119 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Allocation Mechanism for Network Slicing as-a-Service

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    In my thesis, I explore the design of a market mechanism to socially efficiently allocate resources for network slicing as-a-Service. Network slicing is a novel usage concept for the upcoming 5G network standard, allowing for isolated and customized virtual networks to operate upon a larger, physical 5G network. By providing network slices as-a-Service, where the users of the network slice do not own any of the underlying resources, a larger range of use cases can be catered to. My market mechanism is a novel amalgamation of existing mechanism design solutions from economics, and the nascent computer science literature into the technical aspects of network slicing and underlying network virtualization concepts. The existing literature in computer science is focused on the operative aspects of network slicing, while economics literature is incompatible with the unique problems network slicing poses as a market. In this thesis, I bring these two strands of literature together to create a functional allocation mechanism for the network slice market. I successfully create this market mechanism in my thesis, which is split into three phases. The first phase allows for bidder input into the network slices they bid for, overcoming a trade-off between market efficiency and tractability, making truthful valuation Bayes-Nash optimal. The second phase allocates resources to bidders based on a modified VCG mechanism that forms the multiple, non-identical resources of the market into packages that are based on bidder Quality of Service demands. Allocation is optimized to be socially efficient. The third phase re-allocates vacant resources of entitled network slices according to a Generalized Second-Price auction, while allowing for the return of resources to these entitled network slices without service interruption. As a whole, the mechanism is designed to optimize the allocation of resources as much as possible to those users that create the greatest value out of them, and successfully does so

    Slice allocation and pricing framework for virtualized millimeter wave cellular networks

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    Traditionally, the cellular spectrum is allocated to operators (OPs) through auctions, as ideal mechanisms to discover market prices and allocate scarce resources. Even though spectrum is indeed scarce in sub-6 GHz bands, it becomes abundant in millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands. Interestingly, in that context, it is base station (BS) density which is limiting, and thus a critical factor, due to the outage phenomena in urban environments. Facing BS scarcity is one of the main reasons to foster virtualization techniques aimed at improving utilization and lowering costs. We consider a scenario with an infrastructure provider (InP) owner of a number of BSs and a set of OPs with their users (UEs). We propose a three-phase framework to price network infrastructure slices (NISs) and allocate them to OPs and to efficiently associate UEs with those NISs. The framework stages are: 1) an initial association, 2) a distributed auction mechanism across the BSs to allocate resources to Ops, and 3) a re-association process where the OPs can optimize the NISs they are awarded. The auction incentivizes OPs to bid truthfully and the outcome yields both socially optimal NISs and Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) prices. For the re-association phase, we propose deterministic and stochastic exchange-matching algorithms and demonstrate their convergence to stable matching and stable-optimal matching, respectively.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad | Ref. TEC2016-76465-C2-2-RXunta de Galicia | Ref. GRC 2018/5

    Market Driven Multi-domain Network Service Orchestration in 5G Networks

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    The advent of a new breed of enhanced multimedia services has put network operators into a position where they must support innovative services while ensuring both end-to-end Quality of Service requirements and profitability. Recently, Network Function Virtualization (NFV) has been touted as a cost-effective underlying technology in 5G networks to efficiently provision novel services. These NFV-based services have been increasingly associated with multi-domain networks. However, several orchestration issues, linked to cross-domain interactions and emphasized by the heterogeneity of underlying technologies and administrative authorities, present an important challenge. In this paper, we tackle the cross-domain interaction issue by proposing an intelligent and profitable auction-based approach to allow inter-domains resource allocation


