1 research outputs found

    How many vertex locations can be arbitrarily chosen when drawing planar graphs?

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    It is proven that every set SS of distinct points in the plane with cardinality ⌈log⁑2nβˆ’14βŒ‰\lceil \frac{\sqrt{\log_2 n}-1}{4} \rceil can be a subset of the vertices of a crossing-free straight-line drawing of any planar graph with nn vertices. It is also proven that if SS is restricted to be a one-sided convex point set, its cardinality increases to ⌈n3βŒ‰\lceil \sqrt[3]{n} \rceil. The proofs are constructive and give rise to O(n)-time drawing algorithms. As a part of our proofs, we show that every maximal planar graph contains a large induced biconnected outerplanar graphs and a large induced outerpath (an outerplanar graph whose weak dual is a path)