20,108 research outputs found

    Clustrophile: A Tool for Visual Clustering Analysis

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    While clustering is one of the most popular methods for data mining, analysts lack adequate tools for quick, iterative clustering analysis, which is essential for hypothesis generation and data reasoning. We introduce Clustrophile, an interactive tool for iteratively computing discrete and continuous data clusters, rapidly exploring different choices of clustering parameters, and reasoning about clustering instances in relation to data dimensions. Clustrophile combines three basic visualizations -- a table of raw datasets, a scatter plot of planar projections, and a matrix diagram (heatmap) of discrete clusterings -- through interaction and intermediate visual encoding. Clustrophile also contributes two spatial interaction techniques, forward projection\textit{forward projection} and backward projection\textit{backward projection}, and a visualization method, prolines\textit{prolines}, for reasoning about two-dimensional projections obtained through dimensionality reductions.Comment: KDD IDEA'1

    A Space-Efficient Method for Navigable Ensemble Analysis and Visualization

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    Scientists increasingly rely on simulation runs of complex models in lieu of cost-prohibitive or infeasible experimentation. The data output of many controlled simulation runs, the ensemble, is used to verify correctness and quantify uncertainty. However, due to their size and complexity, ensembles are difficult to visually analyze because the working set often exceeds strict memory limitations. We present a navigable ensemble analysis tool, NEA, for interactive exploration of ensembles. NEA's pre-processing component takes advantage of the data similarity characteristics of ensembles to represent the data in a new, spatially-efficient data structure which does not require fully reconstructing the original data at visualization time. This data structure allows a fine degree of control in working set management, which enables interactive ensemble exploration while fitting within memory limitations. Scientists can also gain new insights from the data-similarity analysis in the pre-processing component.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Exploring the Human Connectome Topology in Group Studies

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    Visually comparing brain networks, or connectomes, is an essential task in the field of neuroscience. Especially relevant to the field of clinical neuroscience, group studies that examine differences between populations or changes over time within a population enable neuroscientists to reason about effective diagnoses and treatments for a range of neuropsychiatric disorders. In this paper, we specifically explore how visual analytics tools can be used to facilitate various clinical neuroscience tasks, in which observation and analysis of meaningful patterns in the connectome can support patient diagnosis and treatment. We conduct a survey of visualization tasks that enable clinical neuroscience activities, and further explore how existing connectome visualization tools support or fail to support these tasks. Based on our investigation of these tasks, we introduce a novel visualization tool, NeuroCave, to support group studies analyses. We discuss how our design decisions (the use of immersive visualization, the use of hierarchical clustering and dimensionality reduction techniques, and the choice of visual encodings) are motivated by these tasks. We evaluate NeuroCave through two use cases that illustrate the utility of interactive connectome visualization in clinical neuroscience contexts. In the first use case, we study sex differences using functional connectomes and discover hidden connectome patterns associated with well-known cognitive differences in spatial and verbal abilities. In the second use case, we show how the utility of visualizing the brain in different topological space coupled with clustering information can reveal the brain's intrinsic structure

    Visual Analytics of Image-Centric Cohort Studies in Epidemiology

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    Epidemiology characterizes the influence of causes to disease and health conditions of defined populations. Cohort studies are population-based studies involving usually large numbers of randomly selected individuals and comprising numerous attributes, ranging from self-reported interview data to results from various medical examinations, e.g., blood and urine samples. Since recently, medical imaging has been used as an additional instrument to assess risk factors and potential prognostic information. In this chapter, we discuss such studies and how the evaluation may benefit from visual analytics. Cluster analysis to define groups, reliable image analysis of organs in medical imaging data and shape space exploration to characterize anatomical shapes are among the visual analytics tools that may enable epidemiologists to fully exploit the potential of their huge and complex data. To gain acceptance, visual analytics tools need to complement more classical epidemiologic tools, primarily hypothesis-driven statistical analysis

    GPGPU Linear Complexity t-SNE Optimization

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    The t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (tSNE) algorithm has become in recent years one of the most used and insightful techniques for the exploratory data analysis of high-dimensional data. tSNE reveals clusters of high-dimensional data points at different scales while it requires only minimal tuning of its parameters. Despite these advantages, the computational complexity of the algorithm limits its application to relatively small datasets. To address this problem, several evolutions of tSNE have been developed in recent years, mainly focusing on the scalability of the similarity computations between data points. However, these contributions are insufficient to achieve interactive rates when visualizing the evolution of the tSNE embedding for large datasets. In this work, we present a novel approach to the minimization of the tSNE objective function that heavily relies on modern graphics hardware and has linear computational complexity. Our technique does not only beat the state of the art, but can even be executed on the client side in a browser. We propose to approximate the repulsion forces between data points using adaptive-resolution textures that are drawn at every iteration with WebGL. This approximation allows us to reformulate the tSNE minimization problem as a series of tensor operation that are computed with TensorFlow.js, a JavaScript library for scalable tensor computations

