517 research outputs found

    Visual Landmark Recognition from Internet Photo Collections: A Large-Scale Evaluation

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    The task of a visual landmark recognition system is to identify photographed buildings or objects in query photos and to provide the user with relevant information on them. With their increasing coverage of the world's landmark buildings and objects, Internet photo collections are now being used as a source for building such systems in a fully automatic fashion. This process typically consists of three steps: clustering large amounts of images by the objects they depict; determining object names from user-provided tags; and building a robust, compact, and efficient recognition index. To this date, however, there is little empirical information on how well current approaches for those steps perform in a large-scale open-set mining and recognition task. Furthermore, there is little empirical information on how recognition performance varies for different types of landmark objects and where there is still potential for improvement. With this paper, we intend to fill these gaps. Using a dataset of 500k images from Paris, we analyze each component of the landmark recognition pipeline in order to answer the following questions: How many and what kinds of objects can be discovered automatically? How can we best use the resulting image clusters to recognize the object in a query? How can the object be efficiently represented in memory for recognition? How reliably can semantic information be extracted? And finally: What are the limiting factors in the resulting pipeline from query to semantics? We evaluate how different choices of methods and parameters for the individual pipeline steps affect overall system performance and examine their effects for different query categories such as buildings, paintings or sculptures

    Statistical and Dynamical Modeling of Riemannian Trajectories with Application to Human Movement Analysis

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    abstract: The data explosion in the past decade is in part due to the widespread use of rich sensors that measure various physical phenomenon -- gyroscopes that measure orientation in phones and fitness devices, the Microsoft Kinect which measures depth information, etc. A typical application requires inferring the underlying physical phenomenon from data, which is done using machine learning. A fundamental assumption in training models is that the data is Euclidean, i.e. the metric is the standard Euclidean distance governed by the L-2 norm. However in many cases this assumption is violated, when the data lies on non Euclidean spaces such as Riemannian manifolds. While the underlying geometry accounts for the non-linearity, accurate analysis of human activity also requires temporal information to be taken into account. Human movement has a natural interpretation as a trajectory on the underlying feature manifold, as it evolves smoothly in time. A commonly occurring theme in many emerging problems is the need to \emph{represent, compare, and manipulate} such trajectories in a manner that respects the geometric constraints. This dissertation is a comprehensive treatise on modeling Riemannian trajectories to understand and exploit their statistical and dynamical properties. Such properties allow us to formulate novel representations for Riemannian trajectories. For example, the physical constraints on human movement are rarely considered, which results in an unnecessarily large space of features, making search, classification and other applications more complicated. Exploiting statistical properties can help us understand the \emph{true} space of such trajectories. In applications such as stroke rehabilitation where there is a need to differentiate between very similar kinds of movement, dynamical properties can be much more effective. In this regard, we propose a generalization to the Lyapunov exponent to Riemannian manifolds and show its effectiveness for human activity analysis. The theory developed in this thesis naturally leads to several benefits in areas such as data mining, compression, dimensionality reduction, classification, and regression.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Rethinking summarization and storytelling for modern social multimedia

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    Traditional summarization initiatives have been focused on specific types of documents such as articles, reviews, videos, image feeds, or tweets, a practice which may result in pigeonholing the summarization task in the context of modern, content-rich multimedia collections. Consequently, much of the research to date has revolved around mostly toy problems in narrow domains and working on single-source media types. We argue that summarization and story generation systems need to re-focus the problem space in order to meet the information needs in the age of user-generated content in different formats and languages. Here we create a framework for flexible multimedia storytelling. Narratives, stories, and summaries carry a set of challenges in big data and dynamic multi-source media that give rise to new research in spatial-temporal representation, viewpoint generation, and explanatio

    Video Registration in Egocentric Vision under Day and Night Illumination Changes

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    With the spread of wearable devices and head mounted cameras, a wide range of application requiring precise user localization is now possible. In this paper we propose to treat the problem of obtaining the user position with respect to a known environment as a video registration problem. Video registration, i.e. the task of aligning an input video sequence to a pre-built 3D model, relies on a matching process of local keypoints extracted on the query sequence to a 3D point cloud. The overall registration performance is strictly tied to the actual quality of this 2D-3D matching, and can degrade if environmental conditions such as steep changes in lighting like the ones between day and night occur. To effectively register an egocentric video sequence under these conditions, we propose to tackle the source of the problem: the matching process. To overcome the shortcomings of standard matching techniques, we introduce a novel embedding space that allows us to obtain robust matches by jointly taking into account local descriptors, their spatial arrangement and their temporal robustness. The proposal is evaluated using unconstrained egocentric video sequences both in terms of matching quality and resulting registration performance using different 3D models of historical landmarks. The results show that the proposed method can outperform state of the art registration algorithms, in particular when dealing with the challenges of night and day sequences

    Videoscapes: Exploring Unstructured Video Collections

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    Intelligent visual media processing: when graphics meets vision

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    The computer graphics and computer vision communities have been working closely together in recent years, and a variety of algorithms and applications have been developed to analyze and manipulate the visual media around us. There are three major driving forces behind this phenomenon: i) the availability of big data from the Internet has created a demand for dealing with the ever increasing, vast amount of resources; ii) powerful processing tools, such as deep neural networks, provide e�ective ways for learning how to deal with heterogeneous visual data; iii) new data capture devices, such as the Kinect, bridge between algorithms for 2D image understanding and 3D model analysis. These driving forces have emerged only recently, and we believe that the computer graphics and computer vision communities are still in the beginning of their honeymoon phase. In this work we survey recent research on how computer vision techniques bene�t computer graphics techniques and vice versa, and cover research on analysis, manipulation, synthesis, and interaction. We also discuss existing problems and suggest possible further research directions