49 research outputs found

    Modeling relays for power system protection studies

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    Numerical relays are the result of the application of microprocessor technology in relay industry. Numerical relays have the ability to communicate with its peers, are economical and are easy to operate, adjust and repair. Modeling of digital and numerical relays is important to adjust and settle protection equipment in electrical facilities and to train protection personnel. Designing of numerical relays is employed to produce new prototypes and protection algorithms. Computer models of numerical relays for the study of protection systems are greatly enhanced when working along with an electromagnetic transient program (emtp). A literature survey has revealed that previous modeling techniques presented a lack of automation in the generation of relay models, or show high complexity in linking the numerical relay models with the power system modeled in the emtp. This thesis describes a new approach of modeling and designing of numerical relays. The proposed methodology employs a Visual C++-based program (PLSA) to obtain from the user the specifications of the relay to be designed, and to process this information to generate the FORTRAN code that represents the functional blocks of the relay. This generated code is incorporated in a PSCAD/EMTDC case using a resource called component, which facilitates the creation of user-custom models in PSCAD/EMTDC. Convenient electrical and logical signals are connected to the inputs and outputs of the PSCAD/EMTDC component. Further additions of digital relay models into the PSCAD/EMTDC case constitute the protection system model. The thesis describes a procedure for designing distance and differential relay models, but the methodology may be extended to design models of other relay elements. A number of protection system studies were performed with the structure created with the proposed methodology. Adjustment of distance and differential relays were studied. Relay performance under CT saturation and the effects of the removal of anti-aliasing analog filter were investigated. Local and remote backup distance protection of transmission lines was simulated. The adjustment of differential protection of power transformer to overcome the effects of inrush current was performed. Power transformer differential protection responses to internal and external faults were considered. Additionally, a set of tests were performed to investigate the consistency of the relay models generated with the proposed methodology. The results showed that the numerical relay models respond satisfactorily according with the expected results of the tests

    Novel Controls of Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Farms

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    Solar Farms are absolutely idle in the night and even during daytime operate below capacity in early mornings and late afternoons. Thus, the entire expensive asset of solar farms remains highly unutilized. This thesis presents novel technologies for utilization of PV solar farm inverter in nighttime for providing multiple benefits to power systems, as well as accomplishing the same objectives during the daytime from the inverter capacity left after production of real power. The new technology transforms a solar farm inverter functionally into a dynamic reactive power compensator known as STATCOM, and termed PV-STATCOM. A novel coordinated control of PV-STATCOMs is proposed for loss reduction in a distribution network. The saved energy is substantial and can be used for powering several homes annually. The second novel PV-STATCOM control involves a temporary curtailment of real power production and utilization of the available reactive power capacity to prevent the instability of a critical induction motor load. The third novel PVSTATCOM control is employed to significantly enhance the power transfer limit of a long transmission line both in the nighttime and also during daytime even when the solar farm is producing a large amount of real power. A new technique for short circuit current management is developed for a conventional PV solar farm that can potentially solve the problem due to which several solar farms have been denied connectivity in Ontario. This thesis has contributed to two patent applications and presented first time implementations of another two filed patents. A generalized PV solar system model in EMTDC/PSCAD software has been developed and validated with manufacturer\u27s datasheet. Another contribution of this thesis is the first time harmonics impact study of the largest solar farm in Canada, in the distribution utility network of Bluewater Power, in Sarnia, Ontario. This thesis makes a strong case for relaxing the present grid codes to allow solar farms to exercise these novel controls. This technology can open up new avenues for solar farms to earn revenues apart from the sale of real power. This will require appropriate agreements between the regulators, network utilities, solar farm developers and inverter manufacturers

    Efficacy of Smart PV Inverter as a Strategic Mitigator of Network Harmonic Resonance and a Suppressor of Temporary Overvoltage Phenomenon in Distribution Systems

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    The research work explores the design of Smart PV inverters in terms of modelling and investigates the efficacy of a Smart PV inverter as a strategic mitigator of network harmonic resonance phenomenon and a suppressor of Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) in distribution systems. The new application and the control strategy of Smart PV inverters can also be extended to SmartPark-Plug in Electric Vehicles as the grid becomes smarter. As the grid is becoming smarter, more challenges are encountered with the integration of PV plants in distribution systems. Smart PV inverters nowadays are equipped with specialized controllers for exchanging reactive power with the grid based on the available capacity of the inverter, after the real power generation. Although present investigators are researching on several applications of Smart PV inverters, none of the research-work in real time and in documentation have addressed the benefits of employing Smart PV inverters to mitigate network resonances. U.S based standard IEEE 519 for power quality describes the network resonance as a major contributor that has an impact on the harmonic levels. This dissertation proposes a new application for the first time in utilizing a Smart PV inverter to act as a virtual detuner in mitigating network resonance. As a part of the Smart PV inverter design, the LCL filter plays a vital role on network harmonic resonance and further has a direct impact on the stability of the controller and rest of the distribution system. Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) phenomenon is more pronounced especially during unbalanced faults like single line to ground faults (SLGF) in the presence of PV. Such an abnormal incident can damage the customer loads. IEEE 142-“Effective grounding” technique is employed to design the grounding scheme for synchronous based generators. The utilities have been trying to make a PV system comply with IEEE 142 standard as well. Several utilities are still employing the same grounding schemes even now. The attempt has resulted in diminishing the efficacy of protection schemes. Further, millions of dollars and power has been wasted by the utilities. As a result, the concept of effective grounding for PV system has become a challenge when utilities try to mitigate TOV. With an intention of economical aspects in distribution systems planning, this dissertation also proposes a new application and a novel control scheme for utilizing Smart PV/Smart Park inverters to mitigate TOV in distribution systems for the first time. In other words, this novel application can serve as an effective and supporting schema towards ineffective grounding systems. PSCAD/EMTDC has been used throughout the course of research. The idea of Smart inverters serving as a virtual detuner in mitigating network harmonic resonance and as a TOV suppressor in distribution systems has been devised based on the basic principle of VAR injection and absorption with a new control strategy respectively. This research would further serve as a pioneering approach for researchers and planning engineers working in distribution systems

