682 research outputs found

    Visual exploration and retrieval of XML document collections with the generic system X2

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    This article reports on the XML retrieval system X2 which has been developed at the University of Munich over the last five years. In a typical session with X2, the user first browses a structural summary of the XML database in order to select interesting elements and keywords occurring in documents. Using this intermediate result, queries combining structure and textual references are composed semiautomatically. After query evaluation, the full set of answers is presented in a visual and structured way. X2 largely exploits the structure found in documents, queries and answers to enable new interactive visualization and exploration techniques that support mixed IR and database-oriented querying, thus bridging the gap between these three views on the data to be retrieved. Another salient characteristic of X2 which distinguishes it from other visual query systems for XML is that it supports various degrees of detailedness in the presentation of answers, as well as techniques for dynamically reordering and grouping retrieved elements once the complete answer set has been computed

    Web and Semantic Web Query Languages

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    A number of techniques have been developed to facilitate powerful data retrieval on the Web and Semantic Web. Three categories of Web query languages can be distinguished, according to the format of the data they can retrieve: XML, RDF and Topic Maps. This article introduces the spectrum of languages falling into these categories and summarises their salient aspects. The languages are introduced using common sample data and query types. Key aspects of the query languages considered are stressed in a conclusion

    Workflow Provenance: from Modeling to Reporting

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    Workflow provenance is a crucial part of a workflow system as it enables data lineage analysis, error tracking, workflow monitoring, usage pattern discovery, and so on. Integrating provenance into a workflow system or modifying a workflow system to capture or analyze different provenance information is burdensome, requiring extensive development because provenance mechanisms rely heavily on the modelling, architecture, and design of the workflow system. Various tools and technologies exist for logging events in a software system. Unfortunately, logging tools and technologies are not designed for capturing and analyzing provenance information. Workflow provenance is not only about logging, but also about retrieving workflow related information from logs. In this work, we propose a taxonomy of provenance questions and guided by these questions, we created a workflow programming model 'ProvMod' with a supporting run-time library to provide automated provenance and log analysis for any workflow system. The design and provenance mechanism of ProvMod is based on recommendations from prominent research and is easy to integrate into any workflow system. ProvMod offers Neo4j graph database support to manage semi-structured heterogeneous JSON logs. The log structure is adaptable to any NoSQL technology. For each provenance question in our taxonomy, ProvMod provides the answer with data visualization using Neo4j and the ELK Stack. Besides analyzing performance from various angles, we demonstrate the ease of integration by integrating ProvMod with Apache Taverna and evaluate ProvMod usability by engaging users. Finally, we present two Software Engineering research cases (clone detection and architecture extraction) where our proposed model ProvMod and provenance questions taxonomy can be applied to discover meaningful insights

    Flexible Integration and Efficient Analysis of Multidimensional Datasets from the Web

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    If numeric data from the Web are brought together, natural scientists can compare climate measurements with estimations, financial analysts can evaluate companies based on balance sheets and daily stock market values, and citizens can explore the GDP per capita from several data sources. However, heterogeneities and size of data remain a problem. This work presents methods to query a uniform view - the Global Cube - of available datasets from the Web and builds on Linked Data query approaches

    Entity Summarisation with Limited Edge Budget on Undirected and Directed Knowledge Graphs

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    The paper concerns a novel problem of summarising entities with limited presentation budget on entity-relationship knowledge graphs and propose an efficient algorithm for solving this problem. The algorithm has been implemented in two variants: undirected and directed, together with a visualisation tool. Experimental user evaluation of the algorithm was conducted on real large semantic knowledge graphs extracted from the web. The reported results of experimental user evaluation are promising and encourage to continue the work on improving the algorithm.

    Query Evaluation with Asymmetric Web Services

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    DescribeX: A Framework for Exploring and Querying XML Web Collections

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    This thesis introduces DescribeX, a powerful framework that is capable of describing arbitrarily complex XML summaries of web collections, providing support for more efficient evaluation of XPath workloads. DescribeX permits the declarative description of document structure using all axes and language constructs in XPath, and generalizes many of the XML indexing and summarization approaches in the literature. DescribeX supports the construction of heterogeneous summaries where different document elements sharing a common structure can be declaratively defined and refined by means of path regular expressions on axes, or axis path regular expression (AxPREs). DescribeX can significantly help in the understanding of both the structure of complex, heterogeneous XML collections and the behaviour of XPath queries evaluated on them. Experimental results demonstrate the scalability of DescribeX summary refinements and stabilizations (the key enablers for tailoring summaries) with multi-gigabyte web collections. A comparative study suggests that using a DescribeX summary created from a given workload can produce query evaluation times orders of magnitude better than using existing summaries. DescribeX's light-weight approach of combining summaries with a file-at-a-time XPath processor can be a very competitive alternative, in terms of performance, to conventional fully-fledged XML query engines that provide DB-like functionality such as security, transaction processing, and native storage.Comment: PhD thesis, University of Toronto, 2008, 163 page

    Multimodal Content Delivery for Geo-services

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    This thesis describes a body of work carried out over several research projects in the area of multimodal interaction for location-based services. Research in this area has progressed from using simulated mobile environments to demonstrate the visual modality, to the ubiquitous delivery of rich media using multimodal interfaces (geo- services). To effectively deliver these services, research focused on innovative solutions to real-world problems in a number of disciplines including geo-location, mobile spatial interaction, location-based services, rich media interfaces and auditory user interfaces. My original contributions to knowledge are made in the areas of multimodal interaction underpinned by advances in geo-location technology and supported by the proliferation of mobile device technology into modern life. Accurate positioning is a known problem for location-based services, contributions in the area of mobile positioning demonstrate a hybrid positioning technology for mobile devices that uses terrestrial beacons to trilaterate position. Information overload is an active concern for location-based applications that struggle to manage large amounts of data, contributions in the area of egocentric visibility that filter data based on field-of-view demonstrate novel forms of multimodal input. One of the more pertinent characteristics of these applications is the delivery or output modality employed (auditory, visual or tactile). Further contributions in the area of multimodal content delivery are made, where multiple modalities are used to deliver information using graphical user interfaces, tactile interfaces and more notably auditory user interfaces. It is demonstrated how a combination of these interfaces can be used to synergistically deliver context sensitive rich media to users - in a responsive way - based on usage scenarios that consider the affordance of the device, the geographical position and bearing of the device and also the location of the device

    Semantic Interaction in Web-based Retrieval Systems : Adopting Semantic Web Technologies and Social Networking Paradigms for Interacting with Semi-structured Web Data

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    Existing web retrieval models for exploration and interaction with web data do not take into account semantic information, nor do they allow for new forms of interaction by employing meaningful interaction and navigation metaphors in 2D/3D. This thesis researches means for introducing a semantic dimension into the search and exploration process of web content to enable a significantly positive user experience. Therefore, an inherently dynamic view beyond single concepts and models from semantic information processing, information extraction and human-machine interaction is adopted. Essential tasks for semantic interaction such as semantic annotation, semantic mediation and semantic human-computer interaction were identified and elaborated for two general application scenarios in web retrieval: Web-based Question Answering in a knowledge-based dialogue system and semantic exploration of information spaces in 2D/3D
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