1 research outputs found

    Visualization tools for Firing Correlation based on the Joint-PSTH

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    It is now commonly accepted that planning and execution of movements are based on distributed processing by neural populations in motor cortical areas. However, the time course of modifications of correlation in relation to behaviour are not evaluated systematically. From this point of view, the correlated firing from simultaneously recorded neurons subjected to repeated stimulation is in need of visualizing. Here, new visualization tools based on the normalized Joint-PSTH are introduced. These tools visualize spatio-temporal structure of correlated firing among more than three neurons in the cortex. The practical aspects of its application to Optical Imaging data are shown. KEYWORDS: Correlated Firing, Joint-PSTH ,Optical Imaging 1. Introduction In recent years, increasing numbers of studies have been performed using simultaneous recordings of the activity of multiple neurons. To investigate how neurons process information, researchers typically relate the firing rate of single neu..