    Interfacing IEC 61850-9-2 Process Bus Data to a Simulation Environment

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    IEC 61850 – Communication and networks in substations is the standard for building communication infrastructure between the different Intelligent Electronic devices (IEDs) in the substation automation system. It consists of several parts which include Specific Communication and Service Mapping for the transmission of sampled values (defined in part 9–2 of the standard). The Sampled value communication is a high speed, time critical Ethernet based communication for the transfer of data over the network. It defines the sampling rate and time synchronization requirement of the system. The main purpose of this thesis is to extract sampled value data (four voltages, four currents) from a PCAP data file captured over the network in the ‘Sundom Smart Grid’ environment and convert the data into the format needed for analysis on PSCAD simulation tool. This thesis serves as an interface between the real Smart Grid environment and the test environment in the University of Vaasa. This thesis explains fundamental concepts that relate to IEC 61850, and the Sampled Value in particular. It describes the frame structure of sampled value and a software application has been developed based on WinPcap Application Program Interface (API) to extract the data points needed and fulfill the data format requirement of the PSCAD which is adaptable for use in MATLAB.fi=OpinnĂ€ytetyö kokotekstinĂ€ PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=LĂ€rdomsprov tillgĂ€ngligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Using Reputation Based Trust to Overcome Malfunctions and Malicious Failures in Electric Power Protection Systems

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    This dissertation advocates the use of reputation-based trust in conjunction with a trust management framework based on network flow techniques to form a trust management toolkit (TMT) for the defense of future Smart Grid enabled electric power grid from both malicious and non-malicious malfunctions. Increases in energy demand have prompted the implementation of Smart Grid technologies within the power grid. Smart Grid technologies enable Internet based communication capabilities within the power grid, but also increase the grid\u27s vulnerability to cyber attacks. The benefits of TMT augmented electric power protection systems include: improved response times, added resilience to malicious and non-malicious malfunctions, and increased reliability due to the successful mitigation of detected faults. In one simulated test case, there was a 99% improvement in fault mitigation response time. Additional simulations demonstrated the TMT\u27s ability to determine which nodes were compromised and to work around the faulty devices when responding to transient instabilities. This added resilience prevents outages and minimizes equipment damage from network based attacks, which also improves system\u27s reliability. The benefits of the TMT have been demonstrated using computer simulations of dynamic power systems in the context of backup protection systems and special protection systems

    Review: Monitoring situational awareness of smart grid cyber-physical systems and critical asset identification

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are becoming more automated and aimed to be as efficient as possible by enabling integration between their operations and Information Technology (IT) resources. In combination with production automation, these systems need to identify their assets and the correlation between them; any potential threats or failures alert the relevant user/department and suggest the appropriate remediation plan. Moreover, identifying critical assets in these systems is essential. With numerous research and technologies available, assessing IT assets nowadays can be straightforward to implement. However, there is one significant issue of evaluating operational technology critical assets since they have different characteristics, and traditional solutions cannot work efficiently. This study presents the necessary background to attain the appropriate approach for monitoring critical assets in CPSs' Situational Awareness (SA). Additionally, the study presents a broad survey supported by an in-depth review of previous works in three important aspects. First, it reviews the applicability of possible techniques, tools and solutions that can be used to collect detailed information from such systems. Secondly, it covers studies that were implemented to evaluate the criticality of assets in CPSs, demonstrates requirements for critical asset identification, explores different risks and failure techniques utilised in these systems and delves into approaches to evaluate such methods in energy systems. Finally, this paper highlights and analyses SA gaps based on existing solutions, provides future directions and discusses open research issues

