2 research outputs found

    Tethered Aerial Visual Assistance

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    In this paper, an autonomous tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is developed into a visual assistant in a marsupial co-robots team, collaborating with a tele-operated Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) for robot operations in unstructured or confined environments. These environments pose extreme challenges to the remote tele-operator due to the lack of sufficient situational awareness, mostly caused by the unstructuredness and confinement, stationary and limited field-of-view and lack of depth perception from the robot's onboard cameras. To overcome these problems, a secondary tele-operated robot is used in current practices, who acts as a visual assistant and provides external viewpoints to overcome the perceptual limitations of the primary robot's onboard sensors. However, a second tele-operated robot requires extra manpower and teamwork demand between primary and secondary operators. The manually chosen viewpoints tend to be subjective and sub-optimal. Considering these intricacies, we develop an autonomous tethered aerial visual assistant in place of the secondary tele-operated robot and operator, to reduce human robot ratio from 2:2 to 1:2. Using a fundamental viewpoint quality theory, a formal risk reasoning framework, and a newly developed tethered motion suite, our visual assistant is able to autonomously navigate to good-quality viewpoints in a risk-aware manner through unstructured or confined spaces with a tether. The developed marsupial co-robots team could improve tele-operation efficiency in nuclear operations, bomb squad, disaster robots, and other domains with novel tasks or highly occluded environments, by reducing manpower and teamwork demand, and achieving better visual assistance quality with trustworthy risk-aware motion.Comment: Submitted to special issue of "Field and Service Robotics" of the Journal of Field Robotics (JFR). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1904.0007

    Best Viewpoints for External Robots or Sensors Assisting Other Robots

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    This work creates a model of the value of different external viewpoints of a robot performing tasks. The current state of the practice is to use a teleoperated assistant robot to provide a view of a task being performed by a primary robot; however, the choice of viewpoints is ad hoc and does not always lead to improved performance. This research applies a psychomotor approach to develop a model of the relative quality of external viewpoints using Gibsonian affordances. In this approach, viewpoints for the affordances are rated based on the psychomotor behavior of human operators and clustered into manifolds of viewpoints with the equivalent value. The value of 30 viewpoints is quantified in a study with 31 expert robot operators for 4 affordances (Reachability, Passability, Manipulability, and Traversability) using a computer-based simulator of two robots. The adjacent viewpoints with similar values are clustered into ranked manifolds using agglomerative hierarchical clustering. The results show the validity of the affordance-based approach by confirming that there are manifolds of statistically significantly different viewpoint values, viewpoint values are statistically significantly dependent on the affordances, and viewpoint values are independent of a robot. Furthermore, the best manifold for each affordance provides a statistically significant improvement with a large Cohen's d effect size (1.1-2.3) in performance (improving time by 14%-59% and reducing errors by 87%-100%) and improvement in performance variation over the worst manifold. This model will enable autonomous selection of the best possible viewpoint and path planning for the assistant robot.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine System