1 research outputs found

    Visual Search and Multirobot Collaboration Based on Hierarchical Planning

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    Mobile robots are increasingly being used in the real-world due to the availability of high-fidelity sensors and sophisticated information processing algorithms. A key challenge to the widespread deployment of robots is the ability to accurately sense the environment and collaborate towards a common objective. Probabilistic sequential decision-making methods can be used to address this challenge because they encapsulate the partial observability and non-determinism of robot domains. However, such formulations soon become intractable for domains with complex state spaces that require real-time operation. Our prior work enabled a mobile robot to use hierarchical partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) to automatically tailor visual sensing and information processing to the task at hand (Zhang, Sridharan, & Li 2011). This paper introduces adaptive observation functions and policy re-weighting in a three-layered POMDP hierarchy to enable reliable and efficient visual processing in dynamic domains. In addition, each robot merges its beliefs with those communicated by teammates, to enable a team of robots to collaborate robustly. All algorithms are evaluated in simulated domains and on physical robots tasked with locating target objects in indoor environments