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    We envision that in the near future, just as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), radios and radio resources in a wireless network can also be provisioned as a service to Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), which we refer to as Radio-as-a-Service (RaaS). In this thesis, we present a novel auction-based model to enable fair pricing and fair resource allocation according to real-time needs of MVNOs for RaaS. Based on the proposed model, we study the auction mechanism design with the objective of maximizing social welfare. We present an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) based auction mechanism for obtaining optimal social welfare. To reduce time complexity, we present a polynomial-time greedy mechanism for the RaaS auction. Both methods have been formally shown to be truthful and individually rational. Meanwhile, wireless networks have become more and more advanced and complicated, which are generating a large amount of runtime system statistics. In this thesis, we also propose to leverage the emerging deep learning techniques for spatiotemporal modeling and prediction in cellular networks, based on big system data. We present a hybrid deep learning model for spatiotemporal prediction, which includes a novel autoencoder-based deep model for spatial modeling and Long Short-Term Memory units (LSTMs) for temporal modeling. The autoencoder-based model consists of a Global Stacked AutoEncoder (GSAE) and multiple Local SAEs (LSAEs), which can offer good representations for input data, reduced model size, and support for parallel and application-aware training. Mobile wireless networks have become an essential part in wireless networking with the prevalence of mobile device usage. Most mobile devices have powerful sensing capabilities. We consider a general-purpose Mobile CrowdSensing(MCS) system, which is a multi-application multi-task system that supports a large variety of sensing applications. In this thesis, we also study the quality of the recruited crowd for MCS, i.e., quality of services/data each individual mobile user and the whole crowd are potentially capable of providing. Moreover, to improve flexibility and effectiveness, we consider fine-grained MCS, in which each sensing task is divided into multiple subtasks and a mobile user may make contributions to multiple subtasks. More specifically, we first introduce mathematical models for characterizing the quality of a recruited crowd for different sensing applications. Based on these models, we present a novel auction formulation for quality-aware and fine- grained MCS, which minimizes the expected expenditure subject to the quality requirement of each subtask. Then we discuss how to achieve the optimal expected expenditure, and present a practical incentive mechanism to solve the auction problem, which is shown to have the desirable properties of truthfulness, individual rationality and computational efficiency. In a MCS system, a sensing task is dispatched to many smartphones for data collections; in the meanwhile, a smartphone undertakes many different sensing tasks that demand data from various sensors. In this thesis, we also consider the problem of scheduling different sensing tasks assigned to a smartphone with the objective of minimizing sensing energy consumption while ensuring Quality of SenSing (QoSS). First, we consider a simple case in which each sensing task only requests data from a single sensor. We formally define the corresponding problem as the Minimum Energy Single-sensor task Scheduling (MESS) problem and present a polynomial-time optimal algorithm to solve it. Furthermore, we address a more general case in which some sensing tasks request multiple sensors to re- port their measurements simultaneously. We present an Integer Linear Programming (ILP) formulation as well as two effective polynomial-time heuristic algorithms, for the corresponding Minimum Energy Multi-sensor task Scheduling (MEMS) problem. Numerical results are presented to confirm the theoretical analysis of our schemes, and to show strong performances of our solutions, compared to several baseline methods

    Iris: Deep Reinforcement Learning Driven Shared Spectrum Access Architecture for Indoor Neutral-Host Small Cells

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    We consider indoor mobile access, a vital use case for current and future mobile networks. For this key use case, we outline a vision that combines a neutral-host based shared small-cell infrastructure with a common pool of spectrum for dynamic sharing as a way forward to proliferate indoor small-cell deployments and open up the mobile operator ecosystem. Towards this vision, we focus on the challenges pertaining to managing access to shared spectrum (e.g., 3.5GHz US CBRS spectrum). We propose Iris, a practical shared spectrum access architecture for indoor neutral-host small-cells. At the core of Iris is a deep reinforcement learning based dynamic pricing mechanism that efficiently mediates access to shared spectrum for diverse operators in a way that provides incentives for operators and the neutral-host alike. We then present the Iris system architecture that embeds this dynamic pricing mechanism alongside cloud-RAN and RAN slicing design principles in a practical neutral-host design tailored for the indoor small-cell environment. Using a prototype implementation of the Iris system, we present extensive experimental evaluation results that not only offer insight into the Iris dynamic pricing process and its superiority over alternative approaches but also demonstrate its deployment feasibility