15,519 research outputs found

    On-line transformer condition monitoring through diagnostics and anomaly detection

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    This paper describes the end-to-end components of an on-line system for diagnostics and anomaly detection. The system provides condition monitoring capabilities for two in- service transmission transformers in the UK. These transformers are nearing the end of their design life, and it is hoped that intensive monitoring will enable them to stay in service for longer. The paper discusses the requirements on a system for interpreting data from the sensors installed on site, as well as describing the operation of specific diagnostic and anomaly detection techniques employed. The system is deployed on a substation computer, collecting and interpreting site data on-line

    Componential coding in the condition monitoring of electrical machines Part 2: application to a conventional machine and a novel machine

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    This paper (Part 2) presents the practical application of componential coding, the principles of which were described in the accompanying Part 1 paper. Four major issues are addressed, including optimization of the neural network, assessment of the anomaly detection results, development of diagnostic approaches (based on the reconstruction error) and also benchmarking of componential coding with other techniques (including waveform measures, Fourier-based signal reconstruction and principal component analysis). This is achieved by applying componential coding to the data monitored from both a conventional induction motor and from a novel transverse flux motor. The results reveal that machine condition monitoring using componential coding is not only capable of detecting and then diagnosing anomalies but it also outperforms other conventional techniques in that it is able to separate very small and localized anomalies

    SENATUS: An Approach to Joint Traffic Anomaly Detection and Root Cause Analysis

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    In this paper, we propose a novel approach, called SENATUS, for joint traffic anomaly detection and root-cause analysis. Inspired from the concept of a senate, the key idea of the proposed approach is divided into three stages: election, voting and decision. At the election stage, a small number of \nop{traffic flow sets (termed as senator flows)}senator flows are chosen\nop{, which are used} to represent approximately the total (usually huge) set of traffic flows. In the voting stage, anomaly detection is applied on the senator flows and the detected anomalies are correlated to identify the most possible anomalous time bins. Finally in the decision stage, a machine learning technique is applied to the senator flows of each anomalous time bin to find the root cause of the anomalies. We evaluate SENATUS using traffic traces collected from the Pan European network, GEANT, and compare against another approach which detects anomalies using lossless compression of traffic histograms. We show the effectiveness of SENATUS in diagnosing anomaly types: network scans and DoS/DDoS attacks

    Toward a unified PNT, Part 1: Complexity and context: Key challenges of multisensor positioning

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    The next generation of navigation and positioning systems must provide greater accuracy and reliability in a range of challenging environments to meet the needs of a variety of mission-critical applications. No single navigation technology is robust enough to meet these requirements on its own, so a multisensor solution is required. Known environmental features, such as signs, buildings, terrain height variation, and magnetic anomalies, may or may not be available for positioning. The system could be stationary, carried by a pedestrian, or on any type of land, sea, or air vehicle. Furthermore, for many applications, the environment and host behavior are subject to change. A multi-sensor solution is thus required. The expert knowledge problem is compounded by the fact that different modules in an integrated navigation system are often supplied by different organizations, who may be reluctant to share necessary design information if this is considered to be intellectual property that must be protected

    Sonification of Network Traffic Flow for Monitoring and Situational Awareness

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    Maintaining situational awareness of what is happening within a network is challenging, not least because the behaviour happens within computers and communications networks, but also because data traffic speeds and volumes are beyond human ability to process. Visualisation is widely used to present information about the dynamics of network traffic dynamics. Although it provides operators with an overall view and specific information about particular traffic or attacks on the network, it often fails to represent the events in an understandable way. Visualisations require visual attention and so are not well suited to continuous monitoring scenarios in which network administrators must carry out other tasks. Situational awareness is critical and essential for decision-making in the domain of computer network monitoring where it is vital to be able to identify and recognize network environment behaviours.Here we present SoNSTAR (Sonification of Networks for SiTuational AwaReness), a real-time sonification system to be used in the monitoring of computer networks to support the situational awareness of network administrators. SoNSTAR provides an auditory representation of all the TCP/IP protocol traffic within a network based on the different traffic flows between between network hosts. SoNSTAR raises situational awareness levels for computer network defence by allowing operators to achieve better understanding and performance while imposing less workload compared to visual techniques. SoNSTAR identifies the features of network traffic flows by inspecting the status flags of TCP/IP packet headers and mapping traffic events to recorded sounds to generate a soundscape representing the real-time status of the network traffic environment. Listening to the soundscape allows the administrator to recognise anomalous behaviour quickly and without having to continuously watch a computer screen.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures plus supplemental material in Github repositor