    Parameter clustering in Bayesian functional PCA of fMRI data

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    The extraordinary advancements in neuroscientific technology for brain recordings over the last decades have led to increasingly complex spatio-temporal datasets. To reduce oversimplifications, new models have been developed to be able to identify meaningful patterns and new insights within a highly demanding data environment. To this extent, we propose a new model called parameter clustering functional Principal Component Analysis (PCl-fPCA) that merges ideas from Functional Data Analysis and Bayesian nonparametrics to obtain a flexible and computationally feasible signal reconstruction and exploration of spatio-temporal neuroscientific data. In particular, we use a Dirichlet process Gaussian mixture model to cluster functional principal component scores within the standard Bayesian functional PCA framework. This approach captures the spatial dependence structure among smoothed time series (curves) and its interaction with the time domain without imposing a prior spatial structure on the data. Moreover, by moving the mixture from data to functional principal component scores, we obtain a more general clustering procedure, thus allowing a higher level of intricate insight and understanding of the data. We present results from a simulation study showing improvements in curve and correlation reconstruction compared with different Bayesian and frequentist fPCA models and we apply our method to functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Electroencephalogram data analyses providing a rich exploration of the spatio-temporal dependence in brain time series

    Exploration of Heterogeneous Data Using Robust Similarity

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    Heterogeneous data pose serious challenges to data analysis tasks, including exploration and visualization. Current techniques often utilize dimensionality reductions, aggregation, or conversion to numerical values to analyze heterogeneous data. However, the effectiveness of such techniques to find subtle structures such as the presence of multiple modes or detection of outliers is hindered by the challenge to find the proper subspaces or prior knowledge to reveal the structures. In this paper, we propose a generic similarity-based exploration technique that is applicable to a wide variety of datatypes and their combinations, including heterogeneous ensembles. The proposed concept of similarity has a close connection to statistical analysis and can be deployed for summarization, revealing fine structures such as the presence of multiple modes, and detection of anomalies or outliers. We then propose a visual encoding framework that enables the exploration of a heterogeneous dataset in different levels of detail and provides insightful information about both global and local structures. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed technique using various real datasets, including ensemble data.Comment: Presented at Visualization in Data Science (VDS at IEEE VIS 2017

    Sherlock: Sparse Hierarchical Embeddings for Visually-aware One-class Collaborative Filtering

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    Building successful recommender systems requires uncovering the underlying dimensions that describe the properties of items as well as users' preferences toward them. In domains like clothing recommendation, explaining users' preferences requires modeling the visual appearance of the items in question. This makes recommendation especially challenging, due to both the complexity and subtlety of people's 'visual preferences,' as well as the scale and dimensionality of the data and features involved. Ultimately, a successful model should be capable of capturing considerable variance across different categories and styles, while still modeling the commonalities explained by `global' structures in order to combat the sparsity (e.g. cold-start), variability, and scale of real-world datasets. Here, we address these challenges by building such structures to model the visual dimensions across different product categories. With a novel hierarchical embedding architecture, our method accounts for both high-level (colorfulness, darkness, etc.) and subtle (e.g. casualness) visual characteristics simultaneously.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Visual Feature Fusion and its Application to Support Unsupervised Clustering Tasks

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    On visual analytics applications, the concept of putting the user on the loop refers to the ability to replace heuristics by user knowledge on machine learning and data mining tasks. On supervised tasks, the user engagement occurs via the manipulation of the training data. However, on unsupervised tasks, the user involvement is limited to changes in the algorithm parametrization or the input data representation, also known as features. Depending on the application domain, different types of features can be extracted from the raw data. Therefore, the result of unsupervised algorithms heavily depends on the type of employed feature. Since there is no perfect feature extractor, combining different features have been explored in a process called feature fusion. The feature fusion is straightforward when the machine learning or data mining task has a cost function. However, when such a function does not exist, user support for combination needs to be provided otherwise the process is impractical. In this paper, we present a novel feature fusion approach that uses small data samples to allows users not only to effortless control the combination of different feature sets but also to interpret the attained results. The effectiveness of our approach is confirmed by a comprehensive set of qualitative and quantitative tests, opening up different possibilities of user-guided analytical scenarios not covered yet. The ability of our approach to providing real-time feedback for the feature fusion is exploited on the context of unsupervised clustering techniques, where the composed groups reflect the semantics of the feature combination.Comment: 15 pages, 21 Figure

    Bag of Visual Words and Fusion Methods for Action Recognition: Comprehensive Study and Good Practice

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    Video based action recognition is one of the important and challenging problems in computer vision research. Bag of Visual Words model (BoVW) with local features has become the most popular method and obtained the state-of-the-art performance on several realistic datasets, such as the HMDB51, UCF50, and UCF101. BoVW is a general pipeline to construct a global representation from a set of local features, which is mainly composed of five steps: (i) feature extraction, (ii) feature pre-processing, (iii) codebook generation, (iv) feature encoding, and (v) pooling and normalization. Many efforts have been made in each step independently in different scenarios and their effect on action recognition is still unknown. Meanwhile, video data exhibits different views of visual pattern, such as static appearance and motion dynamics. Multiple descriptors are usually extracted to represent these different views. Many feature fusion methods have been developed in other areas and their influence on action recognition has never been investigated before. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive study of all steps in BoVW and different fusion methods, and uncover some good practice to produce a state-of-the-art action recognition system. Specifically, we explore two kinds of local features, ten kinds of encoding methods, eight kinds of pooling and normalization strategies, and three kinds of fusion methods. We conclude that every step is crucial for contributing to the final recognition rate. Furthermore, based on our comprehensive study, we propose a simple yet effective representation, called hybrid representation, by exploring the complementarity of different BoVW frameworks and local descriptors. Using this representation, we obtain the state-of-the-art on the three challenging datasets: HMDB51 (61.1%), UCF50 (92.3%), and UCF101 (87.9%)