2 research outputs found

    Visualization and Phospholipid Identification (VaLID): Online integrated search engine capable of identifying and visualizing glycerophospholipids with given mass

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    Motivation: Establishing phospholipid identities in large lipidomic datasets is a labour-intensive process. Where genomics and proteomics capitalize on sequence-based signatures, glycerophospholipids lack easily definable molecular fingerprints. Carbon chain length, degree of unsaturation, linkage, and polar head group identity must be calculated from mass to charge (m/z) ratios under defined mass spectrometry (MS) conditions. Given increasing MS sensitivity, many m/z values are not represented in existing prediction engines. To address this need, Visualization and Phospholipid Identification is a web-based application that returns all theoretically possible phospholipids for any m/z value and MS condition. Visualization algorithms produce multiple chemical structure files for each species. Curated lipids detected by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Training Program in Neurodegenerative Lipidomics are provided as high-resolution structures

    Altered hippocampal lipid profile following acute postnatal exposure to Di(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate in rats

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    Slight changes in the abundance of certain lipid species in the brain may drastically alter normal neurodevelopment via membrane stability, cell signalling, and cell survival. Previous findings have demonstrated that postnatal exposure to di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) disrupts normal axonal and neural development in the hippocampus. The goal of the current study was to determine whether postnatal exposure to DEHP alters the lipid profile in the hippocampus during postnatal development. Systemic treatment with 10 mg/kg DEHP during postnatal development led to elevated levels of phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin in the hippocampus of female rats. There was no effect of DEHP exposure on the overall abundance of phosphatidylcholine or sphingomyelin in male rats or of lysophosphatidylcholine in male or female rats. Individual analyses of each identified lipid species revealed 10 phosphatidylcholine and six sphingomyelin lipids in DEHP-treated females and a single lysophosphatidylcholine in DEHP-treated males with a two-fold or higher increase in relative abundance. Our results are congruent with previous work that found that postnatal exposure to DEHP had a near-selective detrimental effect on hippocampal development in males but not females. Together, results suggest a neuroprotective effect of these elevated lipid species in females