    Role based behavior analysis

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    Tese de mestrado, Segurança Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2009Nos nossos dias, o sucesso de uma empresa depende da sua agilidade e capacidade de se adaptar a condições que se alteram rapidamente. Dois requisitos para esse sucesso são trabalhadores proactivos e uma infra-estrutura ágil de Tecnologias de Informacão/Sistemas de Informação (TI/SI) que os consiga suportar. No entanto, isto nem sempre sucede. Os requisitos dos utilizadores ao nível da rede podem nao ser completamente conhecidos, o que causa atrasos nas mudanças de local e reorganizações. Além disso, se não houver um conhecimento preciso dos requisitos, a infraestrutura de TI/SI poderá ser utilizada de forma ineficiente, com excessos em algumas áreas e deficiências noutras. Finalmente, incentivar a proactividade não implica acesso completo e sem restrições, uma vez que pode deixar os sistemas vulneráveis a ameaças externas e internas. O objectivo do trabalho descrito nesta tese é desenvolver um sistema que consiga caracterizar o comportamento dos utilizadores do ponto de vista da rede. Propomos uma arquitectura de sistema modular para extrair informação de fluxos de rede etiquetados. O processo é iniciado com a criação de perfis de utilizador a partir da sua informação de fluxos de rede. Depois, perfis com características semelhantes são agrupados automaticamente, originando perfis de grupo. Finalmente, os perfis individuais são comprados com os perfis de grupo, e os que diferem significativamente são marcados como anomalias para análise detalhada posterior. Considerando esta arquitectura, propomos um modelo para descrever o comportamento de rede dos utilizadores e dos grupos. Propomos ainda métodos de visualização que permitem inspeccionar rapidamente toda a informação contida no modelo. O sistema e modelo foram avaliados utilizando um conjunto de dados reais obtidos de um operador de telecomunicações. Os resultados confirmam que os grupos projectam com precisão comportamento semelhante. Além disso, as anomalias foram as esperadas, considerando a população subjacente. Com a informação que este sistema consegue extrair dos dados em bruto, as necessidades de rede dos utilizadores podem sem supridas mais eficazmente, os utilizadores suspeitos são assinalados para posterior análise, conferindo uma vantagem competitiva a qualquer empresa que use este sistema.In our days, the success of a corporation hinges on its agility and ability to adapt to fast changing conditions. Proactive workers and an agile IT/IS infrastructure that can support them is a requirement for this success. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The user’s network requirements may not be fully understood, which slows down relocation and reorganization. Also, if there is no grasp on the real requirements, the IT/IS infrastructure may not be efficiently used, with waste in some areas and deficiencies in others. Finally, enabling proactivity does not mean full unrestricted access, since this may leave the systems vulnerable to outsider and insider threats. The purpose of the work described on this thesis is to develop a system that can characterize user network behavior. We propose a modular system architecture to extract information from tagged network flows. The system process begins by creating user profiles from their network flows’ information. Then, similar profiles are automatically grouped into clusters, creating role profiles. Finally, the individual profiles are compared against the roles, and the ones that differ significantly are flagged as anomalies for further inspection. Considering this architecture, we propose a model to describe user and role network behavior. We also propose visualization methods to quickly inspect all the information contained in the model. The system and model were evaluated using a real dataset from a large telecommunications operator. The results confirm that the roles accurately map similar behavior. The anomaly results were also expected, considering the underlying population. With the knowledge that the system can extract from the raw data, the users network needs can be better fulfilled, the anomalous users flagged for inspection, giving an edge in agility for any company that uses it

    Impact hazard protection efficiency by a small kinetic impactor

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    In this paper the ability of a small kinetic impactor spacecraft to mitigate an Earth-threatening asteroid is assessed by means of a novel measure of efficiency. This measure estimates the probability of a space system to deflect a single randomly-generated Earth-impacting object to a safe distance from the Earth. This represents a measure of efficiency that is not biased by the orbital parameters of a test-case object. A vast number of virtual Earth-impacting scenarios are investigated by homogenously distributing in orbital space a grid of 17,518 Earth impacting trajectories. The relative frequency of each trajectory is estimated by means Opik’s theory and Bottke’s near Earth objects model. A design of the entire mitigation mission is performed and the largest deflected asteroid computed for each impacting trajectory. The minimum detectable asteroid can also be estimated by an asteroid survey model. The results show that current technology would likely suffice against discovered airburst and local damage threats, whereas larger space systems would be necessary to reliably tackle impact hazard from larger threats. For example, it is shown that only 1,000 kg kinetic impactor would suffice to mitigate the impact threat of 27.1% of objects posing similar threat than that posed by Apophis