4 research outputs found

    LODeX: A tool for Visual Querying Linked Open Data

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    Formulating a query on a Linked Open Data (LOD) source is not an easy task; a technical knowledge of the query language, and, the awareness of the structure of the dataset are essential to create a query. We present a revised version of LODeX that provides the user an easy way for building queries in a fast and interactive manner. When a user decides to explore a LOD source, he/she can take advantage of the Schema Summary produced by LODeX (i.e. a synthetic view of the dataset’s structure) and he/she can pick graphical elements from it to create a visual query. The tool also supports the user in browsing the results and, eventually, in refining the query. The prototype has been evaluated on hundreds of public SPARQL endpoints (listed in Data Hub) and it is available online at http://dbgroup.unimo.it/lodex2. A survey conducted on 27 users has demonstrated that our tool can effectively support both unskilled and skilled users in exploring and querying LOD datasets

    High-level visualization over big linked data

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    The Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud is continuously expanding and the number of complex and large sources is raising. Understanding at a glance an unknown source is a critical task for LOD users but it can be facilitated by visualization or exploration tools. H-BOLD (High-level visualization over Big Open Linked Data) is a tool that allows users with no a-priori knowledge on the domain nor SPARQL skills to start navigating and exploring Big Linked Data. Users can start from a high-level visualization and then focus on an element of interest to incrementally explore the source, as well as perform a visual query on certain classes of interest. At the moment, 32 Big Linked Data (with more than 500.000 triples) exposing a SPARQL endpoint can be explored by using H-BOLD

    An Integrated Smart City Platform

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    Smart Cities aim to create a higher quality of life for their citizens, improve business services and promote tourism experience. Fostering smart city innovation at local and regional level requires a set of mature technologies to discover, integrate and harmonize multiple data sources and the exposure of eective applications for end-users (citizens, administrators, tourists...). In this context, Semantic Web technologies and Linked Open Data principles provide a means for sharing knowledge about cities as physical, economical, social, and technical systems, enabling the development of smart city services. Despite the tremendous effort these communities have done so far, there exists a lack of comprehensive and effective platforms that handle the entire process of identication, ingestion, consumption and publication of data for Smart Cities. In this paper, a complete open-source platform to boost the integration, semantic enrichment, publication and exploitation of public data to foster smart cities in local and national administrations is proposed. Starting from mature software solutions, we propose a platform to facilitate the harmonization of datasets (open and private, static and dynamic on real time) of the same domain generated by dierent authorities. The platform provides a unied dataset oriented to smart cities that can be exploited to offer services to the citizens in a uniform way, to easily release open data, and to monitor services status of the city in real time by means of a suite of web applications

    Visual Querying LOD sources with LODeX

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    The Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud has more than tripled its sources in just three years (from 295 sources in 2011 to 1014 in 2014). While the LOD data are being produced at a increasing rate, LOD tools lack in producing an high level representation of datasets and in supporting users in the exploration and querying of a source. To overcome the above problems and significantly increase the number of consumers of LOD data, we devised a new method and a tool, called LODeX, that promotes the understanding, navigation and querying of LOD sources both for experts and for beginners. It also provides a standardized and homogeneous summary of LOD sources and supports user in the creation of visual queries on previously unknown datasets. We have extensively evaluated the portability and usability of the tool. LODeX have been tested on the entire set of datasets available at Data Hub, i.e. 302 sources. In this paper, we showcase the usability evaluation of the different features of the tool (the Schema Summary representation and the visual query building) obtained on 27 users (comprising both Semantic Web experts and beginners)