1,080 research outputs found

    Viscous Regularization of the Euler Equations and Entropy Principles

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    Cascades and Dissipative Anomalies in Relativistic Fluid Turbulence

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    We develop first-principles theory of relativistic fluid turbulence at high Reynolds and P\'eclet numbers. We follow an exact approach pioneered by Onsager, which we explain as a non-perturbative application of the principle of renormalization-group invariance. We obtain results very similar to those for non-relativistic turbulence, with hydrodynamic fields in the inertial-range described as distributional or "coarse-grained" solutions of the relativistic Euler equations. These solutions do not, however, satisfy the naive conservation-laws of smooth Euler solutions but are afflicted with dissipative anomalies in the balance equations of internal energy and entropy. The anomalies are shown to be possible by exactly two mechanisms, local cascade and pressure-work defect. We derive "4/5th-law"-type expressions for the anomalies, which allow us to characterize the singularities (structure-function scaling exponents) required for their non-vanishing. We also investigate the Lorentz covariance of the inertial-range fluxes, which we find is broken by our coarse-graining regularization but which is restored in the limit that the regularization is removed, similar to relativistic lattice quantum field theory. In the formal limit as speed of light goes to infinity, we recover the results of previous non-relativistic theory. In particular, anomalous heat input to relativistic internal energy coincides in that limit with anomalous dissipation of non-relativistic kinetic energy

    Structure preserving numerical methods for the ideal compressible MHD system

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    We introduce a novel structure-preserving method in order to approximate the compressible ideal Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equations. This technique addresses the MHD equations using a non-divergence formulation, where the contributions of the magnetic field to the momentum and total mechanical energy are treated as source terms. Our approach uses the Marchuk-Strang splitting technique and involves three distinct components: a compressible Euler solver, a source-system solver, and an update procedure for the total mechanical energy. The scheme allows for significant freedom on the choice of Euler's equation solver, while the magnetic field is discretized using a curl-conforming finite element space, yielding exact preservation of the involution constraints. We prove that the method preserves invariant domain properties, including positivity of density, positivity of internal energy, and the minimum principle of the specific entropy. If the scheme used to solve Euler's equation conserves total energy, then the resulting MHD scheme can be proven to preserve total energy. Similarly, if the scheme used to solve Euler's equation is entropy-stable, then the resulting MHD scheme is entropy stable as well. In our approach, the CFL condition does not depend on magnetosonic wave-speeds, but only on the usual maximum wave speed from Euler's system. To validate the effectiveness of our method, we solve a variety of ideal MHD problems, showing that the method is capable of delivering high-order accuracy in space for smooth problems, while also offering unconditional robustness in the shock hydrodynamics regime as well
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