensional mixing layer at larger Reynolds numbers, Re, than in a previous study. The gas phase is followed in an Eulerian frame and the multitude of drops is described in a Lagrangian frame. Complete dynamic and thermodynamic coupling between phases is included. The liquid composition, initially specified as a single-Gamma (SG) probability distribution function (PDF) depending on the molar mass, is allowed to evolve into a linear combination of two SGPDFs, called the double-Gamma PDF (DGPDF). The compositions of liquid and vapor emanating from the drops are calculated through four moments of their PDFs, which are drop-specific and location-specific, respectively. The mixing layer is initially excited to promote the double pairing of its four initial spanwise vortices, resulting into an ultimate vortex in which small scales proliferate. Simulations are performed for four liquids of different compositions, and the effects of the initial mass loading and initial free-stream gas temperature are explored. For reference, simulations are also performed for gaseous multicomponent mixing layers for which the effect of Re is investigated in the direct-numerical-simulation–accessible regime. The results encompass examination of the global layer characteristics, flow visualizations, and homogeneous-plane statistics at transition. Comparisons are performed with previous pretransitional MC-liquid simulations and with transitional single-component (SC) liquid-drop-laden mixing layer studies. Contrasting to pretransitional MC flows, the vorticity and drop organization depend on the initial gas temperature, this being due to drop/turbulence coupling. The vapor-composition mean molar mass and standard deviation distributions strongly correlate with the initial liquid-composition PDF. Unlike in pretransitional situations, regions of large composition standard deviation no longer necessarily coincide with those of large mean molar mass. The rotational and composition characteristics are all liquid-specific and the variation among liquids is amplified with increasing free-stream gas temperature. The classical energy cascade is found to be of similar strength, but the smallest scales contain orders of magnitude less energy than SC flows, which is confirmed by the larger viscous dissipation for MC flows. The kinetic energy and dissipation are liquid-specific and the variation among liquids is amplified with increasing free-stream gas temperature. The gas composition, of which the first four moments are calculated, is shown to be close to, but distinct from, a SGPDF. Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics of gas-phase quantities show that the different observation framework may affect the perception of the flow