4 research outputs found

    Understanding Information System Innovation: Moving beyond adoption and diffusion

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    The ongoing introduction of new information technology and the wide range of opportunities it provides to individuals and organizations makes information system innovation a prominent theme for practitioners and researchers. However, within IS research the focus has been predominantly on the adoption and diffusion of information technology, as opposed to the discovery and development of new ideas for how information systems can enable or drive business innovation. To address this gap, this paper conducted a literature review into business innovation (and related notions of organizational and administrative innovation) as it has been studied within the IS discipline. The contribution of this paper is that it presents ten important factors which influence organizations to be innovative with their business with information systems, which we propose are particular relevant for the conceptualization and generation of IS innovation. This review can provide guidance for decision makers of organizations that use information technology

    Exploring the Use and Adoption of Workplace Automation through Metaphors: A Discourse Dynamics Analysis

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    Organizational metaphors represent an important study area in the information systems (IS) field. In this paper, I review previous work on organizational metaphors in IS research and build on this work by proposing a discourse dynamics approach to metaphors as an alternative lens for conceptualizing and studying IS metaphors. With this approach, one can recast organizational metaphors from something that researchers commonly perceive as detached from the subjects they investigate—a view fixed in much IS thinking—to something that results from both language and the mind, that has a situational nature, and that individuals can deploy in flexible and dynamic ways. Drawing on in-depth focus group studies, I illustrate the discourse dynamics approach via analyzing metaphors that individuals made in describing workplace automation. With this study, I not only raise new questions in relation to theorizing about and analyzing organizational metaphors in IS research but also illustrate metaphors’ usefulness as a form of sense making to generate fresh insights into the implications that arise from adopting and using workplace automation that remain unnoticed if one used more conventional methods

    Monitoramento internacional da produção científica em ciência da informação. volume 1

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    256 p.Objetivo – Identifi car tendências de publicação de números temáticos (themed issue; special issue) em periódicos de ciência da informação. Concepção/ metodologia/ abordagem – Levantamento de números temáticos indexados em bases de dados internacionais de ciência da informação/ biblioteconomia, no período de 2005 / 2010, monitorados no gerenciador de dados Asksam, para eliminação de duplicatas, derivação de dados estatísticos; classifi cação dos artigos introdutórios aos números temáticos de acordo com a Information Science Taxonomy (Donald T. Hawkins e colaboradores, 2003) e decorrentes análises sobre estado da arte. Resultados – No período selecionado foram publicados 185 números temáticos, distribuídos em 11 categorias, com “Pesquisa em ciência da informação” (20%, 37 números temáticos), “Bibliotecas e serviços bibliotecários (17%, 32 números, com 12 destes sobre ensino e treinamento em biblioteconomia e ciência da informação) “Tecnologias da informação” e ”Questões sociais” (14% cada, 26 números), apresentando-se com as mais representativas do ponto de vista quantitativo. Originalidade/valor – Mapeamento das tendências de publicação de números temáticos para elaboração do segundo produto deste projeto ─, comparação dos resultados deste primeiro produto com trabalhos apresentados em congressos de ciência da informação para fi ns de proposição de números temáticos para a revista Ciência da Informação, editada pelo Ibict

    Visiting the red-light zones with Claudio

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