24 research outputs found

    Visual-Inertial Mapping with Non-Linear Factor Recovery

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    Cameras and inertial measurement units are complementary sensors for ego-motion estimation and environment mapping. Their combination makes visual-inertial odometry (VIO) systems more accurate and robust. For globally consistent mapping, however, combining visual and inertial information is not straightforward. To estimate the motion and geometry with a set of images large baselines are required. Because of that, most systems operate on keyframes that have large time intervals between each other. Inertial data on the other hand quickly degrades with the duration of the intervals and after several seconds of integration, it typically contains only little useful information. In this paper, we propose to extract relevant information for visual-inertial mapping from visual-inertial odometry using non-linear factor recovery. We reconstruct a set of non-linear factors that make an optimal approximation of the information on the trajectory accumulated by VIO. To obtain a globally consistent map we combine these factors with loop-closing constraints using bundle adjustment. The VIO factors make the roll and pitch angles of the global map observable, and improve the robustness and the accuracy of the mapping. In experiments on a public benchmark, we demonstrate superior performance of our method over the state-of-the-art approaches

    Visual-Inertial and Leg Odometry Fusion for Dynamic Locomotion

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    Implementing dynamic locomotion behaviors on legged robots requires a high-quality state estimation module. Especially when the motion includes flight phases, state-of-the-art approaches fail to produce reliable estimation of the robot posture, in particular base height. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for combining visual-inertial odometry (VIO) with leg odometry in an extended Kalman filter (EKF) based state estimator. The VIO module uses a stereo camera and IMU to yield low-drift 3D position and yaw orientation and drift-free pitch and roll orientation of the robot base link in the inertial frame. However, these values have a considerable amount of latency due to image processing and optimization, while the rate of update is quite low which is not suitable for low-level control. To reduce the latency, we predict the VIO state estimate at the rate of the IMU measurements of the VIO sensor. The EKF module uses the base pose and linear velocity predicted by VIO, fuses them further with a second high-rate IMU and leg odometry measurements, and produces robot state estimates with a high frequency and small latency suitable for control. We integrate this lightweight estimation framework with a nonlinear model predictive controller and show successful implementation of a set of agile locomotion behaviors, including trotting and jumping at varying horizontal speeds, on a torque-controlled quadruped robot.Comment: Submitted to IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 202

    GPS-VIO Fusion with Online Rotational Calibration

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    Accurate global localization is crucial for autonomous navigation and planning. To this end, various GPS-aided Visual-Inertial Odometry (GPS-VIO) fusion algorithms are proposed in the literature. This paper presents a novel GPS-VIO system that is able to significantly benefit from the online calibration of the rotational extrinsic parameter between the GPS reference frame and the VIO reference frame. The behind reason is this parameter is observable. This paper provides novel proof through nonlinear observability analysis. We also evaluate the proposed algorithm extensively on diverse platforms, including flying UAV and driving vehicle. The experimental results support the observability analysis and show increased localization accuracy in comparison to state-of-the-art (SOTA) tightly-coupled algorithms.Comment: Accepted by ICRA 202

    BAMF-SLAM: Bundle Adjusted Multi-Fisheye Visual-Inertial SLAM Using Recurrent Field Transforms

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    In this paper, we present BAMF-SLAM, a novel multi-fisheye visual-inertial SLAM system that utilizes Bundle Adjustment (BA) and recurrent field transforms (RFT) to achieve accurate and robust state estimation in challenging scenarios. First, our system directly operates on raw fisheye images, enabling us to fully exploit the wide Field-of-View (FoV) of fisheye cameras. Second, to overcome the low-texture challenge, we explore the tightly-coupled integration of multi-camera inputs and complementary inertial measurements via a unified factor graph and jointly optimize the poses and dense depth maps. Third, for global consistency, the wide FoV of the fisheye camera allows the system to find more potential loop closures, and powered by the broad convergence basin of RFT, our system can perform very wide baseline loop closing with little overlap. Furthermore, we introduce a semi-pose-graph BA method to avoid the expensive full global BA. By combining relative pose factors with loop closure factors, the global states can be adjusted efficiently with modest memory footprint while maintaining high accuracy. Evaluations on TUM-VI, Hilti-Oxford and Newer College datasets show the superior performance of the proposed system over prior works. In the Hilti SLAM Challenge 2022, our VIO version achieves second place. In a subsequent submission, our complete system, including the global BA backend, outperforms the winning approach.Comment: Accepted to ICRA202

    MAVIS: Multi-Camera Augmented Visual-Inertial SLAM using SE2(3) Based Exact IMU Pre-integration

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    We present a novel optimization-based Visual-Inertial SLAM system designed for multiple partially overlapped camera systems, named MAVIS. Our framework fully exploits the benefits of wide field-of-view from multi-camera systems, and the metric scale measurements provided by an inertial measurement unit (IMU). We introduce an improved IMU pre-integration formulation based on the exponential function of an automorphism of SE_2(3), which can effectively enhance tracking performance under fast rotational motion and extended integration time. Furthermore, we extend conventional front-end tracking and back-end optimization module designed for monocular or stereo setup towards multi-camera systems, and introduce implementation details that contribute to the performance of our system in challenging scenarios. The practical validity of our approach is supported by our experiments on public datasets. Our MAVIS won the first place in all the vision-IMU tracks (single and multi-session SLAM) on Hilti SLAM Challenge 2023 with 1.7 times the score compared to the second place.Comment: video link: https://youtu.be/Q_jZSjhNFf

    CARLA-Loc: Synthetic SLAM Dataset with Full-stack Sensor Setup in Challenging Weather and Dynamic Environments

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    The robustness of SLAM algorithms in challenging environmental conditions is crucial for autonomous driving, but the impact of these conditions are unknown while given the difficulty of arbitrarily changing the relevant environmental parameters of the same environment in the real world. Therefore, we propose CARLA-Loc, a synthetic dataset of challenging and dynamic environments built on CARLA simulator. We integrate multiple sensors into the dataset with strict calibration, synchronization and precise timestamping. 7 maps and 42 sequences are posed in our dataset with different dynamic levels and weather conditions. Objects in both stereo images and point clouds are well-segmented with their class labels. We evaluate 5 visual-based and 4 LiDAR-based approaches on varies sequences and analyze the effect of challenging environmental factors on the localization accuracy, showing the applicability of proposed dataset for validating SLAM algorithms

    DH-PTAM: A Deep Hybrid Stereo Events-Frames Parallel Tracking And Mapping System

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    This paper presents a robust approach for a visual parallel tracking and mapping (PTAM) system that excels in challenging environments. Our proposed method combines the strengths of heterogeneous multi-modal visual sensors, including stereo event-based and frame-based sensors, in a unified reference frame through a novel spatio-temporal synchronization of stereo visual frames and stereo event streams. We employ deep learning-based feature extraction and description for estimation to enhance robustness further. We also introduce an end-to-end parallel tracking and mapping optimization layer complemented by a simple loop-closure algorithm for efficient SLAM behavior. Through comprehensive experiments on both small-scale and large-scale real-world sequences of VECtor and TUM-VIE benchmarks, our proposed method (DH-PTAM) demonstrates superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods in terms of robustness and accuracy in adverse conditions. Our implementation's research-based Python API is publicly available on GitHub for further research and development: https://github.com/AbanobSoliman/DH-PTAM.Comment: Submitted for publication in IEEE RA-