    Combined Wavelet-neural Clasifier For Power Distribution Systems

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    Tez (YĂŒksek Lisans) -- Ä°stanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri EnstitĂŒsĂŒ, 2002Thesis (M.Sc.) -- Ä°stanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2002Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmada, dağıtım sistemlerinde hibrid “Dalgacık-Yapay Sinir ağı (YSA) tabanlı” bir yaklaĆŸÄ±mla arıza sınıflama iƟlemi gerçeklenmiƟtir. 34.5 kV “Sağmalcılar-Maltepe” dağıtım sistemi PSCAD/EMTDC yazılımı kullanılarak arıza sınıflayıcı için gereken veri ĂŒretilmiƟtir. Tezin amacı, on farklı kısa-devre sistem arızalarını tanımlayabilecek bir sınıflayıcı tasarlamaktır. Sistemde kullanılan arıza iƟaretleri 5 kHZ lik örnekleme frekansı ile ĂŒretilmiƟtir. Farklı arıza noktaları ve farklı arıza oluƟum açılarındaki hat-akımları ve hat-toprak gerilimlerini içeren sistem arızaları ile bir veritabanı oluƟturulmuƟtur. “Çoklu-çözĂŒnĂŒrlĂŒk iƟaret ayrÄ±ĆŸtırma” tekniği kullanılarak altı-kanal akım ve gerilim örneklerinden karakteristik bigi çıkarılmÄ±ĆŸtır. PSCAD/EMTDC ile ĂŒretilen veri bu Ɵekilde bir ön islemden geçirildikten sonra YSA-tabanlı bir yapı ile sınıflama islemi gerçekleƟtirilmiƟtir. Bu yapının görevi çeƟitli sistem ve arıza koƟullarını kapsayan karmaĆŸÄ±k arıza sınıflama problemini çözebilmektir. Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmada, Kohonen’in Ă¶ÄŸrenme algoritmasını kullanan bir “Kendine-Organize harita” ile “eğitilebilen vektör kuantalama” teknikleri kullanılmÄ±ĆŸtır. Bu “dalgacık-sinir ağı” tabanlı arıza sınıflayıcı ile eğitim kĂŒmesi için % 99-100 arasında ve sınıflayıcıya daha önce hiç verilmemiƟ test kĂŒmesi ile de %85-92 arasında sınıflama oranları elde edilmiƟtir. Elde edilen baƟarım oranları literatĂŒrdeki sonuçlara yakındır. GeliƟtirilen birleƟik “dalgacık-sinir ağı” tabanlı sınıflayıcı elektrik dağıtım sistemlerindeki arızaların belirlenmesinde iyi sonuçlar vermiƟ ve iyi bir performans sağlamÄ±ĆŸtır.In this study an integrated design of fault classifier in a distribution system by using a hybrid “Wavelet- Artificial neural network (ANN) based” approach is implemented. Data for the fault classifier is produced by using PSCAD/EMTDC simulation program on 34.5 kV “Sagmalcılar-Maltepe” distribution system in Istanbul. The objective is to design a classifier capable of recognizing ten classes of three-phase system faults. The signals are generated at an equivalent sampling rate of 5 KHz per channel. A database of line currents and line-to-ground voltages is built up including system faults at different fault inception angles and fault locations. The characteristic information over six-channel of current and voltage samples is extracted by the “wavelet multi-resolution analysis” technique, which is a preprocessing unit to obtain a small size of interpretable features from the raw data. After preprocessing the raw data, an ANN-based tool was employed for classification task. The main idea in this approach is solving the complex fault (three-phase short-circuit) classification problem under various system and fault conditions. In this project, a self-organizing map, with Kohonen’s learning algorithm and type-one learning vector quantization technique is implemented into the fault classification study. The performance of the wavelet-neural fault classification scheme is found to be around “99-100%” for the training data and around “85-92%” for the test data, which the classifier has not been trained on. This result is comparable to the studied fault classifiers in the literature. Combined wavelet-neural classifier showed a promising future to identify the faults in electric distribution systemsYĂŒksek LisansM.Sc

    Multi Agent Systems for the Active Management of Electrical Distribution Networks

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    This Thesis presents an investigation on the technical impacts caused by the steady state operation of Small-Scale Embedded Generators (SSEGs) and also introduces the Small Scale Energy Zone (SSEZ) concept which aims to remove the technical barriers associated with SSEGs through intelligent coordination of large numbers of customerowned SSEGs, energy storage units and controllable loads. This approach represents a move away from the conventional passive, “fit-and-forget” philosophy under which the majority of Low Voltage (LV) distribution networks are currently operated and towards a higher degree of network operational management. The employment of a distributed management and control approach for an SSEZ, realised through the Multi Agent Systems (MAS) technology, is proposed due to the advantages that can potentially be realised in the areas of: (i) scalability and openness, (ii) reliability and resilience and (iii) communications efficiency. A FIPA-compliant MAS-based control approach is designed, developed and evaluated based on the specific SSEZ control requirements. The MAS is composed of three types of agents: direct control agents, indirect control agents and utility agents, exchanging information through the employment of a common ontology. In addition, a relational database management system is also designed and developed in order to be coupled with the developed MAS for data management purposes

    MEDOW - Multi-terminal DC Grid for Offshore Wind, Final report

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